blob: 5c07d87e96c65c150ae166bee0f0c08687f2a133 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.webdav;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import it.could.webdav.DAVServlet;
import org.apache.http.HttpException;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.ResourceDoesNotExistException;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.StreamingWagon;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.TransferFailedException;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.http.HttpWagonTestCase;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.repository.Repository;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.resource.Resource;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.shared.http.HttpConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.shared.http.HttpMethodConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* WebDAV Wagon Test
* @author <a href="">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
* @author <a href="">Carlos Sanchez</a>
public class WebDavWagonTest
extends HttpWagonTestCase
protected Wagon getWagon()
throws Exception
WebDavWagon wagon = (WebDavWagon) super.getWagon();
new HttpConfiguration() //
.setPut( new HttpMethodConfiguration().setUsePreemptive( true ) ));
return wagon;
protected String getTestRepositoryUrl()
throws IOException
return getProtocol() + "://localhost:" + getTestRepositoryPort() + "/newfolder/folder2/";
protected String getProtocol()
return "dav";
protected ServletContextHandler createContext( Server server, File repositoryDirectory )
throws IOException
ServletContextHandler dav = new ServletContextHandler( ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS );
ServletHolder davServletHolder = new ServletHolder( new DAVServlet() );
davServletHolder.setInitParameter( "rootPath", repositoryDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );
davServletHolder.setInitParameter( "xmlOnly", "false" );
dav.addServlet( davServletHolder, "/*" );
return dav;
protected long getExpectedLastModifiedOnGet( Repository repository, Resource resource )
File file = new File( getDavRepository(), resource.getName() );
return ( file.lastModified() / 1000L ) * 1000L;
private File getDavRepository()
return getTestFile( "target/test-output/http-repository/newfolder/folder2" );
private void assertURL( String userUrl, String expectedUrl )
Repository repo = new Repository( "test-geturl", userUrl );
String actualUrl = ( new WebDavWagon() ).getURL( repo );
assertEquals( "WebDavWagon.getURL(" + userUrl + ")", expectedUrl, actualUrl );
* Tests the maven 2.0.x way to define a webdav URL without SSL.
public void testGetURLDavHttp()
assertURL( "dav:http://localhost:9080/dav/",
"http://localhost:9080/dav/" );
* Tests the maven 2.0.x way to define a webdav URL with SSL.
public void testGetURLDavHttps()
assertURL( "dav:https://localhost:9443/dav/",
"https://localhost:9443/dav/" );
* Tests the URI spec way of defining a webdav URL without SSL.
public void testGetURLDavUri()
assertURL( "dav://localhost:9080/dav/",
"http://localhost:9080/dav/" );
* Tests the URI spec way of defining a webdav URL with SSL.
public void testGetURLDavUriWithSsl()
assertURL( "davs://localhost:9443/dav/",
"https://localhost:9443/dav/" );
* Tests the URI spec way of defining a webdav URL without SSL.
public void testGetURLDavPlusHttp()
assertURL( "dav+https://localhost:" + getTestRepositoryPort() + "/dav/",
"https://localhost:" + getTestRepositoryPort() + "/dav/" );
* Tests the URI spec way of defining a webdav URL with SSL.
public void testGetURLDavPlusHttps()
assertURL( "dav+https://localhost:9443/dav/",
"https://localhost:9443/dav/" );
public void testMkdirs()
throws Exception
WebDavWagon wagon = (WebDavWagon) getWagon();
wagon.connect( testRepository, getAuthInfo() );
File dir = getRepositoryDirectory();
// check basedir also doesn't exist and will need to be created
dir = new File( dir, testRepository.getBasedir() );
assertFalse( dir.exists() );
// test leading /
assertFalse( new File( dir, "foo" ).exists() );
wagon.mkdirs( "/foo" );
assertTrue( new File( dir, "foo" ).exists() );
// test trailing /
assertFalse( new File( dir, "bar" ).exists() );
wagon.mkdirs( "bar/" );
assertTrue( new File( dir, "bar" ).exists() );
// test when already exists
wagon.mkdirs( "bar" );
// test several parts
assertFalse( new File( dir, "1/2/3/4" ).exists() );
wagon.mkdirs( "1/2/3/4" );
assertTrue( new File( dir, "1/2/3/4" ).exists() );
// test additional part and trailing /
assertFalse( new File( dir, "1/2/3/4/5" ).exists() );
wagon.mkdirs( "1/2/3/4/5/" );
assertTrue( new File( dir, "1/2/3/4" ).exists() );
public void testMkdirsWithNoBasedir()
throws Exception
// WAGON-244
// reconstruct with no basedir
testRepository.getProtocol() + "://" + testRepository.getHost() + ":" + testRepository.getPort() );
WebDavWagon wagon = (WebDavWagon) getWagon();
wagon.connect( testRepository, getAuthInfo() );
File dir = getRepositoryDirectory();
// check basedir also doesn't exist and will need to be created
dir = new File( dir, testRepository.getBasedir() );
assertTrue( dir.exists() );
// test leading /
assertFalse( new File( dir, "foo" ).exists() );
wagon.mkdirs( "/foo" );
assertTrue( new File( dir, "foo" ).exists() );
protected void setHttpHeaders( StreamingWagon wagon, Properties properties )
( (WebDavWagon) wagon ).setHttpHeaders( properties );
* Make sure Wagon WebDAV can detect remote directory
* @throws Exception
public void testWagonWebDavGetFileList()
throws Exception
String dirName = "file-list";
String filenames[] =
new String[]{ "test-resource.txt", "test-resource.pom", "test-resource b.txt", "more-resources.dat" };
for ( int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++ )
putFile( dirName + "/" + filenames[i], dirName + "/" + filenames[i], filenames[i] + "\n" );
String dirnames[] = new String[]{ "test-dir1", "test-dir2" };
for ( int i = 0; i < dirnames.length; i++ )
new File( getDavRepository(), dirName + "/" + dirnames[i] ).mkdirs();
Wagon wagon = getWagon();
wagon.connect( testRepository, getAuthInfo() );
List<String> list = wagon.getFileList( dirName );
assertNotNull( "file list should not be null.", list );
assertEquals( "file list should contain 6 items", 6, list.size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++ )
assertTrue( "Filename '" + filenames[i] + "' should be in list.", list.contains( filenames[i] ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < dirnames.length; i++ )
assertTrue( "Directory '" + dirnames[i] + "' should be in list.", list.contains( dirnames[i] + "/" ) );
list = wagon.getFileList( "" );
assertNotNull( "file list should not be null.", list );
assertEquals( "file list should contain 1 items", 1, list.size() );
list = wagon.getFileList( dirName + "/test-dir1" );
assertNotNull( "file list should not be null.", list );
assertEquals( "file list should contain 0 items", 0, list.size() );
list = wagon.getFileList( dirName + "/test-dir-bogus" );
fail( "Exception expected" );
catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException e )
public void testWagonFailsOnPutFailureByDefault()
throws Exception
File testFile = getTempFile();
System.clearProperty( WebDavWagon.CONTINUE_ON_FAILURE_PROPERTY );
WebDavWagon wagon = new TimeoutSimulatingWagon();
wagon.connect( testRepository, getAuthInfo() );
String filename = TimeoutSimulatingWagon.TIMEOUT_TRIGGER + ".txt";
wagon.put( testFile, filename );
fail( "Exception expected" );
catch ( TransferFailedException e )
private File getTempFile()
throws IOException
File inputFile = File.createTempFile( "test-resource", ".txt" );
return inputFile;
private static class TimeoutSimulatingWagon
extends WebDavWagon
private static final String TIMEOUT_TRIGGER = "timeout";
protected CloseableHttpResponse execute( HttpUriRequest httpRequestBase )
throws HttpException, IOException
if ( httpRequestBase.getURI().getPath().contains( TIMEOUT_TRIGGER ) )
throw new SocketTimeoutException( "Timeout triggered by request for '" + httpRequestBase.getURI().getPath() + "'" );
return super.execute( httpRequestBase );
public void testWagonContinuesOnPutFailureIfPropertySet()
throws Exception
File testFile = getTempFile();
String continueOnFailureProperty = WebDavWagon.CONTINUE_ON_FAILURE_PROPERTY;
System.setProperty( continueOnFailureProperty, "true" );
WebDavWagon wagon = new TimeoutSimulatingWagon();
wagon.connect( testRepository, getAuthInfo() );
String filename = TimeoutSimulatingWagon.TIMEOUT_TRIGGER + ".txt";
wagon.put( testFile, filename );
System.clearProperty( continueOnFailureProperty );
protected boolean supportPreemptiveAuthenticationPut()
return true;
protected boolean supportPreemptiveAuthenticationGet()
return false;
protected boolean supportProxyPreemptiveAuthentication()
return true;
protected void testPreemptiveAuthenticationGet( TestSecurityHandler sh, boolean preemptive )
if ( preemptive )
assertEquals( "testPreemptiveAuthenticationGet preemptive=true: expected 1 request, got "
+ sh.handlerRequestResponses, 1, sh.handlerRequestResponses.size() );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 0 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( "testPreemptiveAuthenticationGet preemptive=false: expected 2 requests (401,200), got "
+ sh.handlerRequestResponses, 2, sh.handlerRequestResponses.size() );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 0 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 1 ).responseCode );
protected void testPreemptiveAuthenticationPut( TestSecurityHandler sh, boolean preemptive )
if ( preemptive )
assertEquals( "testPreemptiveAuthenticationPut preemptive=true: expected 2 requests (200,201), got "
+ sh.handlerRequestResponses, 2, sh.handlerRequestResponses.size() );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 0 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 1 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( "testPreemptiveAuthenticationPut preemptive=false: expected 3 requests (401,200,201), got "
+ sh.handlerRequestResponses, 3, sh.handlerRequestResponses.size() );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 0 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 1 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 2 ).responseCode );
/* This method cannot be reasonable used to represend GET and PUT for WebDAV, it would contain too much
* duplicate code. Leave as-is, but don't use it.
protected void testPreemptiveAuthentication( TestSecurityHandler sh, boolean preemptive )
if ( preemptive )
assertEquals( "testPreemptiveAuthentication preemptive=false: expected 2 requests (200,.), got "
+ sh.handlerRequestResponses, 2, sh.handlerRequestResponses.size() );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 0 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( "testPreemptiveAuthentication preemptive=false: expected 3 requests (401,200,200), got "
+ sh.handlerRequestResponses, 3, sh.handlerRequestResponses.size() );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 0 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 1 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, sh.handlerRequestResponses.get( 2 ).responseCode );
protected void checkRequestResponseForRedirectPutWithFullUrl( RedirectHandler redirectHandler,
PutHandler putHandler )
assertEquals( "found:" + putHandler.handlerRequestResponses, 1, putHandler.handlerRequestResponses.size() );
assertEquals( "found:" + putHandler.handlerRequestResponses, HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED,
putHandler.handlerRequestResponses.get( 0 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( "found:" + redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses, 3,
redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses.size() );
assertEquals( "found:" + redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses, HttpServletResponse.SC_SEE_OTHER,
redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses.get( 0 ).responseCode );
protected void checkRequestResponseForRedirectPutWithRelativeUrl( RedirectHandler redirectHandler,
PutHandler putHandler )
assertEquals( "found:" + putHandler.handlerRequestResponses, 0, putHandler.handlerRequestResponses.size() );
assertEquals( "found:" + redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses, 6,
redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses.size() );
assertEquals( "found:" + redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses, HttpServletResponse.SC_SEE_OTHER,
redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses.get( 0 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( "found:" + redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK,
redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses.get( 1 ).responseCode );
assertEquals( "found:" + redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses, HttpServletResponse.SC_SEE_OTHER,
redirectHandler.handlerRequestResponses.get( 2 ).responseCode );
protected void verifyWagonExceptionMessage( Exception e, int forStatusCode, String forUrl, String forReasonPhrase )
Repository repo = new Repository( "test-geturl", forUrl );
String expectedMessageUrl = ( new WebDavWagon() ).getURL( repo );
super.verifyWagonExceptionMessage( e, forStatusCode, expectedMessageUrl, forReasonPhrase );