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<h4>If you're new to Mesos</h4>
<p>See the <a href="/gettingstarted/">getting started</a> page for more
information about downloading, building, and deploying Mesos.</p>
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<h1>Shared Persistent Volumes</h1>
<p>By default, <a href="/documentation/latest/./persistent-volume/">persistent volumes</a> provide
<em>exclusive</em> access: once a task is launched using a persistent volume,
no other tasks can use that volume, and the volume will not appear in
any resource offers until the task that is using it has finished.</p>
<p>In some cases, it can be useful to share a volume between multiple tasks
running on the same agent. For example, this could be used to
efficiently share a large data set between multiple data analysis tasks.</p>
<h2>Creating Shared Volumes</h2>
<p>Shared persistent volumes are created using the same workflow as normal
persistent volumes: by starting with a
<a href="/documentation/latest/./reservation/">reserved resource</a> and applying a <code>CREATE</code> operation,
either via the framework scheduler API or the
<a href="/documentation/latest/./endpoints/master/create-volumes/">/create-volumes</a> HTTP endpoint. To
create a shared volume, set the <code>shared</code> field during volume creation.</p>
<p>For example, suppose a framework receives a resource offer containing
2048MB of dynamically reserved disk:</p>
"id" : &lt;offer_id&gt;,
"framework_id" : &lt;framework_id&gt;,
"slave_id" : &lt;slave_id&gt;,
"hostname" : &lt;hostname&gt;,
"resources" : [
"name" : "disk",
"type" : "SCALAR",
"scalar" : { "value" : 2048 },
"role" : &lt;framework_role&gt;,
"reservation" : {
"principal" : &lt;framework_principal&gt;
<p>The framework can create a shared persistent volume using this disk
resource via the following offer operation:</p>
"type" : Offer::Operation::CREATE,
"create": {
"volumes" : [
"name" : "disk",
"type" : "SCALAR",
"scalar" : { "value" : 2048 },
"role" : &lt;framework_role&gt;,
"reservation" : {
"principal" : &lt;framework_principal&gt;
"disk": {
"persistence": {
"id" : &lt;persistent_volume_id&gt;
"volume" : {
"container_path" : &lt;container_path&gt;,
"mode" : &lt;mode&gt;
"shared" : {
<p>Note that the <code>shared</code> field has been set (to an empty JSON object),
which indicates that the <code>CREATE</code> operation will create a shared volume.</p>
<h2>Using Shared Volumes</h2>
<p>To be eligible to receive resource offers that contain shared volumes, a
framework must enable the <code>SHARED_RESOURCES</code> capability in the
<code>FrameworkInfo</code> it provides when it registers with the master.
Frameworks that do <em>not</em> enable this capability will not be offered
shared resources.</p>
<p>When a framework receives a resource offer, it can determine whether a
volume is shared by checking if the <code>shared</code> field has been set. Unlike
normal persistent volumes, a shared volume that is in use by a task will
continue to be offered to the frameworks in the volume&rsquo;s role; this
gives those frameworks the opportunity to launch additional tasks that
can access the volume. A framework can also launch multiple tasks that
access the volume using a single <code>ACCEPT</code> call.</p>
<p>Note that Mesos does not provide any isolation or concurrency control
between the tasks that are sharing a volume. Framework developers should
ensure that tasks that access the same volume do not conflict with one
another. This can be done via careful application-level concurrency
control, or by ensuring that the tasks access the volume in a read-only
manner. Mesos provides support for read-only access to volumes: as
described in the <a href="/documentation/latest/./persistent-volume/">persistent volume</a>
documentation, tasks that are launched on a volume can specify a <code>mode</code>
of <code>"RO"</code> to use the volume in read-only mode.</p>
<h3>Destroying Shared Volumes</h3>
<p>A persistent volume, whether shared or not, can only be destroyed if no
running or pending tasks have been launched using the volume. For
non-shared volumes, it is usually easy to determine when it is safe to
delete a volume. For shared volumes, the framework(s) that have launched
tasks using the volume typically need to coordinate to ensure (e.g., via
reference counting) that a volume is no longer being used before it is
<h3>Resource Allocation</h3>
<p>TODO: how do shared volumes influence resource allocation?</p>
<li><p><a href="">MESOS-3421</a>
contains additional information about the implementation of this
<li><p>Talk at MesosCon Europe 2016 on August 31, 2016 entitled
&ldquo;<a href="">Practical Persistent Volumes</a>&rdquo;.</p></li>
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