blob: b9f487385b316e1e5ff2f118388b43d2cac1a512 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.settings.validation;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Mirror;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Profile;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Proxy;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Repository;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Server;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
import org.apache.maven.settings.building.SettingsProblemCollector;
import org.apache.maven.settings.building.SettingsProblem.Severity;
* @author mkleint
public class DefaultSettingsValidatorTest
extends TestCase
private DefaultSettingsValidator validator;
protected void setUp()
throws Exception
validator = new DefaultSettingsValidator();
protected void tearDown()
throws Exception
validator = null;
private void assertContains( String msg, String substring )
assertTrue( "\"" + substring + "\" was not found in: " + msg, msg.contains( substring ) );
public void testValidate()
Settings model = new Settings();
Profile prof = new Profile();
prof.setId( "xxx" );
model.addProfile( prof );
SimpleProblemCollector problems = new SimpleProblemCollector();
validator.validate( model, problems );
assertEquals( 0, problems.messages.size() );
Repository repo = new Repository();
prof.addRepository( repo );
problems = new SimpleProblemCollector();
validator.validate( model, problems );
assertEquals( 2, problems.messages.size() );
repo.setUrl( "" );
problems = new SimpleProblemCollector();
validator.validate( model, problems );
assertEquals( 1, problems.messages.size() );
repo.setId( "xxx" );
problems = new SimpleProblemCollector();
validator.validate( model, problems );
assertEquals( 0, problems.messages.size() );
public void testValidateMirror()
throws Exception
Settings settings = new Settings();
Mirror mirror = new Mirror();
mirror.setId( "local" );
settings.addMirror( mirror );
mirror = new Mirror();
mirror.setId( "illegal\\:/chars" );
mirror.setUrl( "http://void" );
mirror.setMirrorOf( "void" );
settings.addMirror( mirror );
SimpleProblemCollector problems = new SimpleProblemCollector();
validator.validate( settings, problems );
assertEquals( 4, problems.messages.size() );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 0 ), "'' must not be 'local'" );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 1 ), "'mirrors.mirror.url' for local is missing" );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 2 ), "'mirrors.mirror.mirrorOf' for local is missing" );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 3 ), "'' must not contain any of these characters" );
public void testValidateRepository()
throws Exception
Profile profile = new Profile();
Repository repo = new Repository();
repo.setId( "local" );
profile.addRepository( repo );
repo = new Repository();
repo.setId( "illegal\\:/chars" );
repo.setUrl( "http://void" );
profile.addRepository( repo );
Settings settings = new Settings();
settings.addProfile( profile );
SimpleProblemCollector problems = new SimpleProblemCollector();
validator.validate( settings, problems );
assertEquals( 3, problems.messages.size() );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 0 ),
"'profiles.profile[default]' must not be 'local'" );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 1 ),
"'profiles.profile[default].repositories.repository.url' for local is missing" );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 2 ),
"'profiles.profile[default]' must not contain any of these characters" );
public void testValidateUniqueServerId()
throws Exception
Settings settings = new Settings();
Server server1 = new Server();
server1.setId( "test" );
settings.addServer( server1 );
Server server2 = new Server();
server2.setId( "test" );
settings.addServer( server2 );
SimpleProblemCollector problems = new SimpleProblemCollector();
validator.validate( settings, problems );
assertEquals( 1, problems.messages.size() );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 0 ),
"'' must be unique but found duplicate server with id test" );
public void testValidateUniqueProfileId()
throws Exception
Settings settings = new Settings();
Profile profile1 = new Profile();
profile1.setId( "test" );
settings.addProfile( profile1 );
Profile profile2 = new Profile();
profile2.setId( "test" );
settings.addProfile( profile2 );
SimpleProblemCollector problems = new SimpleProblemCollector();
validator.validate( settings, problems );
assertEquals( 1, problems.messages.size() );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 0 ),
"'' must be unique but found duplicate profile with id test" );
public void testValidateUniqueRepositoryId()
throws Exception
Settings settings = new Settings();
Profile profile = new Profile();
profile.setId( "pro" );
settings.addProfile( profile );
Repository repo1 = new Repository();
repo1.setUrl( "" );
repo1.setId( "test" );
profile.addRepository( repo1 );
Repository repo2 = new Repository();
repo2.setUrl( "" );
repo2.setId( "test" );
profile.addRepository( repo2 );
SimpleProblemCollector problems = new SimpleProblemCollector();
validator.validate( settings, problems );
assertEquals( 1, problems.messages.size() );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 0 ), "'profiles.profile[pro]' must be unique"
+ " but found duplicate repository with id test" );
public void testValidateUniqueProxyId()
throws Exception
Settings settings = new Settings();
Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
String id = null;
proxy.setId( id );
settings.addProxy( proxy );
settings.addProxy( proxy );
SimpleProblemCollector problems = new SimpleProblemCollector();
validator.validate( settings, problems );
assertEquals( 1, problems.messages.size() );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 0 ), "'' must be unique"
+ " but found duplicate proxy with id " + id );
public void testValidateProxy()
throws Exception
Settings settings = new Settings();
Proxy proxy1 = new Proxy();
settings.addProxy( proxy1 );
SimpleProblemCollector problems = new SimpleProblemCollector();
validator.validate( settings, problems );
assertEquals( 1, problems.messages.size() );
assertContains( problems.messages.get( 0 ), "'' for default is missing" );
private static class SimpleProblemCollector
implements SettingsProblemCollector
public List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
public void add( Severity severity, String message, int line, int column, Exception cause )
messages.add( message );