blob: 652a78c53a5e3af6dc220800d2426b6f502d0cac [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
#parse ( "common.vm" )
#if( ${packageToolV4Xpp3} )
#set ( $package = "${packageToolV4Xpp3}" )
#set ( $package = "${packageToolV4}" )
#set ( $className = "${}Xpp3Reader" )
#set ( $root = $model.getClass( $model.getRoot($version), $version ) )
#set ( $rootXml = $Helper.xmlClassMetadata( $root ) )
#set ( $rootTag = $rootXml.tagName )
#set ( $rootUcapName = $Helper.capitalise( $ ) )
#set ( $rootLcapName = $Helper.uncapitalise( $ ) )
#MODELLO-VELOCITY#SAVE-OUTPUT-TO ${package.replace('.','/')}/${className}.java
// =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
// Generated by Modello Velocity from ${template}
// template, any modifications will be overwritten.
// ==============================================================
package ${package};
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.maven.api.annotations.Generated;
import org.apache.maven.internal.xml.XmlNodeBuilder;
#foreach ( $class in $model.allClasses )
import ${packageModelV4}.${};
public class ${className} {
private boolean addDefaultEntities = true;
private final ContentTransformer contentTransformer;
* XSI namespace
private static final String XSI_NAMESPACE = "";
private static final Map<String, String> DEFAULT_ENTITIES;
static {
Map<String, String> entities = new HashMap<>();
entities.put("nbsp", "\u00a0");
entities.put("iexcl", "\u00a1");
entities.put("cent", "\u00a2");
entities.put("pound", "\u00a3");
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entities.put("ordf", "\u00aa");
entities.put("laquo", "\u00ab");
entities.put("not", "\u00ac");
entities.put("shy", "\u00ad");
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entities.put("Aacute", "\u00c1");
entities.put("Acirc", "\u00c2");
entities.put("Atilde", "\u00c3");
entities.put("Auml", "\u00c4");
entities.put("Aring", "\u00c5");
entities.put("AElig", "\u00c6");
entities.put("Ccedil", "\u00c7");
entities.put("Egrave", "\u00c8");
entities.put("Eacute", "\u00c9");
entities.put("Ecirc", "\u00ca");
entities.put("Euml", "\u00cb");
entities.put("Igrave", "\u00cc");
entities.put("Iacute", "\u00cd");
entities.put("Icirc", "\u00ce");
entities.put("Iuml", "\u00cf");
entities.put("ETH", "\u00d0");
entities.put("Ntilde", "\u00d1");
entities.put("Ograve", "\u00d2");
entities.put("Oacute", "\u00d3");
entities.put("Ocirc", "\u00d4");
entities.put("Otilde", "\u00d5");
entities.put("Ouml", "\u00d6");
entities.put("times", "\u00d7");
entities.put("Oslash", "\u00d8");
entities.put("Ugrave", "\u00d9");
entities.put("Uacute", "\u00da");
entities.put("Ucirc", "\u00db");
entities.put("Uuml", "\u00dc");
entities.put("Yacute", "\u00dd");
entities.put("THORN", "\u00de");
entities.put("szlig", "\u00df");
entities.put("agrave", "\u00e0");
entities.put("aacute", "\u00e1");
entities.put("acirc", "\u00e2");
entities.put("atilde", "\u00e3");
entities.put("auml", "\u00e4");
entities.put("aring", "\u00e5");
entities.put("aelig", "\u00e6");
entities.put("ccedil", "\u00e7");
entities.put("egrave", "\u00e8");
entities.put("eacute", "\u00e9");
entities.put("ecirc", "\u00ea");
entities.put("euml", "\u00eb");
entities.put("igrave", "\u00ec");
entities.put("iacute", "\u00ed");
entities.put("icirc", "\u00ee");
entities.put("iuml", "\u00ef");
entities.put("eth", "\u00f0");
entities.put("ntilde", "\u00f1");
entities.put("ograve", "\u00f2");
entities.put("oacute", "\u00f3");
entities.put("ocirc", "\u00f4");
entities.put("otilde", "\u00f5");
entities.put("ouml", "\u00f6");
entities.put("divide", "\u00f7");
entities.put("oslash", "\u00f8");
entities.put("ugrave", "\u00f9");
entities.put("uacute", "\u00fa");
entities.put("ucirc", "\u00fb");
entities.put("uuml", "\u00fc");
entities.put("yacute", "\u00fd");
entities.put("thorn", "\u00fe");
entities.put("yuml", "\u00ff");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Special entities
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
entities.put("OElig", "\u0152");
entities.put("oelig", "\u0153");
entities.put("Scaron", "\u0160");
entities.put("scaron", "\u0161");
entities.put("Yuml", "\u0178");
entities.put("circ", "\u02c6");
entities.put("tilde", "\u02dc");
entities.put("ensp", "\u2002");
entities.put("emsp", "\u2003");
entities.put("thinsp", "\u2009");
entities.put("zwnj", "\u200c");
entities.put("zwj", "\u200d");
entities.put("lrm", "\u200e");
entities.put("rlm", "\u200f");
entities.put("ndash", "\u2013");
entities.put("mdash", "\u2014");
entities.put("lsquo", "\u2018");
entities.put("rsquo", "\u2019");
entities.put("sbquo", "\u201a");
entities.put("ldquo", "\u201c");
entities.put("rdquo", "\u201d");
entities.put("bdquo", "\u201e");
entities.put("dagger", "\u2020");
entities.put("Dagger", "\u2021");
entities.put("permil", "\u2030");
entities.put("lsaquo", "\u2039");
entities.put("rsaquo", "\u203a");
entities.put("euro", "\u20ac");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Symbol entities
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
entities.put("fnof", "\u0192");
entities.put("Alpha", "\u0391");
entities.put("Beta", "\u0392");
entities.put("Gamma", "\u0393");
entities.put("Delta", "\u0394");
entities.put("Epsilon", "\u0395");
entities.put("Zeta", "\u0396");
entities.put("Eta", "\u0397");
entities.put("Theta", "\u0398");
entities.put("Iota", "\u0399");
entities.put("Kappa", "\u039a");
entities.put("Lambda", "\u039b");
entities.put("Mu", "\u039c");
entities.put("Nu", "\u039d");
entities.put("Xi", "\u039e");
entities.put("Omicron", "\u039f");
entities.put("Pi", "\u03a0");
entities.put("Rho", "\u03a1");
entities.put("Sigma", "\u03a3");
entities.put("Tau", "\u03a4");
entities.put("Upsilon", "\u03a5");
entities.put("Phi", "\u03a6");
entities.put("Chi", "\u03a7");
entities.put("Psi", "\u03a8");
entities.put("Omega", "\u03a9");
entities.put("alpha", "\u03b1");
entities.put("beta", "\u03b2");
entities.put("gamma", "\u03b3");
entities.put("delta", "\u03b4");
entities.put("epsilon", "\u03b5");
entities.put("zeta", "\u03b6");
entities.put("eta", "\u03b7");
entities.put("theta", "\u03b8");
entities.put("iota", "\u03b9");
entities.put("kappa", "\u03ba");
entities.put("lambda", "\u03bb");
entities.put("mu", "\u03bc");
entities.put("nu", "\u03bd");
entities.put("xi", "\u03be");
entities.put("omicron", "\u03bf");
entities.put("pi", "\u03c0");
entities.put("rho", "\u03c1");
entities.put("sigmaf", "\u03c2");
entities.put("sigma", "\u03c3");
entities.put("tau", "\u03c4");
entities.put("upsilon", "\u03c5");
entities.put("phi", "\u03c6");
entities.put("chi", "\u03c7");
entities.put("psi", "\u03c8");
entities.put("omega", "\u03c9");
entities.put("thetasym", "\u03d1");
entities.put("upsih", "\u03d2");
entities.put("piv", "\u03d6");
entities.put("bull", "\u2022");
entities.put("hellip", "\u2026");
entities.put("prime", "\u2032");
entities.put("Prime", "\u2033");
entities.put("oline", "\u203e");
entities.put("frasl", "\u2044");
entities.put("weierp", "\u2118");
entities.put("image", "\u2111");
entities.put("real", "\u211c");
entities.put("trade", "\u2122");
entities.put("alefsym", "\u2135");
entities.put("larr", "\u2190");
entities.put("uarr", "\u2191");
entities.put("rarr", "\u2192");
entities.put("darr", "\u2193");
entities.put("harr", "\u2194");
entities.put("crarr", "\u21b5");
entities.put("lArr", "\u21d0");
entities.put("uArr", "\u21d1");
entities.put("rArr", "\u21d2");
entities.put("dArr", "\u21d3");
entities.put("hArr", "\u21d4");
entities.put("forall", "\u2200");
entities.put("part", "\u2202");
entities.put("exist", "\u2203");
entities.put("empty", "\u2205");
entities.put("nabla", "\u2207");
entities.put("isin", "\u2208");
entities.put("notin", "\u2209");
entities.put("ni", "\u220b");
entities.put("prod", "\u220f");
entities.put("sum", "\u2211");
entities.put("minus", "\u2212");
entities.put("lowast", "\u2217");
entities.put("radic", "\u221a");
entities.put("prop", "\u221d");
entities.put("infin", "\u221e");
entities.put("ang", "\u2220");
entities.put("and", "\u2227");
entities.put("or", "\u2228");
entities.put("cap", "\u2229");
entities.put("cup", "\u222a");
entities.put("int", "\u222b");
entities.put("there4", "\u2234");
entities.put("sim", "\u223c");
entities.put("cong", "\u2245");
entities.put("asymp", "\u2248");
entities.put("ne", "\u2260");
entities.put("equiv", "\u2261");
entities.put("le", "\u2264");
entities.put("ge", "\u2265");
entities.put("sub", "\u2282");
entities.put("sup", "\u2283");
entities.put("nsub", "\u2284");
entities.put("sube", "\u2286");
entities.put("supe", "\u2287");
entities.put("oplus", "\u2295");
entities.put("otimes", "\u2297");
entities.put("perp", "\u22a5");
entities.put("sdot", "\u22c5");
entities.put("lceil", "\u2308");
entities.put("rceil", "\u2309");
entities.put("lfloor", "\u230a");
entities.put("rfloor", "\u230b");
entities.put("lang", "\u2329");
entities.put("rang", "\u232a");
entities.put("loz", "\u25ca");
entities.put("spades", "\u2660");
entities.put("clubs", "\u2663");
entities.put("hearts", "\u2665");
entities.put("diams", "\u2666");
DEFAULT_ENTITIES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(entities);
public ${className}() {
this((s, f) -> s);
public ${className}(ContentTransformer contentTransformer) {
this.contentTransformer = contentTransformer;
* @param reader a reader object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @throws IOException IOException if any.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return ${}
public ${} read(Reader reader, boolean strict) throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
XMLInputFactory factory = new com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxInputFactory();
factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_REPLACING_ENTITY_REFERENCES, false);
XMLStreamReader parser = null;
try {
parser = factory.createXMLStreamReader(reader);
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return read(parser, strict);
} //-- ${} read(Reader, boolean)
* @param reader a reader object.
* @throws IOException IOException if any.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return ${}
public ${} read(Reader reader) throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
return read(reader, true);
} //-- ${} read(Reader)
* Method read.
* @param in a in object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @throws IOException IOException if any.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return ${}
public ${} read(InputStream in, boolean strict) throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
XMLInputFactory factory = new com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxInputFactory();
factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_REPLACING_ENTITY_REFERENCES, false);
StreamSource streamSource = new StreamSource(in, null);
XMLStreamReader parser = factory.createXMLStreamReader(streamSource);
return read(parser, strict);
} //-- ${} read(InputStream, boolean)
* Method read.
* @param in a in object.
* @throws IOException IOException if any.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return ${}
public ${} read(InputStream in) throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
XMLInputFactory factory = new com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxInputFactory();
factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_REPLACING_ENTITY_REFERENCES, false);
StreamSource streamSource = new StreamSource(in, null);
XMLStreamReader parser = factory.createXMLStreamReader(streamSource);
return read(parser,true);
} //-- ${} read(InputStream)
* Method read.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @throws IOException IOException if any.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return ${}
public ${} read(XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict) throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
$rootUcapName $rootLcapName = null;
int eventType = parser.getEventType();
boolean parsed = false;
while (eventType != XMLStreamReader.END_DOCUMENT) {
if (eventType == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {
if (strict && ! "${rootTag}".equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Expected root element '${rootTag}' but found '" + parser.getLocalName() + "'", parser.getLocation(), null);
} else if (parsed) {
// fallback, already expected a XMLStreamException due to invalid XML
throw new XMLStreamException("Duplicated tag: '${rootTag}'", parser.getLocation(), null);
$rootLcapName = parse${rootUcapName}(parser, strict);
parsed = true;
eventType =;
if (parsed) {
return $rootLcapName;
throw new XMLStreamException("Expected root element '${rootTag}' but found no element at all: invalid XML document", parser.getLocation(), null);
} //-- ${} read(XMLStreamReader, boolean)
#foreach ( $class in $model.allClasses )
#if ( $ != "InputSource" && $ != "InputLocation" )
#set ( $classUcapName = $Helper.capitalise( $ ) )
#set ( $classLcapName = $Helper.uncapitalise( $ ) )
#set ( $ancestors = $Helper.ancestors( $class ) )
#set ( $allFields = [] )
#foreach ( $cl in $ancestors )
#set ( $dummy = $allFields.addAll( $cl.getFields($version) ) )
private ${classUcapName} parse${classUcapName}(XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict)
throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
String tagName = parser.getLocalName();
${classUcapName}.Builder ${classLcapName} = ${classUcapName}.newBuilder(true);
for (int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
String name = parser.getAttributeLocalName(i);
String ns = parser.getAttributeNamespace(i);
String value = parser.getAttributeValue(i);
if (XSI_NAMESPACE.equals(ns)) {
// just ignore attributes with non-default namespace (for example: xmlns:xsi)
#if ( $class == $root )
} else if ("xmlns".equals(name)) {
// ignore xmlns attribute in root class, which is a reserved attribute name
#foreach ( $field in $allFields )
#if ( $Helper.xmlFieldMetadata( $field ).attribute )
#set ( $fieldTagName = $Helper.xmlFieldMetadata( $field ).tagName )
#set ( $fieldCapName = $Helper.capitalise( $ ) )
else if ("$fieldTagName".equals(name)) {
#if ( $field.type == "String" )
${classLcapName}.${}(interpolatedTrimmed(value, "$fieldTagName"));
#elseif ( $field.type == "boolean" || $field.type == "Boolean" )
${classLcapName}.${}(getBooleanValue(interpolatedTrimmed(value, "$fieldTagName"), "$fieldTagName", parser, ${field.defaultValue}));
// TODO: type=${field.type} to=${} multiplicity=${field.multiplicity}
else {
checkUnknownAttribute(parser, name, tagName, strict);
Set<String> parsed = new HashSet<>();
#foreach ( $field in $allFields )
#if ( $Helper.isFlatItems( $field ) )
List<$> ${} = new ArrayList<>();
while ((strict ? parser.nextTag() : nextTag(parser)) == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {
String childName = checkDuplicate(parser.getLocalName(), parser, parsed);
switch (childName) {
#set( $ift = "if" )
#foreach ( $field in $allFields )
#if ( ! $Helper.xmlFieldMetadata( $field ).attribute && ! $Helper.xmlFieldMetadata( $field ).transient )
#set ( $fieldTagName = $Helper.xmlFieldMetadata( $field ).tagName )
#if ( ! $fieldTagName )
#set ( $fieldTagName = $ )
#if ( $Helper.isFlatItems( $field ) )
#set ( $fieldTagName = $Helper.singular( $fieldTagName ) )
#set ( $fieldCapName = $Helper.capitalise( $ ) )
case "${fieldTagName}": {
#if ( $field.type == "String" )
${classLcapName}.${}(interpolatedTrimmed(nextText(parser, strict), "${fieldTagName}"));
#elseif ( $field.type == "boolean" || $field.type == "Boolean" )
${classLcapName}.${}(getBooleanValue(interpolatedTrimmed(nextText(parser, strict), "${fieldTagName}"), "${fieldTagName}", parser, ${field.defaultValue}));
#elseif ( $field.type == "int" )
${classLcapName}.${}(getIntegerValue(interpolatedTrimmed(nextText(parser, strict), "${fieldTagName}"), "${fieldTagName}", parser, strict, ${field.defaultValue}));
#elseif ( $field.type == "DOM" )
#elseif ( $field.type == "java.util.List" && $ == "String" && $field.multiplicity == "*" )
List<String> ${} = new ArrayList<>();
while (parser.nextTag() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {
if ("${Helper.singular($fieldTagName)}".equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
${}.add(interpolatedTrimmed(nextText(parser, strict), "${fieldTagName}"));
} else {
checkUnknownElement(parser, strict);
#elseif ( $field.type == "java.util.Properties" && $ == "String" && $field.multiplicity == "*" )
Map<String, String> ${} = new LinkedHashMap<>();
while (parser.nextTag() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {
String key = parser.getLocalName();
String value = nextText(parser, strict).trim();
${}.put(key, value);
#elseif ( $ && $field.multiplicity == "1" )
${classLcapName}.${}(parse${}(parser, strict));
#elseif ( $ && $field.multiplicity == "*" && $Helper.isFlatItems( $field ) )
${}.add(parse${}(parser, strict));
#elseif ( $ && $field.multiplicity == "*" )
List<$> ${} = new ArrayList<>();
while (parser.nextTag() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {
if ("${Helper.singular($fieldTagName)}".equals(parser.getLocalName())) {
${}.add(parse${}(parser, strict));
} else {
checkUnknownElement(parser, strict);
// TODO: type=${field.type} to=${} multiplicity=${field.multiplicity}
#set( $ift = "else if" )
default: {
checkUnknownElement(parser, strict);
#foreach ( $field in $allFields )
#if ( $Helper.isFlatItems( $field ) )
#if ( $class == $root )
return ${classLcapName}.build();
private String checkDuplicate(String tagName, XMLStreamReader parser, Set<String> parsed) throws XMLStreamException {
#set( $aliases = { } )
#set( $flats = { } )
#foreach( $class in $model.allClasses )
#foreach ( $field in $class.getFields($version) )
#set ( $fieldTagName = $Helper.xmlFieldMetadata( $field ).tagName )
#if ( ! $fieldTagName )
#set ( $fieldTagName = $ )
#if ( $field.alias )
#set ( $dummy = $aliases.put( $field.alias, $fieldTagName ) )
#if ( $Helper.isFlatItems( $field ) )
#set ( $fieldTagName = $Helper.singular($fieldTagName) )
#set ( $dummy = $flats.put( $fieldTagName, "" ) )
#if ( ! ${aliases.isEmpty()} )
switch (tagName) {
#foreach( $entry in $aliases.entrySet() )
case "${entry.key}":
tagName = "${entry.value}";
#if ( ! ${flats.isEmpty()} )
switch (tagName) {
#foreach( $entry in $flats.entrySet() )
case "${entry.key}":
if (!parsed.add(tagName)) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Duplicated tag: '" + tagName + "'", parser.getLocation(), null);
return tagName;
* Sets the state of the "add default entities" flag.
* @param addDefaultEntities a addDefaultEntities object.
public void setAddDefaultEntities(boolean addDefaultEntities) {
this.addDefaultEntities = addDefaultEntities;
} //-- void setAddDefaultEntities(boolean)
public static interface ContentTransformer {
* Interpolate the value read from the xpp3 document
* @param source The source value
* @param fieldName A description of the field being interpolated. The implementation may use this to
* log stuff.
* @return The interpolated value.
String transform(String source, String fieldName);
* Method checkFieldWithDuplicate.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param parsed a parsed object.
* @param alias a alias object.
* @param tagName a tagName object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return boolean
private boolean checkFieldWithDuplicate(XMLStreamReader parser, String tagName, String alias, Set<String> parsed)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (!(parser.getLocalName().equals(tagName) || parser.getLocalName().equals(alias))) {
return false;
if (!parsed.add(tagName)) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Duplicated tag: '" + tagName + "'", parser.getLocation(), null);
return true;
} //-- boolean checkFieldWithDuplicate(XMLStreamReader, String, String, Set<String>)
* Method checkUnknownAttribute.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @param tagName a tagName object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @throws IOException IOException if any.
private void checkUnknownAttribute(XMLStreamReader parser, String attribute, String tagName, boolean strict)
throws XMLStreamException, IOException {
// strictXmlAttributes = true for model: if strict == true, not only elements are checked but attributes too
if (strict) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Unknown attribute '" + attribute + "' for tag '" + tagName + "'", parser.getLocation(), null);
} //-- void checkUnknownAttribute(XMLStreamReader, String, String, boolean)
* Method checkUnknownElement.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @throws IOException IOException if any.
private void checkUnknownElement(XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict)
throws XMLStreamException, IOException {
if (strict) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Unrecognised tag: '" + parser.getLocalName() + "'", parser.getLocation(), null);
for (int unrecognizedTagCount = 1; unrecognizedTagCount > 0;) {
int eventType =;
if (eventType == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {
} else if (eventType == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT) {
} //-- void checkUnknownElement(XMLStreamReader, boolean)
* Returns the state of the "add default entities" flag.
* @return boolean
public boolean getAddDefaultEntities() {
return addDefaultEntities;
} //-- boolean getAddDefaultEntities()
* Method getBooleanValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return boolean
private boolean getBooleanValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser)
throws XMLStreamException {
return getBooleanValue(s, attribute, parser, false);
} //-- boolean getBooleanValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader)
* Method getBooleanValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param defaultValue a defaultValue object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return boolean
private boolean getBooleanValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser, boolean defaultValue)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (s != null && s.length() != 0) {
return Boolean.valueOf(s).booleanValue();
return defaultValue;
} //-- boolean getBooleanValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, String)
* Method getByteValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return byte
private byte getByteValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (s != null) {
try {
return Byte.valueOf(s).byteValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (strict) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be a byte", parser.getLocation(), nfe);
return 0;
} //-- byte getByteValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean)
* Method getCharacterValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return char
private char getCharacterValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (s != null) {
return s.charAt(0);
return 0;
} //-- char getCharacterValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader)
* Method getDateValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return Date
private Date getDateValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser)
throws XMLStreamException {
return getDateValue(s, attribute, null, parser);
} //-- Date getDateValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader)
* Method getDateValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param dateFormat a dateFormat object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return Date
private Date getDateValue(String s, String attribute, String dateFormat, XMLStreamReader parser)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (s != null) {
String effectiveDateFormat = dateFormat;
if (dateFormat == null) {
effectiveDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS";
if ("long".equals(effectiveDateFormat)) {
try {
return new java.util.Date(Long.parseLong(s));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new XMLStreamException(e.getMessage(), parser.getLocation(), e);
} else {
try {
DateFormat dateParser = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(effectiveDateFormat, java.util.Locale.US);
return dateParser.parse(s);
} catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
throw new XMLStreamException(e.getMessage(), parser.getLocation(), e);
return null;
} //-- Date getDateValue(String, String, String, XMLStreamReader)
* Method getDoubleValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return double
private double getDoubleValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (s != null) {
try {
return Double.valueOf(s).doubleValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (strict) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be a floating point number", parser.getLocation(), nfe);
return 0;
} //-- double getDoubleValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean)
* Method getFloatValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return float
private float getFloatValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (s != null) {
try {
return Float.valueOf(s).floatValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (strict) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be a floating point number", parser.getLocation(), nfe);
return 0;
} //-- float getFloatValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean)
* Method getIntegerValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return int
private int getIntegerValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict)
throws XMLStreamException {
return getIntegerValue(s, attribute, parser, strict, 0);
} //-- int getBooleanValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader)
* Method getIntegerValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return int
private int getIntegerValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict, int defaultValue)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (s != null) {
try {
return Integer.valueOf(s).intValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (strict) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be an integer", parser.getLocation(), nfe);
return defaultValue;
} //-- int getIntegerValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean, int)
* Method getLongValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return long
private long getLongValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (s != null) {
try {
return Long.valueOf(s).longValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (strict) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be a long integer", parser.getLocation(), nfe);
return 0;
} //-- long getLongValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean)
* Method getRequiredAttributeValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return String
private String getRequiredAttributeValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (s == null) {
if (strict) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Missing required value for attribute '" + attribute + "'", parser.getLocation(), null);
return s;
} //-- String getRequiredAttributeValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean)
* Method getShortValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @param strict a strict object.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @param attribute a attribute object.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return short
private short getShortValue(String s, String attribute, XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (s != null) {
try {
return Short.valueOf(s).shortValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (strict) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Unable to parse element '" + attribute + "', must be a short integer", parser.getLocation(), nfe);
return 0;
} //-- short getShortValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean)
* Method getTrimmedValue.
* @param s a s object.
* @return String
private String getTrimmedValue(String s) {
if (s != null) {
s = s.trim();
return s;
} //-- String getTrimmedValue(String)
* Method interpolatedTrimmed.
* @param value a value object.
* @param context a context object.
* @return String
private String interpolatedTrimmed(String value, String context) {
return getTrimmedValue(contentTransformer.transform(value, context));
} //-- String interpolatedTrimmed(String, String)
* Method nextTag.
* @param parser a parser object.
* @throws IOException IOException if any.
* @throws XMLStreamException XMLStreamException if
* any.
* @return int
private int nextTag(XMLStreamReader parser) throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
while (true) {
int next =;
switch (next) {
case XMLStreamReader.SPACE:
case XMLStreamReader.COMMENT:
case XMLStreamReader.CDATA:
case XMLStreamReader.CHARACTERS:
case XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT:
case XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT:
return next;
} //-- int nextTag(XMLStreamReader)
private String nextText(XMLStreamReader parser, boolean strict) throws XMLStreamException {
int eventType = parser.getEventType();
if (eventType != XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {
throw new XMLStreamException("parser must be on START_ELEMENT to read next text", parser.getLocation(), null);
eventType =;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
while (true) {
if (eventType == XMLStreamReader.CHARACTERS || eventType == XMLStreamReader.CDATA) {
} else if (eventType == XMLStreamReader.ENTITY_REFERENCE) {
String val = null;
if (strict) {
throw new XMLStreamException("Entities are not supported in strict mode", parser.getLocation(), null);
} else if (addDefaultEntities) {
val = DEFAULT_ENTITIES.get(parser.getLocalName());
if (val != null) {
} else {
} else if (eventType != XMLStreamReader.COMMENT) {
eventType =;
if (eventType != XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT) {
throw new XMLStreamException(
"TEXT must be immediately followed by END_ELEMENT and not " + eventType /*TODO: TYPES[eventType]*/, parser.getLocation(), null);
return result.toString();