blob: 5f6840a42d09ccc1950fda9361bdda5d06f00d80 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.runorder;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.api.runorder.RunEntryStatistics;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.api.runorder.RunEntryStatisticsMap;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.api.util.internal.ClassMethod;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.api.util.internal.StringUtils.NL;
import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat;
import static org.powermock.reflect.Whitebox.getInternalState;
* @author Kristian Rosenvold
public class RunEntryStatisticsMapTest
extends TestCase
public void testPrioritizedClassRuntime()
final RunEntryStatisticsMap runEntryStatisticsMap = RunEntryStatisticsMap.fromStream( getStatisticsFile() );
final List<Class<?>> list = Arrays.asList( A.class, B.class, C.class );
final List<Class<?>> prioritizedTestsClassRunTime =
runEntryStatisticsMap.getPrioritizedTestsClassRunTime( list, 2 );
assertEquals( C.class, prioritizedTestsClassRunTime.get( 0 ) );
assertEquals( B.class, prioritizedTestsClassRunTime.get( 1 ) );
assertEquals( A.class, prioritizedTestsClassRunTime.get( 2 ) );
public void testPrioritizedFailureFirst()
final RunEntryStatisticsMap runEntryStatisticsMap = RunEntryStatisticsMap.fromStream( getStatisticsFile() );
final List<Class<?>> list = Arrays.asList( A.class, B.class, NewClass.class, C.class );
final List<Class<?>> prioritizedTestsClassRunTime =
runEntryStatisticsMap.getPrioritizedTestsByFailureFirst( list );
assertEquals( A.class, prioritizedTestsClassRunTime.get( 0 ) );
assertEquals( NewClass.class, prioritizedTestsClassRunTime.get( 1 ) );
assertEquals( C.class, prioritizedTestsClassRunTime.get( 2 ) );
assertEquals( B.class, prioritizedTestsClassRunTime.get( 3 ) );
private InputStream getStatisticsFile()
String content = "0,17,org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.runorder.RunEntryStatisticsMapTest$A,testA\n"
+ "2,42,org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.runorder.RunEntryStatisticsMapTest$B,testB\n"
+ "1,100,org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.runorder.RunEntryStatisticsMapTest$C,testC\n";
return new ByteArrayInputStream( content.getBytes( UTF_8 ) );
@SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:magicnumber" )
public void testSerializeClass()
throws Exception
File data = File.createTempFile( "surefire-unit", "test" );
RunEntryStatisticsMap newResults = new RunEntryStatisticsMap();
ReportEntry reportEntry = new SimpleReportEntry( "abc", null, null, null, 42 );
newResults.add( newResults.createNextGeneration( reportEntry ) );
newResults.serialize( data );
try ( InputStream io = new FileInputStream( data ) )
List<String> lines = readLines( io, UTF_8 );
assertThat( lines )
.hasSize( 1 );
assertThat( lines )
.containsSequence( "1,42,abc," );
@SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:magicnumber" )
public void testDeserializeClass()
throws Exception
File data = File.createTempFile( "surefire-unit", "test" );
Files.write( data.toPath(), "1,42,abc".getBytes( UTF_8 ) );
RunEntryStatisticsMap existingEntries = RunEntryStatisticsMap.fromFile( data );
Map<?, ?> runEntryStatistics = getInternalState( existingEntries, "runEntryStatistics" );
assertThat( runEntryStatistics )
.hasSize( 1 );
ClassMethod cm = (ClassMethod) runEntryStatistics.keySet().iterator().next();
assertThat( cm.getClazz() )
.isEqualTo( "abc" );
assertThat( cm.getMethod() )
RunEntryStatistics statistics = (RunEntryStatistics) runEntryStatistics.values().iterator().next();
assertThat( statistics.getRunTime() )
.isEqualTo( 42 );
assertThat( statistics.getSuccessfulBuilds() )
.isEqualTo( 1 );
@SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:magicnumber" )
public void testSerialize()
throws Exception
File data = File.createTempFile( "surefire-unit", "test" );
RunEntryStatisticsMap existingEntries = RunEntryStatisticsMap.fromFile( data );
RunEntryStatisticsMap newResults = new RunEntryStatisticsMap();
ReportEntry reportEntry1 = new SimpleReportEntry( "abc", null, "method1", null, 42 );
ReportEntry reportEntry2 = new SimpleReportEntry( "abc", null, "willFail", null, 17 );
ReportEntry reportEntry3 = new SimpleReportEntry( "abc", null, "method3", null, 100 );
newResults.add( existingEntries.createNextGeneration( reportEntry1 ) );
newResults.add( existingEntries.createNextGeneration( reportEntry2 ) );
newResults.add( existingEntries.createNextGeneration( reportEntry3 ) );
newResults.serialize( data );
try ( InputStream io = new FileInputStream( data ) )
List<String> lines = readLines( io, UTF_8 );
assertThat( lines )
.hasSize( 3 );
assertThat( lines )
.containsSequence( "1,17,abc,willFail", "1,42,abc,method1", "1,100,abc,method3" );
RunEntryStatisticsMap nextRun = RunEntryStatisticsMap.fromFile( data );
newResults = new RunEntryStatisticsMap();
ReportEntry newRunReportEntry1 = new SimpleReportEntry( "abc", null, "method1", null, 52 );
ReportEntry newRunReportEntry2 = new SimpleReportEntry( "abc", null, "willFail", null, 27 );
ReportEntry newRunReportEntry3 = new SimpleReportEntry( "abc", null, "method3", null, 110 );
newResults.add( nextRun.createNextGeneration( newRunReportEntry1 ) );
newResults.add( nextRun.createNextGenerationFailure( newRunReportEntry2 ) );
newResults.add( nextRun.createNextGeneration( newRunReportEntry3 ) );
newResults.serialize( data );
try ( InputStream io = new FileInputStream( data ) )
List<String> lines = readLines( io, UTF_8 );
assertThat( lines )
.hasSize( 3 );
assertThat( lines )
.containsSequence( "0,27,abc,willFail", "2,52,abc,method1", "2,110,abc,method3" );
@SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:magicnumber" )
public void testMultiLineTestMethodName() throws IOException
File data = File.createTempFile( "surefire-unit", "test" );
RunEntryStatisticsMap reportEntries = RunEntryStatisticsMap.fromFile( data );
ReportEntry reportEntry = new SimpleReportEntry( "abc", null, "line1\nline2" + NL + " line3", null, 42 );
reportEntries.add( reportEntries.createNextGeneration( reportEntry ) );
reportEntries.serialize( data );
try ( InputStream io = new FileInputStream( data ) )
List<String> lines = readLines( io, UTF_8 );
assertThat( lines )
.hasSize( 3 );
assertThat( lines )
.containsSequence( "1,42,abc,line1", " line2", " line3" );
RunEntryStatisticsMap nextRun = RunEntryStatisticsMap.fromFile( data );
assertThat( data.delete() ).isTrue();
nextRun.serialize( data );
try ( InputStream io = new FileInputStream( data ) )
List<String> lines = readLines( io, UTF_8 );
assertThat( lines )
.hasSize( 3 );
assertThat( lines )
.containsSequence( "1,42,abc,line1", " line2", " line3" );
@SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:magicnumber" )
public void testCombinedMethodNames() throws IOException
File data = File.createTempFile( "surefire-unit", "test" );
RunEntryStatisticsMap reportEntries = RunEntryStatisticsMap.fromFile( data );
reportEntries.createNextGeneration( new SimpleReportEntry( "abc", null, "line1\nline2", null, 42 ) ) );
reportEntries.createNextGeneration( new SimpleReportEntry( "abc", null, "test", null, 10 ) ) );
reportEntries.serialize( data );
try ( InputStream io = new FileInputStream( data ) )
List<String> lines = readLines( io, UTF_8 );
assertThat( lines )
.hasSize( 3 );
assertThat( lines )
.containsSequence( "1,10,abc,test",
" line2" );
RunEntryStatisticsMap nextRun = RunEntryStatisticsMap.fromFile( data );
assertThat( data.delete() ).isTrue();
nextRun.serialize( data );
try ( InputStream io = new FileInputStream( data ) )
List<String> lines = readLines( io, UTF_8 );
assertThat( lines )
.hasSize( 3 );
assertThat( lines )
.containsSequence( "1,10,abc,test",
" line2" );
class A
class B
class C
class NewClass