blob: 3ff712a429f3bdebfb116f901088d74a2c91bb74 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.wrapper;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
* @author Hans Dockter
public class InstallerTest
public TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder();
private Installer install;
private Path distributionDir;
private Path zipStore;
private Path mavenHomeDir;
private Path zipDestination;
private WrapperConfiguration configuration = new WrapperConfiguration();
private Downloader download;
private PathAssembler pathAssembler;
private PathAssembler.LocalDistribution localDistribution;
public void setup()
throws Exception
configuration.setZipBase( PathAssembler.PROJECT_STRING );
configuration.setZipPath( "someZipPath" );
configuration.setDistributionBase( PathAssembler.MAVEN_USER_HOME_STRING );
configuration.setDistributionPath( "someDistPath" );
configuration.setDistribution( new URI( "http://server/" ) );
configuration.setAlwaysDownload( false );
configuration.setAlwaysUnpack( false );
distributionDir = temporaryFolder.newFolder( "someDistPath" ).toPath();
mavenHomeDir = distributionDir.resolve( "maven-0.9" );
zipStore = temporaryFolder.newFolder( "zips" ).toPath();
zipDestination = zipStore.resolve( "" );
download = mock( Downloader.class );
pathAssembler = mock( PathAssembler.class );
localDistribution = mock( PathAssembler.LocalDistribution.class );
when( localDistribution.getZipFile() ).thenReturn( zipDestination );
when( localDistribution.getDistributionDir() ).thenReturn( distributionDir );
when( pathAssembler.getDistribution( configuration ) ).thenReturn( localDistribution );
install = new Installer( download, pathAssembler );
private void createTestZip( Path zipDestination )
throws Exception
Files.createDirectories( zipDestination.getParent() );
Path explodedZipDir = temporaryFolder.newFolder( "explodedZip" ).toPath();
Path mavenScript = explodedZipDir.resolve( "maven-0.9/bin/mvn" );
Files.createDirectories( mavenScript.getParent() );
Files.write( mavenScript, Arrays.asList( "something" ) );
zipTo( explodedZipDir, zipDestination );
public void testCreateDist()
throws Exception
Path homeDir = install.createDist( configuration );
Assert.assertEquals( mavenHomeDir, homeDir );
Assert.assertTrue( Files.isDirectory( homeDir ) );
Assert.assertTrue( Files.exists( homeDir.resolve( "bin/mvn" ) ) );
Assert.assertTrue( Files.exists( zipDestination ) );
Assert.assertEquals( localDistribution, pathAssembler.getDistribution( configuration ) );
Assert.assertEquals( distributionDir, localDistribution.getDistributionDir() );
Assert.assertEquals( zipDestination, localDistribution.getZipFile() );
// URI("http://some/test"), distributionDir);
// verify(download).download(new URI("http://some/test"), distributionDir);
public void testCreateDistWithExistingDistribution()
throws Exception
Files.createFile( zipDestination );
Files.createDirectories( mavenHomeDir );
Path someFile = mavenHomeDir.resolve( "some-file" );
Files.createFile( someFile );
Path homeDir = install.createDist( configuration );
Assert.assertEquals( mavenHomeDir, homeDir );
Assert.assertTrue( Files.isDirectory( mavenHomeDir ) );
Assert.assertTrue( Files.exists( homeDir.resolve( "some-file" ) ) );
Assert.assertTrue( Files.exists( zipDestination ) );
Assert.assertEquals( localDistribution, pathAssembler.getDistribution( configuration ) );
Assert.assertEquals( distributionDir, localDistribution.getDistributionDir() );
Assert.assertEquals( zipDestination, localDistribution.getZipFile() );
public void testCreateDistWithExistingDistAndZipAndAlwaysUnpackTrue()
throws Exception
createTestZip( zipDestination );
Files.createDirectories( mavenHomeDir );
File garbage = mavenHomeDir.resolve( "garbage" ).toFile();
Files.createFile( garbage.toPath() );
configuration.setAlwaysUnpack( true );
Path homeDir = install.createDist( configuration );
Assert.assertEquals( mavenHomeDir, homeDir );
Assert.assertTrue( Files.isDirectory( mavenHomeDir ) );
Assert.assertFalse( Files.exists( homeDir.resolve( "garbage" ) ) );
Assert.assertTrue( Files.exists( zipDestination ) );
Assert.assertEquals( localDistribution, pathAssembler.getDistribution( configuration ) );
Assert.assertEquals( distributionDir, localDistribution.getDistributionDir() );
Assert.assertEquals( zipDestination, localDistribution.getZipFile() );
public void testCreateDistWithExistingZipAndDistAndAlwaysDownloadTrue()
throws Exception
createTestZip( zipDestination );
Files.createDirectories( mavenHomeDir );
File garbage = mavenHomeDir.resolve( "garbage" ).toFile();
Files.createFile( garbage.toPath() );
configuration.setAlwaysUnpack( true );
Path homeDir = install.createDist( configuration );
Assert.assertEquals( mavenHomeDir, homeDir );
Assert.assertTrue( Files.isDirectory( mavenHomeDir ) );
Assert.assertTrue( Files.exists( homeDir.resolve( "bin/mvn" ) ) );
Assert.assertFalse( Files.exists( homeDir.resolve( "garbage" ) ) );
Assert.assertTrue( Files.exists( zipDestination ) );
Assert.assertEquals( localDistribution, pathAssembler.getDistribution( configuration ) );
Assert.assertEquals( distributionDir, localDistribution.getDistributionDir() );
Assert.assertEquals( zipDestination, localDistribution.getZipFile() );
// URI("http://some/test"), distributionDir);
// verify(download).download(new URI("http://some/test"), distributionDir);
public void zipTo( Path directoryToZip, Path zipFile )
Zip zip = new Zip();
zip.setBasedir( directoryToZip.toFile() );
zip.setDestFile( zipFile.toFile() );
zip.setProject( new Project() );
Zip.WhenEmpty whenEmpty = new Zip.WhenEmpty();
whenEmpty.setValue( "create" );
zip.setWhenempty( whenEmpty );