blob: 104b9771aec88eacf621a1c0128f29ffd7dd295c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.model.merge;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains;
import static;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.maven.model.Build;
import org.apache.maven.model.Contributor;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.model.Developer;
import org.apache.maven.model.MailingList;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet;
import org.apache.maven.model.PluginExecution;
import org.apache.maven.model.Profile;
import org.apache.maven.model.ReportSet;
import org.apache.maven.model.Repository;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* ModelMerger is based on same instances, subclasses should override KeyComputer per type
* @author Robert Scholte
public class ModelMergerTest
private ModelMerger modelMerger = new ModelMerger();
public void mergeArtifactId()
Model target = new Model();
target.setArtifactId( "TARGET" );
Model source = new Model();
source.setArtifactId( "SOURCE" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getArtifactId(), is( "SOURCE" ) );
target.setArtifactId( "TARGET" );;
modelMerger.merge( target, source, false, null );
assertThat( target.getArtifactId(), is( "TARGET" ) );
public void mergeSameContributors()
Contributor contributor = new Contributor();
contributor.setEmail( "" );
Model target = new Model();
target.setContributors( Arrays.asList( contributor ) );
Model source = new Model();
source.setContributors( Arrays.asList( contributor ) );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getContributors(), contains( contributor ) );
public void mergeSameDependencies()
Dependency dependency = new Dependency();
dependency.setGroupId( "groupId" );
dependency.setArtifactId( "artifactId" );
dependency.setType( "type" );
Model target = new Model();
target.setDependencies( Arrays.asList( dependency ) );
Model source = new Model();
source.setDependencies( Arrays.asList( dependency ) );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getDependencies(), contains( dependency ) );
public void mergeDescription()
Model target = new Model();
target.setDescription( "TARGET" );
Model source = new Model();
source.setDescription( "SOURCE" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getDescription(), is( "SOURCE" ) );
target.setDescription( "TARGET" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, false, null );
assertThat( target.getDescription(), is( "TARGET" ) );
public void mergeSameDevelopers()
Developer developer = new Developer();
developer.setId( "devid" );
Model target = new Model();
target.setDevelopers( Arrays.asList( developer ) );
Model source = new Model();
source.setDevelopers( Arrays.asList( developer ) );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getDevelopers(), contains( developer ) );
public void mergeSameExcludes()
PatternSet target = new PatternSet();
target.setExcludes( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
PatternSet source = new PatternSet();
source.setExcludes( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
modelMerger.mergePatternSet_Excludes( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getExcludes(), contains( "first", "second", "third" ) );
public void mergeSameFilters()
Build target = new Build();
target.setFilters( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
Build source = new Build();
source.setFilters( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
modelMerger.mergeBuild( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getFilters(), contains( "first", "second", "third" ) );
public void mergeSameGoals()
PluginExecution target = new PluginExecution();
target.setGoals( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
PluginExecution source = new PluginExecution();
source.setGoals( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
modelMerger.mergePluginExecution( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getGoals(), contains( "first", "second", "third" ) );
public void mergeGroupId()
Model target = new Model();
target.setGroupId( "TARGET" );
Model source = new Model();
source.setGroupId( "SOURCE" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getGroupId(), is( "SOURCE" ) );
target.setGroupId( "TARGET" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, false, null );
assertThat( target.getGroupId(), is( "TARGET" ) );
public void mergeInceptionYear()
Model target = new Model();
target.setInceptionYear( "TARGET" );
Model source = new Model();
source.setInceptionYear( "SOURCE" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getInceptionYear(), is( "SOURCE" ) );
target.setInceptionYear( "TARGET" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, false, null );
assertThat( target.getInceptionYear(), is( "TARGET" ) );
public void mergeSameIncludes()
PatternSet target = new PatternSet();
target.setIncludes( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
PatternSet source = new PatternSet();
source.setIncludes( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
modelMerger.mergePatternSet_Includes( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getIncludes(), contains( "first", "second", "third" ) );
public void mergeSameMailingLists()
MailingList mailingList = new MailingList();
mailingList.setName( "name" );
Model target = new Model();
target.setMailingLists( Arrays.asList( mailingList ) );
Model source = new Model();
source.setMailingLists( Arrays.asList( mailingList ) );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getMailingLists(), contains( mailingList ) );
public void mergeModelVersion()
Model target = new Model();
target.setModelVersion( "TARGET" );
Model source = new Model();
source.setModelVersion( "SOURCE" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getModelVersion(), is( "SOURCE" ) );
target.setModelVersion( "TARGET" );;
modelMerger.merge( target, source, false, null );
assertThat( target.getModelVersion(), is( "TARGET" ) );
public void mergeSameModules()
Model target = new Model();
target.setModules( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
Model source = new Model();
source.setModules( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getModules(), contains( "first", "second", "third" ) );
public void mergeName()
Model target = new Model();
target.setName( "TARGET" );
Model source = new Model();
source.setName( "SOURCE" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getName(), is( "SOURCE" ) );
target.setName( "TARGET" );;
modelMerger.merge( target, source, false, null );
assertThat( target.getName(), is( "TARGET" ) );
public void mergeSameOtherArchives()
MailingList target = new MailingList();
target.setOtherArchives( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
MailingList source = new MailingList();
source.setOtherArchives( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
modelMerger.mergeMailingList( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getOtherArchives(), contains( "first", "second", "third" ) );
public void mergePackaging()
Model target = new Model();
target.setPackaging( "TARGET" );
Model source = new Model();
source.setPackaging( "SOURCE" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getPackaging(), is( "SOURCE" ) );
target.setPackaging( "TARGET" );;
modelMerger.merge( target, source, false, null );
assertThat( target.getPackaging(), is( "TARGET" ) );
public void mergeSamePluginRepositories()
Repository repository = new Repository();
repository.setId( "repository" );
Model target = new Model();
target.setPluginRepositories( Arrays.asList( repository ) );
Model source = new Model();
source.setPluginRepositories( Arrays.asList( repository ) );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getPluginRepositories(), contains( repository ) );
public void mergeSameProfiles()
Profile profile = new Profile();
profile.setId( "profile" );
Model target = new Model();
target.setProfiles( Arrays.asList( profile ) );
Model source = new Model();
source.setProfiles( Arrays.asList( profile ) );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getProfiles(), contains( profile ) );
public void mergeSameReports()
ReportSet target = new ReportSet();
target.setReports( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
ReportSet source = new ReportSet();
source.setReports( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
modelMerger.mergeReportSet( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getReports(), contains( "first", "second", "third" ) );
public void mergeSameRepositories()
Repository repository = new Repository();
repository.setId( "repository" );
Model target = new Model();
target.setRepositories( Arrays.asList( repository ) );
Model source = new Model();
source.setRepositories( Arrays.asList( repository ) );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getRepositories(), contains( repository ) );
public void mergeSameRoles()
Contributor target = new Contributor();
target.setRoles( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
Contributor source = new Contributor();
source.setRoles( Arrays.asList( "first", "second", "third" ) );
modelMerger.mergeContributor_Roles( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getRoles(), contains( "first", "second", "third" ) );
public void mergeUrl()
Model target = new Model();
target.setUrl( "TARGET" );;
Model source = new Model();
source.setUrl( "SOURCE" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getUrl(), is( "SOURCE" ) );
target.setUrl( "TARGET" );;
modelMerger.merge( target, source, false, null );
assertThat( target.getUrl(), is( "TARGET" ) );
public void mergeVersion()
Model target = new Model();
target.setVersion( "TARGET" );;
Model source = new Model();
source.setVersion( "SOURCE" );
modelMerger.merge( target, source, true, null );
assertThat( target.getVersion(), is( "SOURCE" ) );
target.setVersion( "TARGET" );;
modelMerger.merge( target, source, false, null );
assertThat( target.getVersion(), is( "TARGET" ) );