blob: f80833b2e38663339dc46c0ec2dc31a29d895d34 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.artifact.ArtifactUtils;
import org.apache.maven.execution.BuildResumptionAnalyzer;
import org.apache.maven.execution.BuildResumptionDataRepository;
import org.apache.maven.execution.BuildResumptionPersistenceException;
import org.apache.maven.execution.DefaultMavenExecutionResult;
import org.apache.maven.execution.ExecutionEvent;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequest;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionResult;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.execution.ProfileActivation;
import org.apache.maven.execution.ProjectDependencyGraph;
import org.apache.maven.graph.GraphBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.internal.aether.DefaultRepositorySystemSessionFactory;
import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.ExecutionEventCatapult;
import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleStarter;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.model.Prerequisites;
import org.apache.maven.model.Profile;
import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelProblem;
import org.apache.maven.model.building.Result;
import org.apache.maven.model.superpom.SuperPomProvider;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.LegacySupport;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.repository.LocalRepositoryNotAccessibleException;
import org.apache.maven.session.scope.internal.SessionScope;
import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
import org.eclipse.aether.DefaultRepositorySystemSession;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession;
import org.eclipse.aether.repository.WorkspaceReader;
import org.eclipse.aether.util.repository.ChainedWorkspaceReader;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static;
* @author Jason van Zyl
public class DefaultMaven
implements Maven
private Logger logger;
protected ProjectBuilder projectBuilder;
private LifecycleStarter lifecycleStarter;
protected PlexusContainer container;
private ExecutionEventCatapult eventCatapult;
private LegacySupport legacySupport;
private SessionScope sessionScope;
private DefaultRepositorySystemSessionFactory repositorySessionFactory;
@Named( GraphBuilder.HINT )
private GraphBuilder graphBuilder;
private BuildResumptionAnalyzer buildResumptionAnalyzer;
private BuildResumptionDataRepository buildResumptionDataRepository;
private SuperPomProvider superPomProvider;
public MavenExecutionResult execute( MavenExecutionRequest request )
MavenExecutionResult result;
result = doExecute( request );
catch ( OutOfMemoryError e )
result = addExceptionToResult( new DefaultMavenExecutionResult(), e );
catch ( RuntimeException e )
// TODO Hack to make the cycle detection the same for the new graph builder
if ( e.getCause() instanceof ProjectCycleException )
result = addExceptionToResult( new DefaultMavenExecutionResult(), e.getCause() );
result = addExceptionToResult( new DefaultMavenExecutionResult(),
new InternalErrorException( "Internal error: " + e, e ) );
legacySupport.setSession( null );
return result;
// 1) Setup initial properties.
// 2) Validate local repository directory is accessible.
// 3) Create RepositorySystemSession.
// 4) Create MavenSession.
// 5) Execute AbstractLifecycleParticipant.afterSessionStart(session)
// 6) Get reactor projects looking for general POM errors
// 7) Create ProjectDependencyGraph using trimming which takes into account --projects and reactor mode.
// This ensures that the projects passed into the ReactorReader are only those specified.
// 8) Create ReactorReader with the getProjectMap( projects ). NOTE that getProjectMap(projects) is the code that
// checks for duplicate projects definitions in the build. Ideally this type of duplicate checking should be
// part of getting the reactor projects in 6). The duplicate checking is conflated with getProjectMap(projects).
// 9) Execute AbstractLifecycleParticipant.afterProjectsRead(session)
// 10) Create ProjectDependencyGraph without trimming (as trimming was done in 7). A new topological sort is
// required after the execution of 9) as the AbstractLifecycleParticipants are free to mutate the MavenProject
// instances, which may change dependencies which can, in turn, affect the build order.
// 11) Execute LifecycleStarter.start()
@SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:methodlength" )
private MavenExecutionResult doExecute( MavenExecutionRequest request )
request.setStartTime( new Date() );
MavenExecutionResult result = new DefaultMavenExecutionResult();
validateLocalRepository( request );
catch ( LocalRepositoryNotAccessibleException e )
return addExceptionToResult( result, e );
// We enter the session scope right after the MavenSession creation and before any of the
// AbstractLifecycleParticipant lookups
// so that @SessionScoped components can be @Injected into AbstractLifecycleParticipants.
DefaultRepositorySystemSession repoSession =
(DefaultRepositorySystemSession) newRepositorySession( request );
MavenSession session = new MavenSession( container, repoSession, request, result );
sessionScope.seed( MavenSession.class, session );
legacySupport.setSession( session );
return doExecute( request, session, result, repoSession );
private MavenExecutionResult doExecute( MavenExecutionRequest request, MavenSession session,
MavenExecutionResult result, DefaultRepositorySystemSession repoSession )
afterSessionStart( session );
catch ( MavenExecutionException e )
return addExceptionToResult( result, e );
} ExecutionEvent.Type.ProjectDiscoveryStarted, session, null );
Result<? extends ProjectDependencyGraph> graphResult = buildGraph( session, result );
if ( graphResult.hasErrors() )
return addExceptionToResult( result, graphResult.getProblems().iterator().next().getException() );
session.setProjectMap( getProjectMap( session.getProjects() ) );
catch ( DuplicateProjectException e )
return addExceptionToResult( result, e );
WorkspaceReader reactorWorkspace;
reactorWorkspace = container.lookup( WorkspaceReader.class, ReactorReader.HINT );
catch ( ComponentLookupException e )
return addExceptionToResult( result, e );
// Desired order of precedence for local artifact repositories
// Reactor
// Workspace
// User Local Repository
repoSession.setWorkspaceReader( ChainedWorkspaceReader.newInstance( reactorWorkspace,
repoSession.getWorkspaceReader() ) );
afterProjectsRead( session );
catch ( MavenExecutionException e )
return addExceptionToResult( result, e );
// The projects need to be topologically after the participants have run their afterProjectsRead(session)
// because the participant is free to change the dependencies of a project which can potentially change the
// topological order of the projects, and therefore can potentially change the build order.
// Note that participants may affect the topological order of the projects but it is
// not expected that a participant will add or remove projects from the session.
graphResult = buildGraph( session, result );
if ( graphResult.hasErrors() )
return addExceptionToResult( result, graphResult.getProblems().iterator().next().getException() );
if ( result.hasExceptions() )
return result;
result.setTopologicallySortedProjects( session.getProjects() );
result.setProject( session.getTopLevelProject() );
validatePrerequisitesForNonMavenPluginProjects( session.getProjects() );
validateRequiredProfiles( session, request.getProfileActivation() );
if ( session.getResult().hasExceptions() )
return result;
validateOptionalProfiles( session, request.getProfileActivation() );
lifecycleStarter.execute( session );
validateOptionalProfiles( session, request.getProfileActivation() );
if ( session.getResult().hasExceptions() )
addExceptionToResult( result, session.getResult().getExceptions().get( 0 ) );
persistResumptionData( result, session );
return result;
.filter( MavenProject::isExecutionRoot )
.ifPresent( buildResumptionDataRepository::removeResumptionData );
afterSessionEnd( session.getProjects(), session );
catch ( MavenExecutionException e )
return addExceptionToResult( result, e );
return result;
private void afterSessionStart( MavenSession session )
throws MavenExecutionException
for ( AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant listener : getLifecycleParticipants( Collections.<MavenProject>emptyList() ) )
// CHECKSTYLE_ON: LineLength
listener.afterSessionStart( session );
private void afterProjectsRead( MavenSession session )
throws MavenExecutionException
ClassLoader originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
for ( AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant listener : getLifecycleParticipants( session.getProjects() ) )
Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( listener.getClass().getClassLoader() );
listener.afterProjectsRead( session );
Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( originalClassLoader );
private void afterSessionEnd( Collection<MavenProject> projects, MavenSession session )
throws MavenExecutionException
ClassLoader originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
for ( AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant listener : getLifecycleParticipants( projects ) )
Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( listener.getClass().getClassLoader() );
listener.afterSessionEnd( session );
Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( originalClassLoader );
private void persistResumptionData( MavenExecutionResult result, MavenSession session )
boolean hasLifecycleExecutionExceptions = result.getExceptions().stream()
.anyMatch( LifecycleExecutionException.class::isInstance );
if ( hasLifecycleExecutionExceptions )
MavenProject rootProject = session.getAllProjects().stream()
.filter( MavenProject::isExecutionRoot )
.orElseThrow( () -> new IllegalStateException( "No project in the session is execution root" ) );
buildResumptionAnalyzer.determineBuildResumptionData( result ).ifPresent( resumption ->
buildResumptionDataRepository.persistResumptionData( rootProject, resumption );
result.setCanResume( true );
catch ( BuildResumptionPersistenceException e )
logger.warn( "Could not persist build resumption data", e );
} );
public RepositorySystemSession newRepositorySession( MavenExecutionRequest request )
return repositorySessionFactory.newRepositorySession( request );
private void validateLocalRepository( MavenExecutionRequest request )
throws LocalRepositoryNotAccessibleException
File localRepoDir = request.getLocalRepositoryPath();
logger.debug( "Using local repository at " + localRepoDir );
if ( !localRepoDir.isDirectory() )
throw new LocalRepositoryNotAccessibleException( "Could not create local repository at " + localRepoDir );
private Collection<AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant> getLifecycleParticipants( Collection<MavenProject> projects )
Collection<AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant> lifecycleListeners = new LinkedHashSet<>();
ClassLoader originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
lifecycleListeners.addAll( container.lookupList( AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant.class ) );
catch ( ComponentLookupException e )
// this is just silly, lookupList should return an empty list!
logger.warn( "Failed to lookup lifecycle participants: " + e.getMessage() );
Collection<ClassLoader> scannedRealms = new HashSet<>();
for ( MavenProject project : projects )
ClassLoader projectRealm = project.getClassRealm();
if ( projectRealm != null && scannedRealms.add( projectRealm ) )
Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( projectRealm );
lifecycleListeners.addAll( container.lookupList( AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant.class ) );
catch ( ComponentLookupException e )
// this is just silly, lookupList should return an empty list!
logger.warn( "Failed to lookup lifecycle participants: " + e.getMessage() );
Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( originalClassLoader );
return lifecycleListeners;
private MavenExecutionResult addExceptionToResult( MavenExecutionResult result, Throwable e )
if ( !result.getExceptions().contains( e ) )
result.addException( e );
return result;
private void validatePrerequisitesForNonMavenPluginProjects( List<MavenProject> projects )
for ( MavenProject mavenProject : projects )
if ( !"maven-plugin".equals( mavenProject.getPackaging() ) )
Prerequisites prerequisites = mavenProject.getPrerequisites();
if ( prerequisites != null && prerequisites.getMaven() != null )
logger.warn( "The project " + mavenProject.getId() + " uses prerequisites"
+ " which is only intended for maven-plugin projects "
+ "but not for non maven-plugin projects. "
+ "For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. "
+ "See" );
* Get all profiles that are detected in the projects, any parent of the projects, or the settings.
* @param session The Maven session
* @return A {@link Set} of profile identifiers, never {@code null}.
private Set<String> getAllProfiles( MavenSession session )
final Model superPomModel = superPomProvider.getSuperModel( "4.0.0" );
final Set<MavenProject> projectsIncludingParents = new HashSet<>();
for ( MavenProject project : session.getProjects() )
boolean isAdded = projectsIncludingParents.add( project );
MavenProject parent = project.getParent();
while ( isAdded && parent != null )
isAdded = projectsIncludingParents.add( parent );
parent = parent.getParent();
final Stream<String> projectProfiles =
.map( MavenProject::getModel )
.map( Model::getProfiles )
.flatMap( Collection::stream )
.map( Profile::getId );
final Stream<String> settingsProfiles = session.getSettings().getProfiles().stream()
.map( org.apache.maven.settings.Profile::getId );
final Stream<String> superPomProfiles = superPomModel.getProfiles().stream()
.map( Profile::getId );
return Stream.of( projectProfiles, settingsProfiles, superPomProfiles )
.flatMap( Function.identity() )
.collect( toSet() );
* Check whether the required profiles were found in any of the projects we're building or the settings.
* @param session the Maven session.
* @param profileActivation the requested optional and required profiles.
private void validateRequiredProfiles( MavenSession session, ProfileActivation profileActivation )
final Set<String> allAvailableProfiles = getAllProfiles( session );
final Set<String> requiredProfiles = new HashSet<>( );
requiredProfiles.addAll( profileActivation.getRequiredActiveProfileIds() );
requiredProfiles.addAll( profileActivation.getRequiredInactiveProfileIds() );
// Check whether the required profiles were found in any of the projects we're building.
final Set<String> notFoundRequiredProfiles =
.filter( rap -> !allAvailableProfiles.contains( rap ) )
.collect( toSet() );
if ( !notFoundRequiredProfiles.isEmpty() )
final String message = String.format(
"The requested profiles [%s] could not be activated or deactivated because they do not exist.",
String.join( ", ", notFoundRequiredProfiles )
addExceptionToResult( session.getResult(), new MissingProfilesException( message ) );
* Check whether any of the requested optional profiles were not activated or deactivated.
* @param session the Maven session.
* @param profileActivation the requested optional and required profiles.
private void validateOptionalProfiles( MavenSession session, ProfileActivation profileActivation )
final Set<String> allAvailableProfiles = getAllProfiles( session );
final Set<String> optionalProfiles = new HashSet<>( );
optionalProfiles.addAll( profileActivation.getOptionalActiveProfileIds() );
optionalProfiles.addAll( profileActivation.getOptionalInactiveProfileIds() );
final Set<String> notFoundOptionalProfiles =
.filter( rap -> !allAvailableProfiles.contains( rap ) )
.collect( toSet() );
if ( !notFoundOptionalProfiles.isEmpty() )
final String message = String.format(
"The requested optional profiles [%s] could not be activated or deactivated because they "
+ "do not exist.", String.join( ", ", notFoundOptionalProfiles )
); message );
private Map<String, MavenProject> getProjectMap( Collection<MavenProject> projects )
throws DuplicateProjectException
Map<String, MavenProject> index = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, List<File>> collisions = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for ( MavenProject project : projects )
String projectId = ArtifactUtils.key( project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion() );
MavenProject collision = index.get( projectId );
if ( collision == null )
index.put( projectId, project );
List<File> pomFiles = collisions.get( projectId );
if ( pomFiles == null )
pomFiles = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList( collision.getFile(), project.getFile() ) );
collisions.put( projectId, pomFiles );
pomFiles.add( project.getFile() );
if ( !collisions.isEmpty() )
throw new DuplicateProjectException( "Two or more projects in the reactor"
+ " have the same identifier, please make sure that <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version>"
+ " is unique for each project: " + collisions, collisions );
return index;
private Result<? extends ProjectDependencyGraph> buildGraph( MavenSession session, MavenExecutionResult result )
Result<? extends ProjectDependencyGraph> graphResult = session );
for ( ModelProblem problem : graphResult.getProblems() )
if ( problem.getSeverity() == ModelProblem.Severity.WARNING )
logger.warn( problem.toString() );
logger.error( problem.toString() );
if ( !graphResult.hasErrors() )
ProjectDependencyGraph projectDependencyGraph = graphResult.get();
session.setProjects( projectDependencyGraph.getSortedProjects() );
session.setAllProjects( projectDependencyGraph.getAllProjects() );
session.setProjectDependencyGraph( projectDependencyGraph );
return graphResult;
// 5 January 2014
protected Logger getLogger()
return logger;