blob: 6b378b7af157b00de4caad3dc12d46797b1961c7 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.project;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.model.Plugin;
import org.apache.maven.model.PluginContainer;
import org.apache.maven.model.PluginExecution;
import org.apache.maven.model.Repository;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;
/** @deprecated */
public final class ModelUtils
* This should be the resulting ordering of plugins after merging:
* <p>
* Given:
* <pre>
* parent: X -&gt; A -&gt; B -&gt; D -&gt; E
* child: Y -&gt; A -&gt; C -&gt; D -&gt; F
* </pre>
* Result:
* <pre>
* X -&gt; Y -&gt; A -&gt; B -&gt; C -&gt; D -&gt; E -&gt; F
* </pre>
public static void mergePluginLists( PluginContainer childContainer, PluginContainer parentContainer,
boolean handleAsInheritance )
if ( ( childContainer == null ) || ( parentContainer == null ) )
// nothing to do.
List<Plugin> parentPlugins = parentContainer.getPlugins();
if ( ( parentPlugins != null ) && !parentPlugins.isEmpty() )
parentPlugins = new ArrayList<>( parentPlugins );
// If we're processing this merge as an inheritance, we have to build up a list of
// plugins that were considered for inheritance.
if ( handleAsInheritance )
for ( Iterator<Plugin> it = parentPlugins.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Plugin plugin =;
String inherited = plugin.getInherited();
if ( ( inherited != null ) && !Boolean.parseBoolean( inherited ) )
List<Plugin> assembledPlugins = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Plugin> childPlugins = childContainer.getPluginsAsMap();
for ( Plugin parentPlugin : parentPlugins )
String parentInherited = parentPlugin.getInherited();
// only merge plugin definition from the parent if at least one
// of these is true:
// 1. we're not processing the plugins in an inheritance-based merge
// 2. the parent's <inherited/> flag is not set
// 3. the parent's <inherited/> flag is set to true
if ( !handleAsInheritance || ( parentInherited == null )
|| Boolean.parseBoolean( parentInherited ) )
Plugin childPlugin = childPlugins.get( parentPlugin.getKey() );
if ( ( childPlugin != null ) && !assembledPlugins.contains( childPlugin ) )
mergePluginDefinitions( childPlugin, parentPlugin, handleAsInheritance );
// fix for MNG-2221 (assembly cache was not being populated for later reference):
assembledPlugins.add( childPlugin );
// if we're processing this as an inheritance-based merge, and
// the parent's <inherited/> flag is not set, then we need to
// clear the inherited flag in the merge result.
if ( handleAsInheritance && ( parentInherited == null ) )
// very important to use the parentPlugins List, rather than parentContainer.getPlugins()
// since this list is a local one, and may have been modified during processing.
List<Plugin> results =
ModelUtils.orderAfterMerge( assembledPlugins, parentPlugins, childContainer.getPlugins() );
childContainer.setPlugins( results );
public static List<Plugin> orderAfterMerge( List<Plugin> merged, List<Plugin> highPrioritySource,
List<Plugin> lowPrioritySource )
List<Plugin> results = new ArrayList<>();
if ( !merged.isEmpty() )
results.addAll( merged );
List<Plugin> missingFromResults = new ArrayList<>();
List<List<Plugin>> sources = new ArrayList<>();
sources.add( highPrioritySource );
sources.add( lowPrioritySource );
for ( List<Plugin> source : sources )
for ( Plugin item : source )
if ( results.contains( item ) )
if ( !missingFromResults.isEmpty() )
int idx = results.indexOf( item );
if ( idx < 0 )
idx = 0;
results.addAll( idx, missingFromResults );
missingFromResults.add( item );
if ( !missingFromResults.isEmpty() )
results.addAll( missingFromResults );
return results;
public static void mergePluginDefinitions( Plugin child, Plugin parent, boolean handleAsInheritance )
if ( ( child == null ) || ( parent == null ) )
// nothing to do.
if ( parent.isExtensions() )
child.setExtensions( true );
if ( ( child.getVersion() == null ) && ( parent.getVersion() != null ) )
child.setVersion( parent.getVersion() );
Xpp3Dom childConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) child.getConfiguration();
Xpp3Dom parentConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) parent.getConfiguration();
childConfiguration = Xpp3Dom.mergeXpp3Dom( childConfiguration, parentConfiguration );
child.setConfiguration( childConfiguration );
child.setDependencies( mergeDependencyList( child.getDependencies(), parent.getDependencies() ) );
// from here to the end of the method is dealing with merging of the <executions/> section.
String parentInherited = parent.getInherited();
boolean parentIsInherited = ( parentInherited == null ) || Boolean.parseBoolean( parentInherited );
List<PluginExecution> parentExecutions = parent.getExecutions();
if ( ( parentExecutions != null ) && !parentExecutions.isEmpty() )
List<PluginExecution> mergedExecutions = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, PluginExecution> assembledExecutions = new TreeMap<>();
Map<String, PluginExecution> childExecutions = child.getExecutionsAsMap();
for ( PluginExecution parentExecution : parentExecutions )
String inherited = parentExecution.getInherited();
boolean parentExecInherited =
parentIsInherited && ( ( inherited == null ) || Boolean.parseBoolean( inherited ) );
if ( !handleAsInheritance || parentExecInherited )
PluginExecution assembled = parentExecution;
PluginExecution childExecution = childExecutions.get( parentExecution.getId() );
if ( childExecution != null )
mergePluginExecutionDefinitions( childExecution, parentExecution );
assembled = childExecution;
else if ( handleAsInheritance && ( parentInherited == null ) )
assembledExecutions.put( assembled.getId(), assembled );
mergedExecutions.add( assembled );
for ( PluginExecution childExecution : child.getExecutions() )
if ( !assembledExecutions.containsKey( childExecution.getId() ) )
mergedExecutions.add( childExecution );
child.setExecutions( mergedExecutions );
private static void mergePluginExecutionDefinitions( PluginExecution child, PluginExecution parent )
if ( child.getPhase() == null )
child.setPhase( parent.getPhase() );
List<String> parentGoals = parent.getGoals();
List<String> childGoals = child.getGoals();
List<String> goals = new ArrayList<>();
if ( ( childGoals != null ) && !childGoals.isEmpty() )
goals.addAll( childGoals );
if ( parentGoals != null )
for ( String goal : parentGoals )
if ( !goals.contains( goal ) )
goals.add( goal );
child.setGoals( goals );
Xpp3Dom childConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) child.getConfiguration();
Xpp3Dom parentConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) parent.getConfiguration();
childConfiguration = Xpp3Dom.mergeXpp3Dom( childConfiguration, parentConfiguration );
child.setConfiguration( childConfiguration );
public static List<Repository> mergeRepositoryLists( List<Repository> dominant, List<Repository> recessive )
List<Repository> repositories = new ArrayList<>( dominant );
for ( Repository repository : recessive )
if ( !repositories.contains( repository ) )
repositories.add( repository );
return repositories;
public static void mergeFilterLists( List<String> childFilters, List<String> parentFilters )
for ( String f : parentFilters )
if ( !childFilters.contains( f ) )
childFilters.add( f );
private static List<Dependency> mergeDependencyList( List<Dependency> child, List<Dependency> parent )
Map<String, Dependency> depsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if ( parent != null )
for ( Dependency dependency : parent )
depsMap.put( dependency.getManagementKey(), dependency );
if ( child != null )
for ( Dependency dependency : child )
depsMap.put( dependency.getManagementKey(), dependency );
return new ArrayList<>( depsMap.values() );