blob: 3f7f74df25dbf35720cd5f6c19644173552d5b82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "linux/ebpf.hpp"
#include <linux/bpf.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "stout/check.hpp"
#include "stout/error.hpp"
#include "stout/nothing.hpp"
#include "stout/os/close.hpp"
#include "stout/os/open.hpp"
#include "stout/try.hpp"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace ebpf {
Try<int, ErrnoError> bpf(int cmd, bpf_attr* attr, size_t size)
// We retry the system call `attempts` times on EAGAIN. The default is 5,
// as per what's done by libbpf:
int result, attempts = 5;
do {
// glibc does not expose the bpf() function, requiring us to make the
// syscall directly:
result = (int)syscall(__NR_bpf, cmd, attr, size);
} while (result == -1 && errno == EAGAIN && --attempts > 0);
if (result == -1) {
return ErrnoError();
return result;
Program::Program(bpf_prog_type _type) : type(_type) {}
void Program::append(vector<bpf_insn>&& instructions)
// Load an eBPF program into the kernel and return the file
// descriptor of the loaded program.
Try<int> load(const Program& program)
bpf_attr attribute;
std::memset(&attribute, 0, sizeof(attribute));
attribute.prog_type = program.type;
attribute.insn_cnt = program.program.size();
attribute.insns = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(;
attribute.license = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>("Apache 2.0");
Try<int, ErrnoError> fd = bpf(BPF_PROG_LOAD, &attribute, sizeof(attribute));
if (fd.isError() && fd.error().code == EACCES) {
// If bpf() fails with EACCES (a verifier error) the system call is called
// again with an additional buffer to capture the verifier error logs.
string verifier_logs(8196, '\0');
attribute.log_level = 1;
attribute.log_buf = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(&verifier_logs.front());
attribute.log_size = verifier_logs.size();
fd = bpf(BPF_PROG_LOAD, &attribute, sizeof(attribute));
CHECK_EQ(EACCES, fd.error().code)
<< "Expected BPF syscall to fail again with EACCES";
// Truncate the verifier logs based on how many bytes were written.
return Error("BPF verifier failed: " + verifier_logs);
if (fd.isError()) {
return Error("Unexpected error from BPF syscall: " + fd.error().message);
return *fd;
namespace cgroups2 {
// Attaches the eBPF program identified by the provided fd to a cgroup.
// TODO(dleamy): This currently does not replace existing programs attached
// to the cgroup, we will need to add replacement to support adding / removing
// device access dynamically.
Try<Nothing> attach(const string& cgroup, int fd)
Try<int> cgroup_fd = os::open(cgroup, O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (cgroup_fd.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to open '" + cgroup + "': " + cgroup_fd.error());
bpf_attr attr;
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
attr.attach_type = BPF_CGROUP_DEVICE;
attr.target_fd = *cgroup_fd;
attr.attach_bpf_fd = fd;
// TODO(dleamy): Replace any existing attached programs here!
// BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI allows multiple eBPF programs to be attached to a single
// cgroup and determines how the programs up and down the hierarchy will run.
// Rules (assuming all cgroups use BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI):
// 1. Programs attached to child cgroups run before programs attached
// to their parent.
// 2. Within a cgroup, programs attached earlier will run before programs
// attached later. Note that we do not want to attach multiple programs
// to a single cgroup.
// Order: oldest, ..., newest
// cgroup1: A, B
// cgroup2: C
// cgroup3: D, E
// cgroup4: F
// cgroup4 run order: F, D, E, A, B
// cgroup2 run order: C, A, B
// For full details, see:
attr.attach_flags = BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI;
Try<int, ErrnoError> result = bpf(BPF_PROG_ATTACH, &attr, sizeof(attr));
if (result.isError()) {
return Error("BPF program attach syscall failed: "
+ result.error().message);
return Nothing();
Try<Nothing> attach(const string& cgroup, const Program& program)
Try<int> program_fd = ebpf::load(program);
if (program_fd.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to load eBPF program: " + program_fd.error());
Try<Nothing> _attach = attach(cgroup, *program_fd);
if (_attach.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to attach eBPF program: " + _attach.error());
return Nothing();
Try<vector<uint32_t>> attached(const string& cgroup)
Try<int> cgroup_fd = os::open(cgroup, O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (cgroup_fd.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to open '" + cgroup + "': " + cgroup_fd.error());
// Program ids are unsigned 32-bit integers. We assume that a maximum
// of 64 programs are attached to a cgroup; there should only be 0 or 1
// but we allow for more to be safe.
const int MAX_IDS = 64;
vector<uint32_t> ids(MAX_IDS);
bpf_attr attr;
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
attr.query.target_fd = *cgroup_fd;
attr.query.attach_type = BPF_CGROUP_DEVICE;
attr.query.prog_cnt = MAX_IDS;
attr.query.prog_ids = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(;
Try<int, ErrnoError> result = bpf(BPF_PROG_QUERY, &attr, sizeof(attr));
if (result.isError()) {
return Error(
"bpf syscall to BPF_PROG_QUERY for BPF_CGROUP_DEVICE programs failed: "
+ result.error().message);
// Although `attr.query.prog_cnt` is not a pointer, the bpf() system call
// sets it to the number of program ids that were stored in the `ids` buffer.
return ids;
// Detach an eBPF program from a target (AKA path) by its attachment type
// and program id. Returns Nothing() on success or if no program is found.
Try<Nothing> detach(const string& cgroup, uint32_t program_id)
Try<int> cgroup_fd = os::open(cgroup, O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (cgroup_fd.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to open '" + cgroup + "': " + cgroup_fd.error());
bpf_attr attr;
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
attr.prog_id = program_id;
Try<int, ErrnoError> program_fd =
bpf(BPF_PROG_GET_FD_BY_ID, &attr, sizeof(attr));
if (program_fd.isError()) {
return Error("bpf syscall to BPF_PROG_GET_FD_BY_ID failed: " +
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
attr.attach_type = BPF_CGROUP_DEVICE;
attr.target_fd = *cgroup_fd;
attr.attach_bpf_fd = *program_fd;
Try<int, ErrnoError> result = bpf(BPF_PROG_DETACH, &attr, sizeof(attr));
if (result.isError()) {
return Error("bpf syscall to BPF_PROG_DETACH failed: "
+ result.error().message);
return Nothing();
} // namespace cgroups2 {
} // namespace ebpf {