blob: c4ddcb830a64f88fa959d0806ab8432be631c30c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.cli;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.performProfileActivation;
import static org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.performProjectActivation;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.nullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.notNullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.collection.IsIterableContainingInAnyOrder.containsInAnyOrder;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.assumeTrue;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.inOrder;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.maven.Maven;
import org.apache.maven.eventspy.internal.EventSpyDispatcher;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequest;
import org.apache.maven.execution.ProfileActivation;
import org.apache.maven.execution.ProjectActivation;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.logging.MessageUtils;
import org.apache.maven.toolchain.building.ToolchainsBuildingRequest;
import org.apache.maven.toolchain.building.ToolchainsBuildingResult;
import org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer;
import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.mockito.InOrder;
public class MavenCliTest
private MavenCli cli;
private String origBasedir;
public void setUp()
cli = new MavenCli();
origBasedir = System.getProperty( MavenCli.MULTIMODULE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY );
public void tearDown()
throws Exception
if ( origBasedir != null )
System.setProperty( MavenCli.MULTIMODULE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY, origBasedir );
System.getProperties().remove( MavenCli.MULTIMODULE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY );
public void testPerformProfileActivation() throws ParseException
final CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
final Options options = new Options();
options.addOption( Option.builder( Character.toString( CLIManager.ACTIVATE_PROFILES ) ).hasArg().build() );
ProfileActivation activation;
activation = new ProfileActivation();
performProfileActivation( parser.parse( options, new String[]{ "-P", "test1,+test2,?test3,+?test4" } ), activation );
assertThat( activation.getRequiredActiveProfileIds(), containsInAnyOrder( "test1", "test2" ) );
assertThat( activation.getOptionalActiveProfileIds(), containsInAnyOrder( "test3", "test4" ) );
activation = new ProfileActivation();
performProfileActivation( parser.parse( options, new String[]{ "-P", "!test1,-test2,-?test3,!?test4" } ), activation );
assertThat( activation.getRequiredInactiveProfileIds(), containsInAnyOrder( "test1", "test2" ) );
assertThat( activation.getOptionalInactiveProfileIds(), containsInAnyOrder( "test3", "test4" ) );
activation = new ProfileActivation();
performProfileActivation( parser.parse( options, new String[]{ "-P", "-test1,+test2" } ), activation );
assertThat( activation.getRequiredActiveProfileIds(), containsInAnyOrder( "test2" ) );
assertThat( activation.getRequiredInactiveProfileIds(), containsInAnyOrder( "test1" ) );
public void testDetermineProjectActivation() throws ParseException
final CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
final Options options = new Options();
options.addOption( Option.builder( CLIManager.PROJECT_LIST ).hasArg().build() );
ProjectActivation activation;
activation = new ProjectActivation();
performProjectActivation( parser.parse( options, new String[]{ "-pl", "test1,+test2,?test3,+?test4" } ), activation );
assertThat( activation.getRequiredActiveProjectSelectors(), containsInAnyOrder( "test1", "test2" ) );
assertThat( activation.getOptionalActiveProjectSelectors(), containsInAnyOrder( "test3", "test4" ) );
activation = new ProjectActivation();
performProjectActivation( parser.parse( options, new String[]{ "-pl", "!test1,-test2,-?test3,!?test4" } ), activation );
assertThat( activation.getRequiredInactiveProjectSelectors(), containsInAnyOrder( "test1", "test2" ) );
assertThat( activation.getOptionalInactiveProjectSelectors(), containsInAnyOrder( "test3", "test4" ) );
activation = new ProjectActivation();
performProjectActivation( parser.parse( options, new String[]{ "-pl", "-test1,+test2" } ), activation );
assertThat( activation.getRequiredActiveProjectSelectors(), containsInAnyOrder( "test2" ) );
assertThat( activation.getRequiredInactiveProjectSelectors(), containsInAnyOrder( "test1" ) );
public void testCalculateDegreeOfConcurrency()
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "0" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "-1" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "0x4" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "1.0" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "1." ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "AA" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "C" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "C2.2C" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "C2.2" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "2C2" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "CXXX" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "XXXC" ) );
int cpus = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
assertEquals( (int) ( cpus * 2.2 ), cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "2.2C" ) );
assertEquals( 1, cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "0.0001C" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "2.C" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "-2.2C" ) );
assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class,
() -> cli.calculateDegreeOfConcurrency( "0C" ) );
public void testMavenConfig()
throws Exception
new File( "src/test/projects/config" ).getCanonicalPath() );
CliRequest request = new CliRequest( new String[0], null );
// read .mvn/maven.config
cli.initialize( request );
cli.cli( request );
assertEquals( "multithreaded", request.commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.BUILDER ) );
assertEquals( "8", request.commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.THREADS ) );
// override from command line
request = new CliRequest( new String[]{ "--builder", "foobar" }, null );
cli.cli( request );
assertEquals( "foobar", request.commandLine.getOptionValue( "builder" ) );
public void testMavenConfigInvalid()
throws Exception
new File( "src/test/projects/config-illegal" ).getCanonicalPath() );
CliRequest request = new CliRequest( new String[0], null );
cli.initialize( request );
assertThrows( ParseException.class, () -> cli.cli( request ) );
* Read .mvn/maven.config with the following definitions:
* <pre>
* -T
* 3
* -Drevision=1.3.0
* "-Dlabel=Apache Maven"
* </pre>
* and check if the {@code -T 3} option can be overwritten via command line
* argument.
* @throws Exception in case of failure.
public void testMVNConfigurationThreadCanBeOverwrittenViaCommandLine()
throws Exception
new File( "src/test/projects/mavenConfigProperties" ).getCanonicalPath() );
CliRequest request = new CliRequest( new String[]{ "-T", "5" }, null );
cli.initialize( request );
// read .mvn/maven.config
cli.cli( request );
assertEquals( "5", request.commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.THREADS ) );
* Read .mvn/maven.config with the following definitions:
* <pre>
* -T
* 3
* -Drevision=1.3.0
* "-Dlabel=Apache Maven"
* </pre>
* and check if the {@code -Drevision-1.3.0} option can be overwritten via command line
* argument.
* @throws Exception
public void testMVNConfigurationDefinedPropertiesCanBeOverwrittenViaCommandLine()
throws Exception
new File( "src/test/projects/mavenConfigProperties" ).getCanonicalPath() );
CliRequest request = new CliRequest( new String[]{ "-Drevision=8.1.0" }, null );
cli.initialize( request );
// read .mvn/maven.config
cli.cli( request ); request );
String revision = System.getProperty( "revision" );
assertEquals( "8.1.0", revision );
* Read .mvn/maven.config with the following definitions:
* <pre>
* -T
* 3
* -Drevision=1.3.0
* "-Dlabel=Apache Maven"
* </pre>
* and check if the {@code -Drevision-1.3.0} option can be overwritten via command line
* argument.
* @throws Exception
public void testMVNConfigurationCLIRepeatedPropertiesLastWins()
throws Exception
new File( "src/test/projects/mavenConfigProperties" ).getCanonicalPath() );
CliRequest request = new CliRequest( new String[]{ "-Drevision=8.1.0", "-Drevision=8.2.0" }, null );
cli.initialize( request );
// read .mvn/maven.config
cli.cli( request ); request );
String revision = System.getProperty( "revision" );
assertEquals( "8.2.0", revision );
* Read .mvn/maven.config with the following definitions:
* <pre>
* -T
* 3
* -Drevision=1.3.0
* "-Dlabel=Apache Maven"
* </pre>
* and check if the {@code -Drevision-1.3.0} option can be overwritten via command line argument when there are
* funky arguments present.
* @throws Exception
public void testMVNConfigurationFunkyArguments()
throws Exception
new File( "src/test/projects/mavenConfigProperties" ).getCanonicalPath() );
CliRequest request = new CliRequest(
new String[]{ "-Drevision=8.1.0", "--file=-Dpom.xml", "\"-Dfoo=bar ", "\"-Dfoo2=bar two\"",
"-Drevision=8.2.0" }, null );
cli.initialize( request );
// read .mvn/maven.config
cli.cli( request ); request );
assertEquals( "3", request.commandLine.getOptionValue( CLIManager.THREADS ) );
String revision = System.getProperty( "revision" );
assertEquals( "8.2.0", revision );
assertEquals( "bar ", request.getSystemProperties().getProperty( "foo" ) );
assertEquals( "bar two", request.getSystemProperties().getProperty( "foo2" ) );
assertEquals( "Apache Maven", request.getSystemProperties().getProperty( "label" ) );
assertEquals( "-Dpom.xml", request.getCommandLine().getOptionValue( CLIManager.ALTERNATE_POM_FILE ) );
public void testStyleColors()
throws Exception
assumeTrue( MessageUtils.isColorEnabled(), "ANSI not supported" );
CliRequest request;
MessageUtils.setColorEnabled( true );
request = new CliRequest( new String[] { "-B" }, null );
cli.cli( request ); request );
cli.logging( request );
assertFalse( MessageUtils.isColorEnabled() );
MessageUtils.setColorEnabled( true );
request = new CliRequest( new String[] { "-l", "target/temp/mvn.log" }, null );
request.workingDirectory = "target/temp";
cli.cli( request ); request );
cli.logging( request );
assertFalse( MessageUtils.isColorEnabled() );
MessageUtils.setColorEnabled( false );
request = new CliRequest( new String[] { "-Dstyle.color=always" }, null );
cli.cli( request ); request );
cli.logging( request );
assertTrue( MessageUtils.isColorEnabled() );
MessageUtils.setColorEnabled( true );
request = new CliRequest( new String[] { "-Dstyle.color=never" }, null );
cli.cli( request ); request );
cli.logging( request );
assertFalse( MessageUtils.isColorEnabled() );
MessageUtils.setColorEnabled( false );
request = new CliRequest( new String[] { "-Dstyle.color=always", "-B", "-l", "target/temp/mvn.log" }, null );
request.workingDirectory = "target/temp";
cli.cli( request ); request );
cli.logging( request );
assertTrue( MessageUtils.isColorEnabled() );
MessageUtils.setColorEnabled( false );
CliRequest maybeColorRequest = new CliRequest( new String[] { "-Dstyle.color=maybe", "-B", "-l", "target/temp/mvn.log" }, null );
request.workingDirectory = "target/temp";
cli.cli( maybeColorRequest ); maybeColorRequest );
() -> cli.logging( maybeColorRequest ),
"maybe is not a valid option" );
* Verifies MNG-6558
public void testToolchainsBuildingEvents() throws Exception {
final EventSpyDispatcher eventSpyDispatcherMock = mock(EventSpyDispatcher.class);
MavenCli customizedMavenCli = new MavenCli() {
protected void customizeContainer(PlexusContainer container) {
container.addComponent(mock(Maven.class), "org.apache.maven.Maven");
( (DefaultPlexusContainer) container ).addPlexusInjector( Collections.emptyList(),
binder -> binder.bind( EventSpyDispatcher.class ).toInstance( eventSpyDispatcherMock ) );
CliRequest cliRequest = new CliRequest(new String[]{}, null);
InOrder orderedEventSpyDispatcherMock = inOrder(eventSpyDispatcherMock);
orderedEventSpyDispatcherMock.verify(eventSpyDispatcherMock, times(1)).onEvent(any(ToolchainsBuildingRequest.class));
orderedEventSpyDispatcherMock.verify(eventSpyDispatcherMock, times(1)).onEvent(any(ToolchainsBuildingResult.class));
public void resumeFromSelectorIsSuggestedWithoutGroupId()
List<MavenProject> allProjects = asList(
createMavenProject( "group", "module-a" ),
createMavenProject( "group", "module-b" ) );
MavenProject failedProject = allProjects.get( 0 );
String selector = cli.getResumeFromSelector( allProjects, failedProject );
assertThat( selector, is( ":module-a" ) );
public void resumeFromSelectorContainsGroupIdWhenArtifactIdIsNotUnique()
List<MavenProject> allProjects = asList(
createMavenProject( "group-a", "module" ),
createMavenProject( "group-b", "module" ) );
MavenProject failedProject = allProjects.get( 0 );
String selector = cli.getResumeFromSelector( allProjects, failedProject );
assertThat( selector, is( "group-a:module" ) );
public void verifyLocalRepositoryPath()
MavenCli cli = new MavenCli();
CliRequest request = new CliRequest( new String[] { }, null );
request.commandLine = new CommandLine.Builder().build();
MavenExecutionRequest executionRequest;
// Use default
executionRequest = cli.populateRequest( request );
assertThat( executionRequest.getLocalRepositoryPath(),
is( nullValue() ) );
// System-properties override default
request.getSystemProperties().setProperty( MavenCli.LOCAL_REPO_PROPERTY, "." + File.separatorChar + "custom1" );
executionRequest = cli.populateRequest( request );
assertThat( executionRequest.getLocalRepositoryPath(),
is( notNullValue() ) );
assertThat( executionRequest.getLocalRepositoryPath().toString(),
is( "." + File.separatorChar + "custom1" ) );
// User-properties override system properties
request.getUserProperties().setProperty( MavenCli.LOCAL_REPO_PROPERTY, "." + File.separatorChar + "custom2" );
executionRequest = cli.populateRequest( request );
assertThat( executionRequest.getLocalRepositoryPath(),
is( notNullValue() ) );
assertThat( executionRequest.getLocalRepositoryPath().toString(),
is( "." + File.separatorChar + "custom2" ) );
* MNG-7032: Disable colours for {@code --version} if {@code --batch-mode} is also given.
* @throws Exception cli invocation.
public void testVersionStringWithoutAnsi() throws Exception
// given
// - request with version and batch mode
CliRequest cliRequest = new CliRequest( new String[] {
}, null );
ByteArrayOutputStream systemOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream oldOut = System.out;
System.setOut( new PrintStream( systemOut ) );
// when
try {
cli.cli( cliRequest );
} catch ( MavenCli.ExitException exitException ) {
// expected
} finally {
// restore sysout
System.setOut( oldOut );
String versionOut = new String( systemOut.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );
// then
assertEquals( MessageUtils.stripAnsiCodes( versionOut ), versionOut );
public void populatePropertiesCanContainEqualsSign() throws Exception
// Arrange
CliRequest request = new CliRequest( new String[] { "-Dw=x=y", "validate" }, null );
// Act
cli.cli( request ); request );
// Assert
assertThat( request.getUserProperties().getProperty( "w" ), is( "x=y" ) );
public void populatePropertiesSpace() throws Exception
// Arrange
CliRequest request = new CliRequest( new String[] { "-D", "z=2", "validate" }, null );
// Act
cli.cli( request ); request );
// Assert
assertThat( request.getUserProperties().getProperty( "z" ), is( "2" ) );
public void populatePropertiesShorthand() throws Exception
// Arrange
CliRequest request = new CliRequest( new String[] { "-Dx", "validate" }, null );
// Act
cli.cli( request ); request );
// Assert
assertThat( request.getUserProperties().getProperty( "x" ), is( "true" ) );
public void populatePropertiesMultiple() throws Exception
// Arrange
CliRequest request = new CliRequest( new String[] { "-Dx=1", "-Dy", "validate" }, null );
// Act
cli.cli( request ); request );
// Assert
assertThat( request.getUserProperties().getProperty( "x" ), is( "1" ) );
assertThat( request.getUserProperties().getProperty( "y" ), is( "true" ) );
public void populatePropertiesOverwrite() throws Exception
// Arrange
CliRequest request = new CliRequest( new String[] { "-Dx", "-Dx=false", "validate" }, null );
// Act
cli.cli( request ); request );
// Assert
assertThat( request.getUserProperties().getProperty( "x" ), is( "false" ) );
private MavenProject createMavenProject( String groupId, String artifactId )
MavenProject project = new MavenProject();
project.setGroupId( groupId );
project.setArtifactId( artifactId );
return project;