blob: a119bb2aee24186d7d1465c18331673cb7f2bff9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <mesos/mesos.hpp>
#include <mesos/resources.hpp>
#include <mesos/values.hpp>
#include <stout/check.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/hashset.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include "common/resource_quantities.hpp"
#include "master/allocator/sorter/sorter.hpp"
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace master {
namespace allocator {
class RandomSorter : public Sorter
explicit RandomSorter(
const process::UPID& allocator,
const std::string& metricsPrefix);
~RandomSorter() override;
void initialize(
const Option<std::set<std::string>>& fairnessExcludeResourceNames)
void add(const std::string& clientPath) override;
void remove(const std::string& clientPath) override;
void activate(const std::string& clientPath) override;
void deactivate(const std::string& clientPath) override;
void updateWeight(const std::string& path, double weight) override;
void allocated(
const std::string& clientPath,
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& resources) override;
void update(
const std::string& clientPath,
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& oldAllocation,
const Resources& newAllocation) override;
void unallocated(
const std::string& clientPath,
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& resources) override;
const hashmap<SlaveID, Resources>& allocation(
const std::string& clientPath) const override;
const ResourceQuantities& allocationScalarQuantities(
const std::string& clientPath) const override;
const ResourceQuantities& allocationScalarQuantities()
const override;
hashmap<std::string, Resources> allocation(
const SlaveID& slaveId) const override;
Resources allocation(
const std::string& clientPath,
const SlaveID& slaveId) const override;
// NOTE: addSlave/removeSlave is a no-op for this sorter.
void addSlave(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const ResourceQuantities& scalarQuantities) override {};
void removeSlave(const SlaveID& slaveId) override {};
// This will perform a weighted random shuffle on each call.
// TODO(bmahler): Unlike the DRF sorter, the allocator ideally would
// not call `sort()` for every agent, but rather loop through a single
// weighted shuffle before re-shuffling..
std::vector<std::string> sort() override;
bool contains(const std::string& clientPath) const override;
size_t count() const override;
// A node in the sorter's tree.
struct Node;
// Returns the weight associated with the node. If no weight has
// been configured for the node's path, the default weight (1.0) is
// returned.
double getWeight(const Node* node) const;
// Get active internal nodes -- internal nodes that have at least
// one active leaf descendant.
hashset<Node*> activeInternalNodes() const;
// Returns the client associated with the given path. Returns
// nullptr if the path is not found or if the path identifies an
// internal node in the tree (not a client).
Node* find(const std::string& clientPath) const;
// Sorting related info are kept in memory to avoid recalculations.
struct SortInfo
SortInfo(const RandomSorter* sorter_) : dirty(true), sorter(sorter_) {}
// Returns a pair of vectors which are active clients and
// their corresponding relative weights.
std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<double>>
// A dirty bit indicates whether the info is up-to-date
// and requires recalculation.
bool dirty;
void updateRelativeWeights();
std::vector<std::string> clients;
// Relative weights of the `clients` above.
// Relative weight denotes the weight of an active leaf node relative to
// other active leaf nodes given their configured weights. The number here
// stands for the probability of a given node being shuffled to the 1st in
// all the nodes in a random shuffle. Intuitively, the sum of all relative
// weights should be one.
std::vector<double> weights;
const RandomSorter* sorter;
} sortInfo;
// Used for random number generation.
std::mt19937 generator;
// The root node in the sorter tree.
Node* root;
// To speed lookups, we keep a map from client paths to the leaf
// node associated with that client. There is an entry in this map
// for every leaf node in the client tree (except for the root when
// the tree is empty). Paths in this map do NOT contain the trailing
// "." label we use for leaf nodes.
hashmap<std::string, Node*> clients;
// Weights associated with role paths. Setting the weight for a path
// influences the sampling probability of all nodes in the subtree
// rooted at that path. This hashmap might include weights for paths
// that are not currently in the sorter tree.
hashmap<std::string, double> weights;
// Represents a node in the sorter's tree. The structure of the tree
// reflects the hierarchical relationships between the clients of the
// sorter. Some (but not all) nodes correspond to sorter clients; some
// nodes only exist to represent the structure of the sorter
// tree. Clients are always associated with leaf nodes.
// For example, if there are two sorter clients "a/b" and "c/d", the
// tree will contain five nodes: the root node, internal nodes for "a"
// and "c", and leaf nodes for the clients "a/b" and "c/d".
struct RandomSorter::Node
// Indicates whether a node is an active leaf node, an inactive leaf
// node, or an internal node. Sorter clients always correspond to
// leaf nodes, and only leaf nodes can be activated or deactivated.
// The root node is always an "internal" node.
enum Kind
Node(const std::string& _name, Kind _kind, Node* _parent)
: name(_name), kind(_kind), parent(_parent)
// Compute the node's path. Three cases:
// (1) If the root node, use the empty string
// (2) If a child of the root node, use the child's name
// (3) Otherwise, use the parent's name, "/", and the child's name.
if (parent == nullptr) {
path = "";
} else if (parent->parent == nullptr) {
path = name;
} else {
path = strings::join("/", parent->path, name);
foreach (Node* child, children) {
delete child;
// The label of the edge from this node's parent to the
// node. "Implicit" leaf nodes are always named ".".
// TODO(neilc): Consider naming implicit leaf nodes in a clearer
// way, e.g., by making `name` an Option?
std::string name;
// Complete path from root to node. This includes the trailing "."
// label for virtual leaf nodes.
std::string path;
// Cached weight of the node, access this through `getWeight()`.
// The value is cached by `getWeight()` and updated by
// `updateWeight()`. Marked mutable since the caching writes
// to this are logically const.
mutable Option<double> weight;
Kind kind;
Node* parent;
// Pointers to the child nodes. `children` is only non-empty if
// `kind` is INTERNAL_NODE.
// All inactive leaves are stored at the end of the vector; that
// is, each `children` vector consists of zero or more active leaves
// and internal nodes, followed by zero or more inactive leaves. This
// means that code that only wants to iterate over active children
// can stop when the first inactive leaf is observed.
std::vector<Node*> children;
// If this node represents a sorter client, this returns the path of
// that client. Unlike the `path` field, this does NOT include the
// trailing "." label for virtual leaf nodes.
// For example, if the sorter contains two clients "a" and "a/b",
// the tree will contain four nodes: the root node, "a", "a/."
// (virtual leaf), and "a/b". The `clientPath()` of "a/." is "a",
// because that is the name of the client associated with that
// virtual leaf node.
std::string clientPath() const
if (name == ".") {
return CHECK_NOTNULL(parent)->path;
return path;
bool isLeaf() const
if (kind == ACTIVE_LEAF || kind == INACTIVE_LEAF) {
return true;
return false;
void removeChild(const Node* child)
// Sanity check: ensure we are removing an extant node.
auto it = std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), child);
CHECK(it != children.end());
void addChild(Node* child)
// Sanity check: don't allow duplicates to be inserted.
auto it = std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), child);
CHECK(it == children.end());
// If we're inserting an inactive leaf, place it at the end of the
// `children` vector; otherwise, place it at the beginning. This
// maintains ordering invariant above.
if (child->kind == INACTIVE_LEAF) {
} else {
children.insert(children.begin(), child);
// Allocation for a node.
struct Allocation
Allocation() {}
void add(const SlaveID& slaveId, const Resources& toAdd)
// Add shared resources to the allocated quantities when the same
// resources don't already exist in the allocation.
const Resources sharedToAdd = toAdd.shared()
.filter([this, slaveId](const Resource& resource) {
return !resources[slaveId].contains(resource);
const ResourceQuantities quantitiesToAdd =
(toAdd.nonShared() + sharedToAdd).scalars());
resources[slaveId] += toAdd;
totals += quantitiesToAdd;
void subtract(const SlaveID& slaveId, const Resources& toRemove)
<< "Resources " << resources << " does not contain " << slaveId;
<< "Resources " << << " at agent " << slaveId
<< " does not contain " << toRemove;
resources[slaveId] -= toRemove;
// Remove shared resources from the allocated quantities when there
// are no instances of same resources left in the allocation.
const Resources sharedToRemove = toRemove.shared()
.filter([this, slaveId](const Resource& resource) {
return !resources[slaveId].contains(resource);
const ResourceQuantities quantitiesToRemove =
(toRemove.nonShared() + sharedToRemove).scalars());
<< totals << " does not contain " << quantitiesToRemove;
totals -= quantitiesToRemove;
if (resources[slaveId].empty()) {
void update(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& oldAllocation,
const Resources& newAllocation)
const ResourceQuantities oldAllocationQuantities =
const ResourceQuantities newAllocationQuantities =
<< "Resources " << resources << " does not contain " << slaveId;
<< "Resources " << resources[slaveId] << " at agent " << slaveId
<< " does not contain " << oldAllocation;
<< totals << " does not contain " << oldAllocationQuantities;
resources[slaveId] -= oldAllocation;
resources[slaveId] += newAllocation;
totals -= oldAllocationQuantities;
totals += newAllocationQuantities;
// We maintain multiple copies of each shared resource allocated
// to a client, where the number of copies represents the number
// of times this shared resource has been allocated to (and has
// not been recovered from) a specific client.
hashmap<SlaveID, Resources> resources;
// We keep the aggregated scalar resource quantities to speed
// up share calculation. Note, resources shared count are ignored.
// Because sharedness inherently refers to the identities of resources
// and not quantities.
ResourceQuantities totals;
} allocation;
} // namespace allocator {
} // namespace master {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {