blob: 273ae270695db33b6c9d8b32cb38f8840a815787 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <initializer_list>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <google/protobuf/map.h>
#include <mesos/mesos.hpp>
#include <mesos/maintenance/maintenance.hpp>
#include <mesos/master/master.hpp>
#include <mesos/slave/isolator.hpp>
#include <process/time.hpp>
#include <stout/duration.hpp>
#include <stout/ip.hpp>
#include <stout/none.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include <stout/try.hpp>
#include <stout/uuid.hpp>
#include "messages/messages.hpp"
// Forward declaration (in lieu of an include).
namespace process {
struct UPID;
namespace mesos {
class ObjectApprovers;
namespace internal {
namespace master {
// Forward declaration (in lieu of an include).
struct Framework;
struct Slave;
} // namespace master {
namespace protobuf {
// Internal helper class for protobuf union validation.
class UnionValidator
UnionValidator(const google::protobuf::Descriptor*);
Option<Error> validate(
const int messageTypeNumber, const google::protobuf::Message&) const;
std::vector<std::pair<int, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor*>>
const google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* typeDescriptor_;
// A message is a "protobuf union" if, and only if,
// the following requirements are satisfied:
// 1. It has a required field named `type` of an enum type.
// 2. A member of this enum with a number (not index!) of 0
// either is named "UNKNOWN" or does not exist.
// 3. For each other member of this enum there is an optional field
// in the message with an exactly matching name in lowercase.
// (Being or not being a protobuf uinion depends on a message declaration only.)
// A "protobuf union" is valid if, and only if, all the message fields
// which correspond to members of this enum that do not matching the value
// of the `type` field, are not set.
// (Validity of the protobuf union depends on the message contents.
// Note that it does not depend on whether the matching field is set or not.)
// NOTE: If possible, oneof should be used in the new messages instead
// of the "protobuf union".
// This function returns None if the protobuf union is valid
// and Error otherwise.
// In case the ProtobufUnion is not a protobuf union,
// this function will abort the process on the first use.
template <class ProtobufUnion>
Option<Error> validateProtobufUnion(const ProtobufUnion& message)
static const UnionValidator validator(ProtobufUnion::descriptor());
return validator.validate(message.type(), message);
bool frameworkHasCapability(
const FrameworkInfo& framework,
FrameworkInfo::Capability::Type capability);
// Returns whether the task state is terminal. Terminal states
// mean that the resources are released and the task cannot
// transition back to a non-terminal state. Note that
// `TASK_UNREACHABLE` is not a terminal state, but still
// releases the resources.
bool isTerminalState(const TaskState& state);
// See TaskStatus for more information about these fields. Note
// that the 'uuid' must be provided for updates that need
// acknowledgement. Currently, all slave and executor generated
// updates require acknowledgement, whereas master generated
// and scheduler driver generated updates do not.
StatusUpdate createStatusUpdate(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const Option<SlaveID>& slaveId,
const TaskID& taskId,
const TaskState& state,
const TaskStatus::Source& source,
const Option<id::UUID>& uuid,
const std::string& message = "",
const Option<TaskStatus::Reason>& reason = None(),
const Option<ExecutorID>& executorId = None(),
const Option<bool>& healthy = None(),
const Option<CheckStatusInfo>& checkStatus = None(),
const Option<Labels>& labels = None(),
const Option<ContainerStatus>& containerStatus = None(),
const Option<TimeInfo>& unreachableTime = None(),
const Option<Resources>& limitedResources = None());
StatusUpdate createStatusUpdate(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const TaskStatus& status,
const Option<SlaveID>& slaveId);
// Helper function that creates a new task status from scratch with
// obligatory fields set.
TaskStatus createTaskStatus(
const TaskID& taskId,
const TaskState& state,
const id::UUID& uuid,
double timestamp);
// Helper function that creates a new task status from the given task
// status. Specific fields in `status` can be overridden in the new
// status by specifying the appropriate argument. Fields `task_id`,
// `slave_id`, `executor_id`, cannot be changed; while `timestamp`
// and `uuid` cannot be preserved.
// NOTE: A task status update may be used for guaranteed delivery of
// some task-related information, e.g., task's health update. In this
// case, it is often desirable to preserve specific fields from the
// previous status update to avoid shadowing information that was
// delivered previously.
TaskStatus createTaskStatus(
TaskStatus status,
const id::UUID& uuid,
double timestamp,
const Option<TaskState>& state = None(),
const Option<std::string>& message = None(),
const Option<TaskStatus::Source>& source = None(),
const Option<TaskStatus::Reason>& reason = None(),
const Option<std::string>& data = None(),
const Option<bool>& healthy = None(),
const Option<CheckStatusInfo>& checkStatus = None(),
const Option<Labels>& labels = None(),
const Option<ContainerStatus>& containerStatus = None(),
const Option<TimeInfo>& unreachableTime = None());
Task createTask(
const TaskInfo& task,
const TaskState& state,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId);
Option<bool> getTaskHealth(const Task& task);
Option<CheckStatusInfo> getTaskCheckStatus(const Task& task);
Option<ContainerStatus> getTaskContainerStatus(const Task& task);
bool isTerminalState(const OperationState& state);
OperationStatus createOperationStatus(
const OperationState& state,
const Option<OperationID>& operationId = None(),
const Option<std::string>& message = None(),
const Option<Resources>& convertedResources = None(),
const Option<id::UUID>& statusUUID = None(),
const Option<SlaveID>& slaveId = None(),
const Option<ResourceProviderID>& resourceProviderId = None());
Operation createOperation(
const Offer::Operation& info,
const OperationStatus& latestStatus,
const Option<FrameworkID>& frameworkId,
const Option<SlaveID>& slaveId,
const Option<UUID>& operationUUID = None());
UpdateOperationStatusMessage createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
const UUID& operationUUID,
const OperationStatus& status,
const Option<OperationStatus>& latestStatus = None(),
const Option<FrameworkID>& frameworkId = None(),
const Option<SlaveID>& slaveId = None());
// Create a `UUID`. If `uuid` is given it is used to initialize
// the created `UUID`; otherwise a random `UUID` is returned.
UUID createUUID(const Option<id::UUID>& uuid = None());
// Helper function that creates a MasterInfo from UPID.
MasterInfo createMasterInfo(const process::UPID& pid);
Label createLabel(
const std::string& key,
const Option<std::string>& value = None());
// Helper function to convert a protobuf string map to `Labels`.
Labels convertStringMapToLabels(
const google::protobuf::Map<std::string, std::string>& map);
// Helper function to convert a `Labels` to a protobuf string map.
Try<google::protobuf::Map<std::string, std::string>> convertLabelsToStringMap(
const Labels& labels);
// Previously, `Resource` did not contain `AllocationInfo`.
// So for backwards compatibility with old schedulers and
// tooling, we must allow operations to contain `Resource`s
// without an `AllocationInfo`. This allows the master to
// inject the offer's `AllocationInfo` into the operation's
// resources.
void injectAllocationInfo(
Offer::Operation* operation,
const Resource::AllocationInfo& allocationInfo);
// This strips the Resource::AllocationInfo from all
// Resource objects contained within the operation.
void stripAllocationInfo(Offer::Operation* operation);
bool isSpeculativeOperation(const Offer::Operation& operation);
// Helper function to pack a protobuf list of resource versions.
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<ResourceVersionUUID> createResourceVersions(
const hashmap<Option<ResourceProviderID>, UUID>& resourceVersions);
// Helper function to unpack a protobuf list of resource versions.
hashmap<Option<ResourceProviderID>, UUID> parseResourceVersions(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<ResourceVersionUUID>&
// Helper function that fills in a TimeInfo from the current time.
TimeInfo getCurrentTime();
// Helper function that creates a `FileInfo` from data returned by `stat()`.
FileInfo createFileInfo(const std::string& path, const struct stat& s);
ContainerID getRootContainerId(const ContainerID& containerId);
ContainerID parseContainerId(const std::string& value);
Try<Resources> getConsumedResources(const Offer::Operation& operation);
namespace slave {
// TODO(bmahler): Store the repeated field within this so that we
// don't drop unknown capabilities.
struct Capabilities
Capabilities() = default;
template <typename Iterable>
Capabilities(const Iterable& capabilities)
foreach (const SlaveInfo::Capability& capability, capabilities) {
switch (capability.type()) {
case SlaveInfo::Capability::UNKNOWN:
case SlaveInfo::Capability::MULTI_ROLE:
multiRole = true;
case SlaveInfo::Capability::HIERARCHICAL_ROLE:
hierarchicalRole = true;
case SlaveInfo::Capability::RESERVATION_REFINEMENT:
reservationRefinement = true;
case SlaveInfo::Capability::RESOURCE_PROVIDER:
resourceProvider = true;
case SlaveInfo::Capability::RESIZE_VOLUME:
resizeVolume = true;
case SlaveInfo::Capability::AGENT_OPERATION_FEEDBACK:
agentOperationFeedback = true;
// If adding another case here be sure to update the
// equality operator.
// See mesos.proto for the meaning of agent capabilities.
bool multiRole = false;
bool hierarchicalRole = false;
bool reservationRefinement = false;
bool resourceProvider = false;
bool resizeVolume = false;
bool agentOperationFeedback = false;
toRepeatedPtrField() const
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<SlaveInfo::Capability> result;
if (multiRole) {
if (hierarchicalRole) {
if (reservationRefinement) {
if (resourceProvider) {
if (resizeVolume) {
if (agentOperationFeedback) {
return result;
bool operator==(const Capabilities& left, const Capabilities& right);
bool operator!=(const Capabilities& left, const Capabilities& right);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Capabilities& c);
mesos::slave::ContainerLimitation createContainerLimitation(
const Resources& resources,
const std::string& message,
const TaskStatus::Reason& reason);
mesos::slave::ContainerState createContainerState(
const Option<ExecutorInfo>& executorInfo,
const ContainerID& id,
pid_t pid,
const std::string& directory);
mesos::slave::ContainerMountInfo createContainerMount(
const std::string& source,
const std::string& target,
unsigned long flags);
mesos::slave::ContainerMountInfo createContainerMount(
const std::string& source,
const std::string& target,
const std::string& type,
unsigned long flags);
mesos::slave::ContainerMountInfo createContainerMount(
const std::string& source,
const std::string& target,
const std::string& type,
const std::string& options,
unsigned long flags);
} // namespace slave {
namespace maintenance {
* Helper for constructing an unavailability from a `Time` and `Duration`.
Unavailability createUnavailability(
const process::Time& start,
const Option<Duration>& duration = None());
* Helper for constructing a list of `MachineID`.
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<MachineID> createMachineList(
std::initializer_list<MachineID> ids);
* Helper for constructing a maintenance `Window`.
* See `createUnavailability` above.
mesos::maintenance::Window createWindow(
std::initializer_list<MachineID> ids,
const Unavailability& unavailability);
* Helper for constructing a maintenance `Schedule`.
* See `createWindow` above.
mesos::maintenance::Schedule createSchedule(
std::initializer_list<mesos::maintenance::Window> windows);
} // namespace maintenance {
namespace master {
// TODO(bmahler): Store the repeated field within this so that we
// don't drop unknown capabilities.
struct Capabilities
Capabilities() = default;
template <typename Iterable>
Capabilities(const Iterable& capabilities)
foreach (const MasterInfo::Capability& capability, capabilities) {
switch (capability.type()) {
case MasterInfo::Capability::UNKNOWN:
case MasterInfo::Capability::AGENT_UPDATE:
agentUpdate = true;
bool agentUpdate = false;
namespace event {
// Helper for creating a `TASK_UPDATED` event from a `Task`, its
// latest state according to the agent, and its status corresponding
// to the last status update acknowledged from the scheduler.
mesos::master::Event createTaskUpdated(
const Task& task,
const TaskState& state,
const TaskStatus& status);
// Helper for creating a `TASK_ADDED` event from a `Task`.
mesos::master::Event createTaskAdded(const Task& task);
// Helper for creating a 'FRAMEWORK_ADDED' event from a `Framework`.
mesos::master::Event createFrameworkAdded(
const mesos::internal::master::Framework& framework);
// Helper for creating a 'FRAMEWORK_UPDATED' event from a `Framework`.
mesos::master::Event createFrameworkUpdated(
const mesos::internal::master::Framework& framework);
// Helper for creating a 'FRAMEWORK_REMOVED' event from a `FrameworkInfo`.
mesos::master::Event createFrameworkRemoved(const FrameworkInfo& frameworkInfo);
// Helper for creating an `Agent` response.
mesos::master::Response::GetAgents::Agent createAgentResponse(
const mesos::internal::master::Slave& slave,
const Option<process::Owned<ObjectApprovers>>& approvers = None());
// Helper for creating an `AGENT_ADDED` event from a `Slave`.
mesos::master::Event createAgentAdded(
const mesos::internal::master::Slave& slave);
// Helper for creating an `AGENT_REMOVED` event from a `SlaveID`.
mesos::master::Event createAgentRemoved(const SlaveID& slaveId);
} // namespace event {
} // namespace master {
namespace framework {
// TODO(bmahler): Store the repeated field within this so that we
// don't drop unknown capabilities.
struct Capabilities
Capabilities() = default;
template <typename Iterable>
Capabilities(const Iterable& capabilities)
foreach (const FrameworkInfo::Capability& capability, capabilities) {
switch (capability.type()) {
case FrameworkInfo::Capability::UNKNOWN:
case FrameworkInfo::Capability::REVOCABLE_RESOURCES:
revocableResources = true;
case FrameworkInfo::Capability::TASK_KILLING_STATE:
taskKillingState = true;
case FrameworkInfo::Capability::GPU_RESOURCES:
gpuResources = true;
case FrameworkInfo::Capability::SHARED_RESOURCES:
sharedResources = true;
case FrameworkInfo::Capability::PARTITION_AWARE:
partitionAware = true;
case FrameworkInfo::Capability::MULTI_ROLE:
multiRole = true;
case FrameworkInfo::Capability::RESERVATION_REFINEMENT:
reservationRefinement = true;
case FrameworkInfo::Capability::REGION_AWARE:
regionAware = true;
// See mesos.proto for the meaning of these capabilities.
bool revocableResources = false;
bool taskKillingState = false;
bool gpuResources = false;
bool sharedResources = false;
bool partitionAware = false;
bool multiRole = false;
bool reservationRefinement = false;
bool regionAware = false;
// Helper to get roles from FrameworkInfo based on the
// presence of the MULTI_ROLE capability.
std::set<std::string> getRoles(const FrameworkInfo& frameworkInfo);
} // namespace framework {
} // namespace protobuf {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {
#endif // __PROTOBUF_UTILS_HPP__