blob: bc01ee8a269a5fe509a965e5ca70a0c0a1b498cf [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.booterclient;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.surefire.shared.lang3.SystemUtils;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.JdkAttributes;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.log.api.NullConsoleLogger;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.shared.utils.StringUtils;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.shared.utils.cli.Commandline;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ClassLoaderConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.Classpath;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ClasspathConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.StartupConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooterForkException;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.extensions.ForkNodeFactory;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.Classpath.emptyClasspath;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProcessCheckerType.ALL;
import static org.fest.util.Files.temporaryFolder;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
public class ForkConfigurationTest
private static final StartupConfiguration STARTUP_CONFIG = new StartupConfiguration( "",
new ClasspathConfiguration( true, true ),
new ClassLoaderConfiguration( true, true ), ALL );
private static int idx = 0;
private File basedir;
public void setupDirectories() throws IOException
File target = new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ), "target" );
basedir = new File( target, "SUREFIRE-1136-" + ++idx );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( basedir );
assertTrue( basedir.mkdirs() );
public void deleteDirectories() throws IOException
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( basedir );
@SuppressWarnings( { "checkstyle:methodname", "checkstyle:magicnumber" } )
public void testCreateCommandLine_UseSystemClassLoaderForkOnce_ShouldConstructManifestOnlyJar()
throws IOException, SurefireBooterForkException
ForkConfiguration config = getForkConfiguration( basedir, null );
File cpElement = getTempClasspathFile();
List<String> cp = singletonList( cpElement.getAbsolutePath() );
ClasspathConfiguration cpConfig = new ClasspathConfiguration( new Classpath( cp ), emptyClasspath(),
emptyClasspath(), true, true );
ClassLoaderConfiguration clc = new ClassLoaderConfiguration( true, true );
StartupConfiguration startup = new StartupConfiguration( "", cpConfig, clc, ALL );
Commandline cli = config.createCommandLine( startup, 1, temporaryFolder() );
String line = StringUtils.join( cli.getCommandline(), " " );
assertTrue( line.contains( "-jar" ) );
public void testArglineWithNewline()
throws IOException, SurefireBooterForkException
ForkConfiguration config = getForkConfiguration( basedir, "abc\ndef" );
File cpElement = getTempClasspathFile();
List<String> cp = singletonList( cpElement.getAbsolutePath() );
ClasspathConfiguration cpConfig = new ClasspathConfiguration( new Classpath( cp ), emptyClasspath(),
emptyClasspath(), true, true );
ClassLoaderConfiguration clc = new ClassLoaderConfiguration( true, true );
StartupConfiguration startup = new StartupConfiguration( "", cpConfig, clc, ALL );
Commandline commandLine = config.createCommandLine( startup, 1, temporaryFolder() );
assertTrue( commandLine.toString().contains( "abc def" ) );
public void testCurrentWorkingDirectoryPropagationIncludingForkNumberExpansion()
throws IOException, SurefireBooterForkException
File cwd = new File( basedir, "fork_${surefire.forkNumber}" );
ClasspathConfiguration cpConfig = new ClasspathConfiguration( emptyClasspath(), emptyClasspath(),
emptyClasspath(), true, true );
ClassLoaderConfiguration clc = new ClassLoaderConfiguration( true, true );
StartupConfiguration startup = new StartupConfiguration( "", cpConfig, clc, ALL );
ForkConfiguration config = getForkConfiguration( cwd.getCanonicalFile() );
Commandline commandLine = config.createCommandLine( startup, 1, temporaryFolder() );
File forkDirectory = new File( basedir, "fork_1" );
String shellWorkDir = commandLine.getShell().getWorkingDirectory().getCanonicalPath();
assertEquals( shellWorkDir, forkDirectory.getCanonicalPath() );
public void testExceptionWhenCurrentDirectoryIsNotRealDirectory()
throws IOException
File cwd = new File( basedir, "cwd.txt" );
FileUtils.touch( cwd );
ForkConfiguration config = getForkConfiguration( cwd.getCanonicalFile() );
config.createCommandLine( STARTUP_CONFIG, 1, temporaryFolder() );
catch ( SurefireBooterForkException e )
// To handle issue with ~ expansion on Windows
String absolutePath = cwd.getCanonicalPath();
assertEquals( "WorkingDirectory " + absolutePath + " exists and is not a directory", e.getMessage() );
assertTrue( cwd.delete() );
public void testExceptionWhenCurrentDirectoryCannotBeCreated()
throws IOException
// NULL is invalid for JDK starting from 1.7.60
// -
// ? character is invalid on Windows, seems to be imposable to create invalid directory using Java on Linux
File cwd = new File( basedir, "?\u0000InvalidDirectoryName" );
ForkConfiguration config = getForkConfiguration( cwd.getAbsoluteFile() );
config.createCommandLine( STARTUP_CONFIG, 1, temporaryFolder() );
catch ( SurefireBooterForkException sbfe )
assertEquals( "Cannot create workingDirectory " + cwd.getAbsolutePath(), sbfe.getMessage() );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( cwd );
if ( SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS || isJavaVersionAtLeast7u60() )
private File getTempClasspathFile()
throws IOException
File cpElement = new File( basedir, "ForkConfigurationTest." + idx + ".file" );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( cpElement );
return cpElement;
static ForkConfiguration getForkConfiguration( File basedir, String argLine )
throws IOException
File jvm = new File( new File( System.getProperty( "java.home" ), "bin" ), "java" );
return getForkConfiguration( basedir, argLine, jvm.getAbsolutePath(), new File( "." ).getCanonicalFile() );
private ForkConfiguration getForkConfiguration( File cwd )
throws IOException
File jvm = new File( new File( System.getProperty( "java.home" ), "bin" ), "java" );
return getForkConfiguration( basedir, null, jvm.getAbsolutePath(), cwd );
private static ForkConfiguration getForkConfiguration( File basedir, String argLine, String jvm, File cwd )
throws IOException
Platform platform = new Platform().withJdkExecAttributesForTests( new JdkAttributes( jvm, false ) );
File tmpDir = new File( new File( basedir, "target" ), "surefire" );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( tmpDir );
assertTrue( tmpDir.mkdirs() );
return new JarManifestForkConfiguration( emptyClasspath(), tmpDir, null,
cwd, new Properties(), argLine,
Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), new String[0], false, 1, false,
platform, new NullConsoleLogger(), mock( ForkNodeFactory.class ) );
// based on
@SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:magicnumber" )
private static boolean isJavaVersionAtLeast7u60()
String[] javaVersionElements = System.getProperty( "java.runtime.version" ).split( "\\.|_|-b" );
return Integer.parseInt( javaVersionElements[1] ) >= 7 && Integer.parseInt( javaVersionElements[3] ) >= 60;