blob: bdea2b02548a3afaffe3396409bbd561b0ef8465 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore.pc;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore.JUnitCoreParameters;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.api.testset.TestSetFailedException;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.api.util.internal.DaemonThreadFactory;
import org.junit.internal.runners.ErrorReportingRunner;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.junit.runner.Runner;
import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter;
import org.junit.runner.manipulation.NoTestsRemainException;
import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;
import org.junit.runners.ParentRunner;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;
import org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore.pc.ParallelComputerUtil.resolveConcurrency;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore.pc.SchedulingStrategies.createParallelStrategy;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore.pc.SchedulingStrategies.createParallelStrategyUnbounded;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore.pc.Type.CLASSES;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore.pc.Type.METHODS;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore.pc.Type.SUITES;
@SuppressWarnings( { "javadoc", "checkstyle:javadoctype" } )
* Executing suites, classes and methods with defined concurrency. In this example the threads which completed
* the suites and classes can be reused in parallel methods.
* <pre>
* JUnitCoreParameters parameters = ...;
* ParallelComputerBuilder builder = new ParallelComputerBuilder(parameters);
* builder.useOnePool(8).parallelSuites(2).parallelClasses(4).parallelMethods();
* ParallelComputerBuilder.ParallelComputer computer = builder.buildComputer();
* Class<?>[] tests = {...};
* new JUnitCore().run(computer, tests);
* </pre>
* Note that the type has always at least one thread even if unspecified. The capacity in
* {@link ParallelComputerBuilder#useOnePool(int)} must be greater than the number of concurrent suites and classes
* altogether.
* <br>
* The Computer can be stopped in a separate thread. Pending tests will be interrupted if the argument is
* {@code true}.
* <pre>
* computer.describeStopped(true);
* </pre>
* @author Tibor Digana (tibor17)
* @since 2.16
public final class ParallelComputerBuilder
private static final ThreadFactory DAEMON_THREAD_FACTORY = DaemonThreadFactory.newDaemonThreadFactory();
private static final Class<? extends Annotation> JCIP_NOT_THREAD_SAFE = loadNotThreadSafeAnnotations();
private static final Set<Runner> NULL_SINGLETON = Collections.singleton( null );
static final int TOTAL_POOL_SIZE_UNDEFINED = 0;
private final Map<Type, Integer> parallelGroups = new EnumMap<>( Type.class );
private final ConsoleStream logger;
private boolean useSeparatePools;
private int totalPoolSize;
private JUnitCoreParameters parameters;
private boolean optimize;
private boolean runningInTests;
* Calling {@link #useSeparatePools()}.
* Can be used only in unit tests.
* Do NOT call this constructor in production.
ParallelComputerBuilder( ConsoleStream logger )
this.logger = logger;
runningInTests = true;
parallelGroups.put( SUITES, 0 );
parallelGroups.put( CLASSES, 0 );
parallelGroups.put( METHODS, 0 );
public ParallelComputerBuilder( ConsoleStream logger, JUnitCoreParameters parameters )
this( logger );
runningInTests = false;
this.parameters = parameters;
public ParallelComputer buildComputer()
return new PC();
ParallelComputerBuilder useSeparatePools()
useSeparatePools = true;
return this;
ParallelComputerBuilder useOnePool()
useSeparatePools = false;
return this;
* @param totalPoolSize Pool size where suites, classes and methods are executed in parallel.
* If the <tt>totalPoolSize</tt> is {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, the pool capacity is not
* limited.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If <tt>totalPoolSize</tt> is &lt; 1.
ParallelComputerBuilder useOnePool( int totalPoolSize )
if ( totalPoolSize < 1 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Size of common pool is less than 1." );
this.totalPoolSize = totalPoolSize;
useSeparatePools = false;
return this;
boolean isOptimized()
return optimize;
ParallelComputerBuilder optimize( boolean optimize )
this.optimize = optimize;
return this;
ParallelComputerBuilder parallelSuites()
return parallel( SUITES );
ParallelComputerBuilder parallelSuites( int nThreads )
return parallel( nThreads, SUITES );
ParallelComputerBuilder parallelClasses()
return parallel( CLASSES );
ParallelComputerBuilder parallelClasses( int nThreads )
return parallel( nThreads, CLASSES );
ParallelComputerBuilder parallelMethods()
return parallel( METHODS );
ParallelComputerBuilder parallelMethods( int nThreads )
return parallel( nThreads, METHODS );
private ParallelComputerBuilder parallel( int nThreads, Type parallelType )
if ( nThreads < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "negative nThreads " + nThreads );
if ( parallelType == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "null parallelType" );
parallelGroups.put( parallelType, nThreads );
return this;
private ParallelComputerBuilder parallel( Type parallelType )
return parallel( Integer.MAX_VALUE, parallelType );
private double parallelTestsTimeoutInSeconds()
return parameters == null ? 0d : parameters.getParallelTestsTimeoutInSeconds();
private double parallelTestsTimeoutForcedInSeconds()
return parameters == null ? 0d : parameters.getParallelTestsTimeoutForcedInSeconds();
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
private static Class<? extends Annotation> loadNotThreadSafeAnnotations()
Class c = Class.forName( "net.jcip.annotations.NotThreadSafe" );
return c.isAnnotation() ? (Class<? extends Annotation>) c : null;
catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
return null;
final class PC
extends ParallelComputer
private final SingleThreadScheduler notThreadSafeTests =
new SingleThreadScheduler( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger );
private final Collection<ParentRunner> suites = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private final Collection<ParentRunner> nestedSuites = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private final Collection<ParentRunner> classes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private final Collection<ParentRunner> nestedClasses = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private final Collection<Runner> notParallelRunners = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private int poolCapacity;
private boolean splitPool;
private final Map<Type, Integer> allGroups;
private long nestedClassesChildren;
private volatile Scheduler master;
private PC()
super( parallelTestsTimeoutInSeconds(), parallelTestsTimeoutForcedInSeconds() );
allGroups = new EnumMap<>( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.parallelGroups );
poolCapacity = ParallelComputerBuilder.this.totalPoolSize;
splitPool = ParallelComputerBuilder.this.useSeparatePools;
Collection<ParentRunner> getSuites()
return suites;
Collection<ParentRunner> getNestedSuites()
return nestedSuites;
Collection<ParentRunner> getClasses()
return classes;
Collection<ParentRunner> getNestedClasses()
return nestedClasses;
Collection<Runner> getNotParallelRunners()
return notParallelRunners;
int getPoolCapacity()
return poolCapacity;
boolean isSplitPool()
return splitPool;
protected ShutdownResult describeStopped( boolean shutdownNow )
ShutdownResult shutdownResult = notThreadSafeTests.describeStopped( shutdownNow );
final Scheduler m = master;
if ( m != null )
ShutdownResult shutdownResultOfMaster = m.describeStopped( shutdownNow );
shutdownResult.getTriggeredTests().addAll( shutdownResultOfMaster.getTriggeredTests() );
shutdownResult.getIncompleteTests().addAll( shutdownResultOfMaster.getIncompleteTests() );
return shutdownResult;
protected boolean shutdownThreadPoolsAwaitingKilled()
boolean notInterrupted = notThreadSafeTests.shutdownThreadPoolsAwaitingKilled();
final Scheduler m = master;
if ( m != null )
notInterrupted &= m.shutdownThreadPoolsAwaitingKilled();
return notInterrupted;
public Runner getSuite( RunnerBuilder builder, Class<?>[] cls )
throws InitializationError
super.getSuite( builder, cls );
WrappedRunners suiteSuites = wrapRunners( suites );
WrappedRunners suiteClasses = wrapRunners( classes );
long suitesCount = suites.size();
long classesCount = classes.size() + nestedClasses.size();
long methodsCount = suiteClasses.embeddedChildrenCount + nestedClassesChildren;
if ( !ParallelComputerBuilder.this.runningInTests )
determineThreadCounts( suitesCount, classesCount, methodsCount );
return setSchedulers( suiteSuites.wrappingSuite, suiteClasses.wrappingSuite );
catch ( TestSetFailedException e )
throw new InitializationError( Collections.<Throwable>singletonList( e ) );
protected Runner getRunner( RunnerBuilder builder, Class<?> testClass )
throws Throwable
Runner runner = super.getRunner( builder, testClass );
if ( canSchedule( runner ) )
if ( !isThreadSafe( runner ) )
( ( ParentRunner ) runner ).setScheduler( notThreadSafeTests.newRunnerScheduler() );
notParallelRunners.add( runner );
else if ( runner instanceof Suite )
suites.add( (Suite) runner );
classes.add( (ParentRunner) runner );
notParallelRunners.add( runner );
return runner;
private void determineThreadCounts( long suites, long classes, long methods )
throws TestSetFailedException
RunnerCounter counts =
ParallelComputerBuilder.this.optimize ? new RunnerCounter( suites, classes, methods ) : null;
Concurrency concurrency =
resolveConcurrency( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.parameters, counts );
allGroups.put( SUITES, concurrency.suites );
allGroups.put( CLASSES, concurrency.classes );
allGroups.put( METHODS, concurrency.methods );
poolCapacity = concurrency.capacity;
splitPool &= concurrency.capacity <= 0; // fault if negative; should not happen
private <T extends Runner> WrappedRunners wrapRunners( Collection<T> runners )
throws InitializationError
// Do NOT use allGroups here.
long childrenCounter = 0;
ArrayList<Runner> runs = new ArrayList<>();
for ( T runner : runners )
if ( runner != null )
int children = countChildren( runner );
childrenCounter += children;
runs.add( runner );
return runs.isEmpty() ? new WrappedRunners() : new WrappedRunners( createSuite( runs ), childrenCounter );
private int countChildren( Runner runner )
Description description = runner.getDescription();
Collection children = description == null ? null : description.getChildren();
return children == null ? 0 : children.size();
private ExecutorService createPool( int poolSize )
return poolSize < Integer.MAX_VALUE
? Executors.newFixedThreadPool( poolSize, DAEMON_THREAD_FACTORY )
: Executors.newCachedThreadPool( DAEMON_THREAD_FACTORY );
private Scheduler createMaster( ExecutorService pool, int poolSize )
// can be 0, 1, 2 or 3
final int finalRunnersCounter = countFinalRunners();
final SchedulingStrategy strategy;
if ( finalRunnersCounter <= 1 || poolSize <= 1 )
strategy = new InvokerStrategy( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger );
else if ( pool != null && poolSize == Integer.MAX_VALUE )
strategy = new SharedThreadPoolStrategy( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger, pool );
strategy = createParallelStrategy( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger, finalRunnersCounter );
return new Scheduler( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger, null, strategy );
private int countFinalRunners()
int counter = notParallelRunners.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1;
if ( !suites.isEmpty() && allGroups.get( SUITES ) > 0 )
if ( !classes.isEmpty() && allGroups.get( CLASSES ) > 0 )
return counter;
private void populateChildrenFromSuites()
// Do NOT use allGroups here.
Filter filter = new SuiteFilter();
for ( Iterator<ParentRunner> it = suites.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
ParentRunner suite =;
suite.filter( filter );
catch ( NoTestsRemainException e )
private int totalPoolSize()
if ( poolCapacity == TOTAL_POOL_SIZE_UNDEFINED )
int total = 0;
for ( int nThreads : allGroups.values() )
total += nThreads;
if ( total < 0 )
total = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return total;
return poolCapacity;
private Runner setSchedulers( ParentRunner suiteSuites, ParentRunner suiteClasses )
throws InitializationError
int parallelSuites = allGroups.get( SUITES );
int parallelClasses = allGroups.get( CLASSES );
int parallelMethods = allGroups.get( METHODS );
int poolSize = totalPoolSize();
ExecutorService commonPool = splitPool || poolSize == 0 ? null : createPool( poolSize );
master = createMaster( commonPool, poolSize );
if ( suiteSuites != null )
// a scheduler for parallel suites
if ( commonPool != null && parallelSuites > 0 )
Balancer balancer = BalancerFactory.createBalancerWithFairness( parallelSuites );
suiteSuites.setScheduler( createScheduler( null, commonPool, true, balancer ) );
suiteSuites.setScheduler( createScheduler( parallelSuites ) );
// schedulers for parallel classes
ArrayList<ParentRunner> allSuites = new ArrayList<>( suites );
allSuites.addAll( nestedSuites );
if ( suiteClasses != null )
allSuites.add( suiteClasses );
if ( !allSuites.isEmpty() )
setSchedulers( allSuites, parallelClasses, commonPool );
// schedulers for parallel methods
ArrayList<ParentRunner> allClasses = new ArrayList<>( classes );
allClasses.addAll( nestedClasses );
if ( !allClasses.isEmpty() )
setSchedulers( allClasses, parallelMethods, commonPool );
// resulting runner for Computer#getSuite() scheduled by master scheduler
ParentRunner all = createFinalRunner( removeNullRunners(
Arrays.<Runner>asList( suiteSuites, suiteClasses, createSuite( notParallelRunners ) )
) );
all.setScheduler( master );
return all;
private ParentRunner createFinalRunner( List<Runner> runners )
throws InitializationError
return new Suite( null, runners )
public void run( RunNotifier notifier )
beforeRunQuietly(); notifier );
private void setSchedulers( Iterable<? extends ParentRunner> runners, int poolSize, ExecutorService commonPool )
if ( commonPool != null )
Balancer concurrencyLimit = BalancerFactory.createBalancerWithFairness( poolSize );
boolean doParallel = poolSize > 0;
for ( ParentRunner runner : runners )
createScheduler( runner.getDescription(), commonPool, doParallel, concurrencyLimit ) );
ExecutorService pool = null;
if ( poolSize == Integer.MAX_VALUE )
pool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool( DAEMON_THREAD_FACTORY );
else if ( poolSize > 0 )
pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( poolSize, DAEMON_THREAD_FACTORY );
boolean doParallel = pool != null;
for ( ParentRunner runner : runners )
runner.setScheduler( createScheduler( runner.getDescription(), pool, doParallel,
BalancerFactory.createInfinitePermitsBalancer() ) );
private Scheduler createScheduler( Description desc, ExecutorService pool, boolean doParallel,
Balancer concurrency )
SchedulingStrategy strategy =
doParallel & pool != null
? new SharedThreadPoolStrategy( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger, pool )
: new InvokerStrategy( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger );
return new Scheduler( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger, desc, master, strategy, concurrency );
private Scheduler createScheduler( int poolSize )
final SchedulingStrategy strategy;
if ( poolSize == Integer.MAX_VALUE )
strategy = createParallelStrategyUnbounded( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger );
else if ( poolSize == 0 )
strategy = new InvokerStrategy( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger );
strategy = createParallelStrategy( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger, poolSize );
return new Scheduler( ParallelComputerBuilder.this.logger, null, master, strategy );
private boolean canSchedule( Runner runner )
return !( runner instanceof ErrorReportingRunner ) && runner instanceof ParentRunner;
private boolean isThreadSafe( Runner runner )
return runner.getDescription().getAnnotation( JCIP_NOT_THREAD_SAFE ) == null;
private class SuiteFilter
extends Filter
// Do NOT use allGroups in SuiteFilter.
public boolean shouldRun( Description description )
return true;
public void apply( Object child )
throws NoTestsRemainException
super.apply( child );
if ( child instanceof ParentRunner )
ParentRunner runner = ( ParentRunner ) child;
if ( !isThreadSafe( runner ) )
runner.setScheduler( notThreadSafeTests.newRunnerScheduler() );
else if ( child instanceof Suite )
nestedSuites.add( (Suite) child );
ParentRunner parentRunner = (ParentRunner) child;
nestedClasses.add( parentRunner );
nestedClassesChildren += parentRunner.getDescription().getChildren().size();
public String describe()
return "";
private static Suite createSuite( Collection<Runner> runners )
throws InitializationError
final List<Runner> onlyRunners = removeNullRunners( runners );
return onlyRunners.isEmpty() ? null : new Suite( null, onlyRunners )
private static List<Runner> removeNullRunners( Collection<Runner> runners )
final List<Runner> onlyRunners = new ArrayList<>( runners );
onlyRunners.removeAll( NULL_SINGLETON );
return onlyRunners;