blob: 7446b2b8b88df6c146f4415b06dda227ca8ce631 [file] [log] [blame]
def dockerArgs() {
def workspace_dir = pwd()
sh "mkdir -p ${workspace_dir}/.m2"
def args = ""
args = "${args} -e MESOS_TAG=${params.MESOS_TAG}"
args = "${args} -e MESOS_RELEASE=${params.MESOS_RELEASE}"
// Jenkins runs docker containers with the current user and group
// ('-u$(id -u):$(id -g)'). Here we map /etc/{passwd,group} inside the
// container so that the rpm/deb files will be created with the correct
// uid/gid.
args = "${args} -v=/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd"
args = "${args} -v=/etc/group:/etc/group"
// Jenkins maps the current working directory into the container using
// '-v=$PWD:$PWD,rw,z'. As a result the $HOME directory is also mapped as
// $HOME in the container, but without any write permissions. Thus, when
// Maven tries to use $HOME/.m2 for downloading dependencies, it fails.
// The following volume mount solves this by explicitly mounting $HOME/.m2
// inside the container.
args = "${args} -v=${workspace_dir}/.m2:$HOME/.m2:rw,z"
return args
def uploadToBintray(def pattern) {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'karya_bintray_credentials', variable: 'BINTRAY_CREDS')]) {
// Do not upload debug packages yet as they are larger than the max file
// upload size imposed by bintray for the mesos org (250 MB). Once the mesos
// repos are moved under the apache org, we'll probably be able to upload
// larger files. An alternative would be to split mesos package into smaller
// packages such as mesos-sched, mesos-modules, etc., and then have the
// mesos meta package declare a dependency on these sub packages. That way
// we can have much smaller debug files.
sh 'find . -name ' + pattern ' | ' +
'grep -v debug | ' +
'while read rpm ; do support/packaging/ $rpm; done'
parallel(centos7: {
node {
checkout scm
def img
if (params.REBUILD_DOCKER_IMAGE == "true") {
img ="mesos/packaging:centos7",
"-f support/packaging/centos/centos7.dockerfile support/packaging/centos")
} else {
img = docker.image("mesos/packaging:centos7")
img.inside(dockerArgs()) {
sh 'support/packaging/centos/'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.rpm', fingerprint: true
centos6: {
node {
checkout scm
def img
if (params.REBUILD_DOCKER_IMAGE == "true") {
img ="mesos/packaging:centos6",
"-f support/packaging/centos/centos6.dockerfile support/packaging/centos")
} else {
img = docker.image("mesos/packaging:centos6")
img.inside(dockerArgs()) {
sh 'support/packaging/centos/'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.rpm', fingerprint: true