blob: 96f0895bfc4a3d9d6399a24fe85cdec097f6d2de [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "master/allocator/sorter/drf/sorter.hpp"
#include <iterator>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <mesos/mesos.hpp>
#include <mesos/resources.hpp>
#include <mesos/values.hpp>
#include <process/pid.hpp>
#include <stout/check.hpp>
#include <stout/foreach.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include <stout/strings.hpp>
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using process::UPID;
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace master {
namespace allocator {
: root(new Node("", Node::INTERNAL, nullptr)) {}
const UPID& allocator,
const string& metricsPrefix)
: root(new Node("", Node::INTERNAL, nullptr)),
metrics(Metrics(allocator, *this, metricsPrefix)) {}
delete root;
void DRFSorter::initialize(
const Option<set<string>>& _fairnessExcludeResourceNames)
fairnessExcludeResourceNames = _fairnessExcludeResourceNames;
void DRFSorter::add(const string& clientPath)
CHECK(!clients.contains(clientPath)) << clientPath;
// Adding a client is a two phase algorithm:
// root
// / | \ Three interesting cases:
// a e w Add a (i.e. phase 1(a))
// | / \ Add e/f, e/f/g, e/f/g/... (i.e. phase 1(b))
// b . z Add w/x, w/x/y, w/x/y/... (i.e. phase 1(c))
// Phase 1: Walk down the tree until:
// (a) we run out of tokens -> add "." node
// (b) or, we reach a leaf -> transform the leaf into internal + "."
// (c) or, we're at an internal node but can't find the next child
// Phase 2: For any remaining tokens, walk down creating children:
// (a) if last token of the client path -> create INACTIVE_LEAF
// (b) else, create INTERNAL and keep going
vector<string> tokens = strings::split(clientPath, "/");
auto token = tokens.begin();
// Traverse the tree to add new nodes for each element of the path,
// if that node doesn't already exist (similar to `mkdir -p`).
Node* current = root;
// Phase 1:
while (true) {
// Case (a).
if (token == tokens.end()) {
Node* virt = new Node(".", Node::INACTIVE_LEAF, current);
current = virt;
// Case (b).
if (current->isLeaf()) {
Node::Kind oldKind = current->kind;
current->kind = Node::INTERNAL;
Node* virt = new Node(".", oldKind, current);
virt->allocation = current->allocation;
clients[virt->clientPath()] = virt;
Option<Node*> child = [&]() -> Option<Node*> {
foreach (Node* c, current->children) {
if (c->name == *token) return c;
return None();
// Case (c).
if (child.isNone()) break;
current = *child;
// Phase 2:
for (; token != tokens.end(); ++token) {
Node::Kind kind = (token == tokens.end() - 1)
Node* child = new Node(*token, kind, current);
current = child;
CHECK(current->kind == Node::INACTIVE_LEAF);
CHECK_EQ(clientPath, current->clientPath());
CHECK(!clients.contains(clientPath)) << clientPath;
clients[clientPath] = current;
// TODO(neilc): Avoid dirtying the tree in some circumstances.
dirty = true;
if (metrics.isSome()) {
void DRFSorter::remove(const string& clientPath)
Node* current = CHECK_NOTNULL(find(clientPath));
// Save a copy of the leaf node's allocated resources, because we
// destroy the leaf node below.
const hashmap<SlaveID, Resources> leafAllocation =
// Remove the lookup table entry for the client.
// To remove a client from the tree, we have to do two things:
// (1) Update the tree structure to reflect the removal of the
// client. This means removing the client's leaf node, then
// walking back up the tree to remove any internal nodes that
// are now unnecessary.
// (2) Update allocations of ancestor nodes to reflect the removal
// of the client.
// We do both things at once: find the leaf node, remove it, and
// walk up the tree, updating ancestor allocations and removing
// ancestors when possible.
while (current != root) {
Node* parent = CHECK_NOTNULL(current->parent);
// Update `parent` to reflect the fact that the resources in the
// leaf node are no longer allocated to the subtree rooted at
// `parent`.
foreachpair (const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& resources,
leafAllocation) {
parent->allocation.subtract(slaveId, resources);
if (current->children.empty()) {
delete current;
} else if (current->children.size() == 1) {
// If `current` has only one child that was created to
// accommodate inserting `clientPath` (see `DRFSorter::add()`),
// we can remove the child node and turn `current` back into a
// leaf node.
Node* child = *(current->children.begin());
if (child->name == ".") {
current->kind = child->kind;
// `current` has changed kind (from `INTERNAL` to a leaf,
// which might be active or inactive). Hence we might need to
// change its position in the `children` list.
if (current->kind == Node::INTERNAL) {
clients[current->path] = current;
delete child;
current = parent;
// TODO(neilc): Avoid dirtying the tree in some circumstances.
dirty = true;
if (metrics.isSome()) {
void DRFSorter::activate(const string& clientPath)
Node* client = CHECK_NOTNULL(find(clientPath));
if (client->kind == Node::INACTIVE_LEAF) {
client->kind = Node::ACTIVE_LEAF;
// `client` has been activated, so move it to the beginning of its
// parent's list of children. We mark the tree dirty, so that the
// client's share is updated correctly and it is sorted properly.
// TODO(neilc): We could instead calculate share here and insert
// the client into the appropriate place here, which would avoid
// dirtying the whole tree.
dirty = true;
void DRFSorter::deactivate(const string& clientPath)
Node* client = CHECK_NOTNULL(find(clientPath));
if (client->kind == Node::ACTIVE_LEAF) {
client->kind = Node::INACTIVE_LEAF;
// `client` has been deactivated, so move it to the end of its
// parent's list of children.
void DRFSorter::updateWeight(const string& path, double weight)
weights[path] = weight;
// TODO(neilc): Avoid dirtying the tree in some circumstances.
dirty = true;
// Update the weight of the corresponding internal node,
// if it exists (this client may not exist despite there
// being a weight).
Node* node = find(path);
if (node == nullptr) {
// If there is a virtual leaf, we need to move up one level.
if (node->name == ".") {
node = CHECK_NOTNULL(node->parent);
CHECK_EQ(path, node->path);
node->weight = weight;
void DRFSorter::allocated(
const string& clientPath,
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& resources)
Node* current = CHECK_NOTNULL(find(clientPath));
// Walk up the tree adjusting allocations. If the tree is
// sorted, we keep it sorted (see below).
while (current != nullptr) {
current->allocation.add(slaveId, resources);
// Note that inactive leaves are not sorted, and are always
// stored in `children` after the active leaves and internal
// nodes. See the comment on `Node::children`.
if (current != root && !dirty && current->kind != Node::INACTIVE_LEAF) {
current->share = calculateShare(current);
vector<Node*>& children = current->parent->children;
// Locate the node position in the parent's children
// and shift it into its sorted position.
// TODO(bmahler): Consider storing the node's position
// in the parent's children to avoid scanning.
auto position = std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), current);
CHECK(position != children.end());
// Shift left until done (if needed).
while (position != children.begin() &&
DRFSorter::Node::compareDRF(current, *std::prev(position))) {
std::swap(*position, *std::prev(position));
// Or, shift right until done (if needed). Note that when
// shifting right, we need to stop once we reach the
// inactive leaves (see `Node::children`).
while (std::next(position) != children.end() &&
(*std::next(position))->kind != Node::INACTIVE_LEAF &&
DRFSorter::Node::compareDRF(*std::next(position), current)) {
std::swap(*position, *std::next(position));
current = current->parent;
void DRFSorter::update(
const string& clientPath,
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& oldAllocation,
const Resources& newAllocation)
// TODO(bmahler): Check if the quantities of resources between the old and new
// allocations are the same. If not, we need to re-calculate the shares, as is
// being currently done, for safety.
Node* current = CHECK_NOTNULL(find(clientPath));
while (current != nullptr) {
current->allocation.update(slaveId, oldAllocation, newAllocation);
current = current->parent;
// Just assume the total has changed, per the TODO above.
dirty = true;
void DRFSorter::unallocated(
const string& clientPath,
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& resources)
Node* current = CHECK_NOTNULL(find(clientPath));
while (current != nullptr) {
current->allocation.subtract(slaveId, resources);
current = current->parent;
// TODO(bmahler): Similar to `allocated()`, avoid dirtying the
// tree here in favor of adjusting the node positions. This
// hasn't been critical to do since we don't allocate upon
// resource recovery in the allocator.
dirty = true;
const hashmap<SlaveID, Resources>& DRFSorter::allocation(
const string& clientPath) const
const Node* client = CHECK_NOTNULL(find(clientPath));
return client->allocation.resources;
const ResourceQuantities& DRFSorter::allocationScalarQuantities(
const string& clientPath) const
const Node* client = CHECK_NOTNULL(find(clientPath));
return client->allocation.totals;
const ResourceQuantities& DRFSorter::allocationScalarQuantities() const
return root->allocation.totals;
hashmap<string, Resources> DRFSorter::allocation(const SlaveID& slaveId) const
hashmap<string, Resources> result;
// We want to find the allocation that has been made to each client
// on a particular `slaveId`. Rather than traversing the tree
// looking for leaf nodes (clients), we can instead just iterate
// over the `clients` hashmap.
// TODO(jmlvanre): We can index the allocation by slaveId to make
// this faster. It is a tradeoff between speed vs. memory. For now
// we use existing data structures.
foreachvalue (const Node* client, clients) {
if (client->allocation.resources.contains(slaveId)) {
// It is safe to use `at()` here because we've just checked the
// existence of the key. This avoids unnecessary copies.
string path = client->clientPath();
result.emplace(path, client->;
return result;
Resources DRFSorter::allocation(
const string& clientPath,
const SlaveID& slaveId) const
const Node* client = CHECK_NOTNULL(find(clientPath));
if (client->allocation.resources.contains(slaveId)) {
return client->;
return Resources();
void DRFSorter::addSlave(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const ResourceQuantities& scalarQuantities)
bool inserted = total_.agentResourceQuantities.emplace(
slaveId, scalarQuantities).second;
CHECK(inserted) << "Attempted to add already added agent " << slaveId;
total_.totals += scalarQuantities;
// We have to recalculate all shares when the total resources
// change, but we put it off until `sort` is called so that if
// something else changes before the next allocation we don't
// recalculate everything twice.
dirty = true;
void DRFSorter::removeSlave(const SlaveID& slaveId)
const auto agent = total_.agentResourceQuantities.find(slaveId);
CHECK(agent != total_.agentResourceQuantities.end())
<< "Attempted to remove unknown agent " << slaveId;
total_.totals -= agent->second;
dirty = true;
vector<string> DRFSorter::sort()
if (dirty) {
std::function<void (Node*)> sortTree = [this, &sortTree](Node* node) {
// Inactive leaves are always stored at the end of the
// `children` vector; this means that as soon as we see an
// inactive leaf, we can stop calculating shares, and we only
// need to sort the prefix of the vector before that point.
auto childIter = node->children.begin();
while (childIter != node->children.end()) {
Node* child = *childIter;
if (child->kind == Node::INACTIVE_LEAF) {
child->share = calculateShare(child);
foreach (Node* child, node->children) {
if (child->kind == Node::INTERNAL) {
} else if (child->kind == Node::INACTIVE_LEAF) {
dirty = false;
// Return all active leaves in the tree via pre-order traversal.
// The children of each node are already sorted in DRF order, with
// inactive leaves sorted after active leaves and internal nodes.
vector<string> result;
// TODO(bmahler): This over-reserves where there are inactive
// clients, only reserve the number of active clients.
std::function<void (const Node*)> listClients =
[&listClients, &result](const Node* node) {
foreach (const Node* child, node->children) {
switch (child->kind) {
case Node::ACTIVE_LEAF:
// As soon as we see the first inactive leaf, we can stop
// iterating over the current node's list of children.
case Node::INTERNAL:
return result;
bool DRFSorter::contains(const string& clientPath) const
return find(clientPath) != nullptr;
size_t DRFSorter::count() const
return clients.size();
double DRFSorter::calculateShare(const Node* node) const
double share = 0.0;
// TODO(benh): This implementation of "dominant resource fairness"
// currently does not take into account resources that are not
// scalars.
foreachpair (const string& resourceName,
const Value::Scalar& scalar,
total_.totals) {
// Filter out the resources excluded from fair sharing.
if (fairnessExcludeResourceNames.isSome() &&
fairnessExcludeResourceNames->count(resourceName) > 0) {
if (scalar.value() <= 0.0) {
Value::Scalar allocation = node->allocation.totals.get(resourceName);
share = std::max(share, allocation.value() / scalar.value());
return share / getWeight(node);
double DRFSorter::getWeight(const Node* node) const
if (node->weight.isNone()) {
node->weight = weights.get(node->path).getOrElse(1.0);
return CHECK_NOTNONE(node->weight);
DRFSorter::Node* DRFSorter::find(const string& clientPath) const
Option<Node*> client_ = clients.get(clientPath);
if (client_.isNone()) {
return nullptr;
Node* client = client_.get();
return client;
} // namespace allocator {
} // namespace master {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {