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<h4>If you're new to Mesos</h4>
<p>See the <a href="/gettingstarted/">getting started</a> page for more
information about downloading, building, and deploying Mesos.</p>
<h4>If you'd like to get involved or you're looking for support</h4>
<p>See our <a href="/community/">community</a> page for more details.</p>
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<h1>Release Guide</h1>
<p>This guide describes the process of doing an official release of Mesos.</p>
<li><p>Ensure that you have a GPG key or generate a new one, e.g., using <code>gpg --gen-key</code>.</p></li>
<li><p>Add your GPG public key to the Apache Mesos dist repository in the KEYS file.</p>
<li><p>Fetch the svn repository:<br>
<code>svn co</code></p></li>
<li><p>Append your public key using one of methods described in KEYS, e.g.:<br>
<code>(gpg --list-sigs &lt;your name&gt; &amp;&amp; gpg --armor --export &lt;your name&gt;) &gt;&gt; KEYS</code>.</p></li>
<li><p>Push the commit:<br>
<code>svn ci</code></p></li>
<li><p>Submit your GPG public key to a keyserver, e.g.,
<a href="">MIT PGP Public Key Server</a>.</p></li>
<li><p>Add your GPG fingerprint (<code>gpg --fingerprint &lt;your name&gt;</code>) to your
<a href="">Apache account</a>.</p></li>
<li><p>Create a Maven settings file (<code>~/.m2/settings.xml</code>) for the Apache
servers where you must copy your encrypted Apache password which
you can get from running <code>mvn --encrypt-password</code>.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> You may need to first generate a
<a href="">master password</a>.</p>
<pre><code> &lt;settings&gt;
&lt;username&gt;APACHE USERNAME&lt;/username&gt;
&lt;password&gt;APACHE ENCRYPTED PASSWORD&lt;/password&gt;
&lt;username&gt;APACHE USERNAME&lt;/username&gt;
&lt;password&gt;APACHE ENCRYPTED PASSWORD&lt;/password&gt;
<li><p>Use <code>gpg-agent</code> to avoid typing your passphrase repeatedly.</p></li>
<li><p>Go to <a href="">Apache JIRA</a> and make
sure that the <code>CHANGELOG</code> for the release version is up to date.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> You should move all <strong>Unresolved</strong> tickets marked with <code>Fix Version</code>
or <code>Target Version</code> as the release version to the next release version.</p>
<p><strong>PROTIP:</strong> Use a JIRA dashboard
<a href="">(example)</a>
to track the progress of targeted issues as the release date approaches. This
JIRA filter may be useful (<code>&lt;X.Y.Z&gt;</code> is the release version):
<code>project = MESOS AND "Target Version/s" = &lt;X.Y.Z&gt; AND (fixVersion != &lt;X.Y.Z&gt; OR fixVersion = EMPTY)</code></p>
<p><strong>PROTIP:</strong> Use <code>bulk edit</code> option in JIRA to move the tickets and make sure
to <strong>uncheck</strong> the option that emails everyone about the move to avoid
<li><p>Checkout the correct branch for the release. For regular releases this is the
&ldquo;master&rdquo; branch. For patch releases this would be the corresponding release
branch (e.g., 1.0.x).</p></li>
<li><p>Update and commit the <code>CHANGELOG</code> for the release.</p>
<p>For regular releases:</p>
<li><p>Make sure all new API changes, deprecations, major features, and features
graduating from experimental to stable are called out at the top of the
<code>CHANGELOG</code>. This JIRA query may be helpful in identifying some of these
(<code>&lt;X.Y.Z&gt;</code> is the release version):
<code>project = MESOS AND "Target Version/s" = &lt;X.Y.Z&gt; AND type = Epic</code></p></li>
<li><p>Ensure that the &ldquo;Unresolved Critical Issues&rdquo; section is populated
correctly. This JIRA query may be helpful:
<code>project = Mesos AND type = bug AND status != Resolved AND priority IN (blocker, critical)</code></p></li>
<li><p>Prepare a full list of experimental features. The easiest way to do this
is to take the list from the previous minor release, remove features that
have been declared stable, and those, that declared experimental in the
current release. Do not forget to mention features transitioning from
experimental to stable in this release at the top of the <code>CHANGELOG</code>.</p></li>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> You should use JIRA to generate the major portion of the
<code>CHANGELOG</code> for you. Click on the release version in
<a href="">JIRA</a>
and click on the <code>Release Notes</code>. Make sure to configure the release notes
in text format.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> The JIRA Release Notes will list only tickets with <code>Fix Version</code>
set to that version. You should check for any Resolved tickets that have
<code>Target Version</code> set but not <code>Fix Version</code>. Also check for any Unresolved
or <code>Duplicate</code>/<code>Invalid</code> tickets that incorrectly set the <code>Fix Version</code>.</p>
<p>For patch releases update the <code>CHANGELOG</code> on master branch and then cherry
pick onto the release branch.</p></li>
<li><p>Ensure version in <code></code> and <code>CMakeLists.txt</code> is correctly set for
the release.</p></li>
<li><p>Run <code>make &amp;&amp; support/</code> and commit any resulting
<li><p>Update and commit <code>docs/</code> to reflect the current state of
the master, agent, and configure flags. If this is a patch release, update
it on master branch and then cherry pick onto the release branch.</p></li>
<li><p>If this is a regular release, update and commit <code>docs/</code> with
instructions about how to upgrade a live cluster from the previous release
version to this release version.</p></li>
<li><p>If this is a regular release, please ensure that user documentation has been
added for any new features.</p></li>
<li><p>Make sure that for any updates of the API, specifically the scheduler API,
the public mesos protobuf definitions are part of both, <code>include/mesos</code> as
well as <code>include/mesos/v1</code>.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> This might actually demand code updates if any omissions were
<h2>Tagging the Release Candidate</h2>
<li><p>Ensure that you can build and pass all the tests.</p>
<pre><code> $ sudo make -j&lt;cores&gt; distcheck
<li><p>Run the benchmarks and compare with the previous release for any performance
<pre><code> $ make bench -j&lt;cores&gt; GTEST_FILTER="*BENCHMARK*"
<li><p>First tag the required SHA locally.</p>
<pre><code> $ git tag &lt;X.Y.Z-rcR&gt;
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> <code>X.Y.Z</code> is based on <a href="">semantic versioning</a>
scheme. <code>R</code> is release candidate version that starts with 1.</p></li>
<li><p>Tag the release externally and deploy the corresponding JAR to the
<a href="">Apache maven repository</a>. It is recommended
to use the <code>support/</code> script to accomplish this.</p>
<pre><code> $ ./support/ X.Y.Z R
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> This script assumes that you have the requisite permissions to
deploy the JAR. For instructions on how to set it up, please refer to
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> gnu-sed (Linux) requires <code>-i''</code> instead of the <code>-i ''</code>
(space-separated) that default OSX uses. You may need to modify your local
copy of <code></code> for it to complete successfully.</p></li>
<li><p>If this is a regular release, create a new release branch (<major>.<minor>.x)
from this tag.</p>
<pre><code> $ git checkout -b X.Y.x
<p>Now, update master branch to the <em>next</em> minor version in <code></code>:
change <code>AC_INIT([mesos], [X.Y.Z]))</code>, as well as in <code>CMakeLists.txt</code>:
change <code>set(MESOS_MAJOR_VERSION X)</code>, <code>set(MESOS_MINOR_VERSION Y)</code>,
<code>set(MESOS_PATCH_VERSION Z)</code> and then commit.</p></li>
<h2>Voting the Release Candidate</h2>
<li><p>Once a release candidate is deemed worthy to be officially released you
should call a vote on the <code></code> (and optionally
<code></code>) mailing list.</p></li>
<li><p>It is recommended to use the <code>support/</code> script to vote the release
<pre><code> $ ./support/ X.Y.Z R
<li><p>The release script also spits out an email template that you could use to
send the vote email.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> The <code>date -v+3d</code> command does not work on some platforms (e.g.
Ubuntu), so you may need to fill in the vote end date manually. The vote
should last for 3 business days instead of 3 calendar days anyway. Sometimes
we allow a longer vote, to allow more time for integration testing.</p></li>
<h2>Preparing a New Release Candidate</h2>
<li><p>If the vote does not pass (any -1s or showstopper bugs), track the issues
as new JIRAs for the release.</p></li>
<li><p>When all known issues are resolved, update the <code>CHANGELOG</code> with the newly
fixed JIRAs.</p></li>
<li><p>Once all patches are committed to master, cherry-pick them on to the
corresponding release branch. This is the same process used for patch
releases (e.g., 1.0.2) as well.</p>
<pre><code> $ git checkout X.Y.x
$ git cherry-pick abcdefgh...
<li><p>Now go back up to the &ldquo;Tagging the Release Candidate&rdquo; section and repeat.</p></li>
<h2>Releasing the Release Candidate</h2>
<li><p>You should only release an official version if the vote passes with at
least <strong>3 +1 binding votes and no -1 votes</strong>. For more information, please
refer to <a href="">Apache release guidelines</a>.</p></li>
<li><p>It is recommended to use <code>support/</code> script to release the candidate.</p>
<pre><code> $ ./support/ X.Y.Z R
<li><p>The release script also spits out an email template that you could use to
notify the mailing lists about the result of the vote and the release.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Make sure you fill the email template with the names of binding
and non-binding voters.</p></li>
<li><p>Update the version in <code></code> and <code>CMakeLists.txt</code> in the <strong>release</strong>
branch to the <strong>next</strong> patch version.</p></li>
<h2>Updating the Website</h2>
<li><p>After a successful release, add the information associated with the release
in <code>site/data/releases.yml</code>. It is used to generate the release information
on the website.</p></li>
<li><p>Update the <a href="/documentation/latest/./getting-started/">Getting Started</a> guide to use the latest
release link.</p></li>
<li><p>Check out the website from svn.</p>
<pre><code> $ svn co mesos-site
<p>See our <a href="">website README</a>
for details on how to build the website. See the general
<a href="">Apache project website guide</a>
for details on how to publish the website.</p></li>
<li><p>Write a blog post announcing the new release and its features and major bug
fixes. Include a link to the updated website.</p></li>
<h2>Removing Old Releases from svn</h2>
<p>Per the guidelines <a href="">when to archive</a>,
we should only keep the latest release in each version under development.</p>
<li><p>Checkout the mesos distribution folder:</p>
<pre><code> $ svn co
<li><p>Remove all minor versions that are no longer under development and commit
the change.</p></li>
<h2>Releasing the Version on JIRA</h2>
<p>Find the released Mesos version
<a href="">here</a>,
and &ldquo;release&rdquo; it with the correct release date by clicking on
&ldquo;settings&rdquo;&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;&ldquo;Release&rdquo;. Also, make sure to add the names of the
release managers in &ldquo;Description&rdquo; section.</p>
<h2>Updating External Tooling</h2>
<p>Upload the mesos.interface package to PyPi.</p>
<li><p>Create/use a PyPi account with access to the
<a href=";:action=submit_form">mesos.interface submit form</a>.
You may need to ask a current package owner to add you as an owner/maintainer.</p></li>
<li><p>Setup your <a href=""><code>~/.pypirc</code></a>
with your PyPi username and password.</p></li>
<li><p>After a successful Mesos <code>make</code> (any architecture), cd to
<li><p>Run <code>python register</code> to register this package.</p></li>
<li><p>Run <code>python sdist bdist_egg upload</code> to upload the source
distribution and egg for this package.</p></li>
<p>Update the Mesos Homebrew package.</p>
<li><p>Update the <a href="">Homebrew formula for Mesos</a>
and test.</p></li>
<li><p>Submit a PR to the <a href="">Homebrew repo</a>.</p></li>
<li><p>Once accepted, verify that <code>brew install mesos</code> works.</p></li>
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