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Hervé Boutemy
Maven Model XML Transformer
Maven Model XML Transformer provides build/consumer <<<pom.xml>>> transformers.
In order to keep formatting, comments and every detail when transforming a build <<<pom.xml>>> to a consumer <<<pom.xml>>>, transformation happens directly on the stream of SAX events.
There are 3 states of a <<<pom.xml>>> content:
[[1]] the <<build>> <<<pom.xml>>>, as it is stored on disk during development and in source control, which can be simplified to ease source code maintenance,
[[2]] the <<raw>> content (usually not saved to a file), which is enriched from initial build content, to match Maven Model validation rules,
[[3]] the <<consumer>> <<<pom.xml>>>, as it is saved to local repository or remote repository, to be used as dependencies descriptor when consumed by a project.
Transformation is implemented as two filters:
* <<build to raw>> in <<<BuildPomXMLFilter>>> ({{{./apidocs/org/apache/maven/model/transform/BuildPomXMLFilter.html}javadoc}}),
with its <<<BuildPomXMLFilterFactory>>> ({{{./xref/org/apache/maven/model/transform/BuildPomXMLFilterFactory.html}source}}) assembling transformation steps,
* in a multi-module build, <<<parent>>>'s <<<version>>> is automatically added,
* in a multi-module build, dependencies <<<version>>> is automatically added for reactor modules,
* CI-friendly <<<$\{sha1}>>>, <<<$\{revision}>>> and <<<$\{changelist}>>> are properties are replaced with their value,
* <<raw to consumer>> in <<<ConsumerPomXMLFilter>>> ({{{./apidocs/org/apache/maven/model/transform/ConsumerPomXMLFilter.html}javadoc}}),
with its <<<ConsumerPomXMLFilterFactory>>> ({{{./xref/org/apache/maven/model/transform/ConsumerPomXMLFilterFactory.html}source}}) assembling transformation steps.
* <<<modules>>> is stripped because it only has a meaning at build time on disk, but not once mapped to repository format,
* <<<parent>>>'s <<<relativePath>>> is stripped because it only has a meaning at build time on disk, but not once mapped to repository format.
For Maven 4, every state of Maven Model remains with the same <<<maven-4.0.0.xsd>>> schema, but it the future Maven 5+:
* build model should evolve to add new features configuration in new <v5> model fields, or remove some old unused fields,
* consumer model should at least continue to produce a <<<maven-4.0.0.xsd>>>-compliant <<<pom.xml>>> for compatibility with the vast and diverse dependency consumers ecosystem,
but may also produce in parallel new consumption formats (yet to be defined).