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<p><strong>Niklas Quarfot Nielsen</strong></p>
<p><a href="">@quarfot</a></p>
<p><em>Posted May 29, 2014</em></p>
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<h1>Mesos 0.18.1 and 0.18.2 Released</h1>
<p>We recently tagged two new bug fixes including our latest release: version <a href="">0.18.2</a>. A bug was introduced in 0.18.1, prompting the release of 0.18.2. If you&rsquo;re using 0.18.1, it is highly recommended that you upgrade.</p>
<p>The latest version of Mesos is available on our <a href="">downloads</a> page.</p>
<h3>Changes since 0.18.0</h3>
<p>With the release of 0.18.1, Maven is now used to compile and package Mesos' Java files. In addition, the Mesos Java artifacts shade the protocol buffer dependency, allowing frameworks to independently declare their protobuf dependency version. Furthermore, a new extract flag has been added to the URI protocol buffer which makes it possible to control whether the fetcher should extract a given artifact. Various bugs in the Mesos master, the containerizer and the JNI code have been fixed as well. (see <a href=";version=12326752">0.18.1 release notes</a>)</p>
<p>0.18.2 fixed a bug which caused the mesos-fetcher to not apply the executer bit. For additional details, please see: <a href="">MESOS-1313</a>.</p>
<p>If upgrading from 0.18.0 or 0.18.1, an upgrade can be applied seamlessly to running clusters. However, Maven is now a build dependency and must be installed in order to build Mesos with Java support.</p>
<p>If upgrading from earlier versions than 0.18.0, please refer to the <a href="">Upgrades</a> document.</p>
<h3>Getting Involved</h3>
<p>We encourage you to try out this release, and let us know what you think on the <a href="">user mailing list</a>. You can also get in touch with us via <a href="">@ApacheMesos</a> or via <a href="">mailing lists and IRC</a>.</p>
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