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<blockquote><pre><code> /state
<p>Information about state of the Agent.</p>
<p>This endpoint shows information about the frameworks, executors
and the agent&rsquo;s master as a JSON object.
The information shown might be filtered based on the user
accessing the endpoint.</p>
<p>Example (<strong>Note</strong>: this is not exhaustive):</p>
"version" : "0.28.0",
"git_sha" : "9d5889b5a265849886a533965f4aefefd1fbd103",
"git_branch" : "refs/heads/master",
"git_tag" : "0.28.0",
"build_date" : "2016-02-15 10:00:28"
"build_time" : 1455559228,
"build_user" : "mesos-user",
"start_time" : 1455647422.88396,
"id" : "e2c38084-f6ea-496f-bce3-b6e07cea5e01-S0",
"pid" : "slave(1)@",
"hostname" : "localhost",
"resources" : {
"ports" : "[31000-32000]",
"mem" : 127816,
"disk" : 804211,
"cpus" : 32
"attributes" : {},
"master_hostname" : "localhost",
"log_dir" : "/var/log",
"external_log_file" : "mesos.log",
"frameworks" : [],
"completed_frameworks" : [],
"flags" : {
"gc_disk_headroom" : "0.1",
"isolation" : "posix/cpu,posix/mem",
"containerizers" : "mesos",
"docker_socket" : "/var/run/docker.sock",
"gc_delay" : "1weeks",
"docker_remove_delay" : "6hrs",
"port" : "5051",
"systemd_runtime_directory" : "/run/systemd/system",
"initialize_driver_logging" : "true",
"cgroups_root" : "mesos",
"fetcher_cache_size" : "2GB",
"cgroups_hierarchy" : "/sys/fs/cgroup",
"qos_correction_interval_min" : "0ns",
"cgroups_cpu_enable_pids_and_tids_count" : "false",
"sandbox_directory" : "/mnt/mesos/sandbox",
"docker" : "docker",
"help" : "false",
"docker_stop_timeout" : "0ns",
"master" : "",
"logbufsecs" : "0",
"docker_registry" : "",
"frameworks_home" : "",
"cgroups_enable_cfs" : "false",
"perf_interval" : "1mins",
"docker_kill_orphans" : "true",
"switch_user" : "true",
"logging_level" : "INFO",
"hadoop_home" : "",
"strict" : "true",
"executor_registration_timeout" : "1mins",
"recovery_timeout" : "15mins",
"revocable_cpu_low_priority" : "true",
"docker_store_dir" : "/tmp/mesos/store/docker",
"image_provisioner_backend" : "copy",
"authenticatee" : "crammd5",
"quiet" : "false",
"executor_shutdown_grace_period" : "5secs",
"fetcher_cache_dir" : "/tmp/mesos/fetch",
"default_role" : "*",
"work_dir" : "/tmp/mesos",
"launcher_dir" : "/path/to/mesos/build/src",
"registration_backoff_factor" : "1secs",
"oversubscribed_resources_interval" : "15secs",
"enforce_container_disk_quota" : "false",
"container_disk_watch_interval" : "15secs",
"disk_watch_interval" : "1mins",
"cgroups_limit_swap" : "false",
"hostname_lookup" : "true",
"perf_duration" : "10secs",
"appc_store_dir" : "/tmp/mesos/store/appc",
"recover" : "reconnect",
"version" : "false"
<p>This endpoint requires authentication iff HTTP authentication is
<p>This endpoint might be filtered based on the user accessing it.
For example a user might only see the subset of frameworks,
tasks, and executors they are allowed to view.
See the authorization documentation for details.</p>
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