blob: a6fc7085bf8772a3ef08b3a803dcac78cd049f69 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.DefaultArtifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.handler.ArtifactHandler;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.log.PluginConsoleLogger;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ClassLoaderConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.Classpath;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.StartupConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.suite.RunResult;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static java.util.Collections.singleton;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS;
import static org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange.createFromVersion;
import static org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec;
import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.doNothing;
import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.doReturn;
import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.mock;
import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.spy;
import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.verifyPrivate;
import static org.powermock.reflect.Whitebox.invokeMethod;
* Test for {@link AbstractSurefireMojo}.
@RunWith( PowerMockRunner.class )
@PrepareForTest( AbstractSurefireMojo.class )
public class AbstractSurefireMojoTest
private ArtifactHandler handler;
private final Mojo mojo = new Mojo();
public void shouldRetainInPluginArtifacts() throws Exception
Artifact provider = new DefaultArtifact( "g", "a", createFromVersionSpec( "1" ), "compile", "jar", "", null );
Artifact common = new DefaultArtifact( "g", "c", createFromVersionSpec( "1" ), "compile", "jar", "", null );
Artifact api = new DefaultArtifact( "g", "a", createFromVersionSpec( "1" ), "compile", "jar", "", null );
Set<Artifact> providerArtifacts = singleton( provider );
Artifact[] inPluginArtifacts = { common, api };
Set<Artifact> inPluginClasspath = invokeMethod( AbstractSurefireMojo.class,
"retainInProcArtifactsUnique", providerArtifacts, inPluginArtifacts );
assertThat( inPluginClasspath )
.containsOnly( common );
public void shouldRetainInProcArtifactsUnique() throws Exception
Artifact provider = new DefaultArtifact( "g", "p", createFromVersionSpec( "1" ), "compile", "jar", "", null );
Artifact common = new DefaultArtifact( "g", "c", createFromVersionSpec( "1" ), "compile", "jar", "", null );
Artifact api = new DefaultArtifact( "g", "a", createFromVersionSpec( "1" ), "compile", "jar", "", null );
Set<Artifact> providerArtifacts = singleton( provider );
Artifact[] inPluginArtifacts = { common, api };
Set<Artifact> inPluginClasspath = invokeMethod( AbstractSurefireMojo.class,
"retainInProcArtifactsUnique", providerArtifacts, inPluginArtifacts );
assertThat( inPluginClasspath )
.containsOnly( common, api );
public void shouldCreateInProcClasspath() throws Exception
Artifact provider = new DefaultArtifact( "g", "p", createFromVersionSpec( "1" ), "compile", "jar", "", null );
provider.setFile( mockFile( "provider.jar" ) );
Artifact common = new DefaultArtifact( "g", "c", createFromVersionSpec( "1" ), "compile", "jar", "", null );
common.setFile( mockFile( "maven-surefire-common.jar" ) );
Artifact api = new DefaultArtifact( "g", "a", createFromVersionSpec( "1" ), "compile", "jar", "", null );
api.setFile( mockFile( "surefire-api.jar" ) );
Set<Artifact> newArtifacts = new LinkedHashSet<>();
newArtifacts.add( common );
newArtifacts.add( api );
Classpath providerClasspath = new Classpath( singleton( provider.getFile().getAbsolutePath() ) );
Classpath inPluginClasspath = invokeMethod( AbstractSurefireMojo.class,
"createInProcClasspath", providerClasspath, newArtifacts );
Classpath expectedClasspath =
new Classpath( asList( provider.getFile().getAbsolutePath(),
api.getFile().getAbsolutePath() ) );
assertThat( (Object ) inPluginClasspath )
.isEqualTo( expectedClasspath );
public void shouldGenerateTestClasspath() throws Exception
AbstractSurefireMojo mojo = spy( this.mojo );
when( mojo.getClassesDirectory() ).thenReturn( new File( "target" + separatorChar + "classes" ) );
when( mojo.getTestClassesDirectory() ).thenReturn( new File( "target" + separatorChar + "test-classes" ) );
when( mojo.getClasspathDependencyScopeExclude() ).thenReturn( "runtime" );
when( mojo.getClasspathDependencyExcludes() ).thenReturn( new String[]{ "g3:a3" } );
doReturn( mock( Artifact.class ) ).when( mojo, "getTestNgArtifact" );
Set<Artifact> artifacts = new HashSet<>();
Artifact a1 = mock( Artifact.class );
when( a1.getGroupId() ).thenReturn( "g1" );
when( a1.getArtifactId() ).thenReturn( "a1" );
when( a1.getVersion() ).thenReturn( "1" );
when( a1.getScope() ).thenReturn( "runtime" );
when( a1.getDependencyConflictId() ).thenReturn( "g1:a1:jar" );
when( a1.getId() ).thenReturn( "g1:a1:jar:1" );
artifacts.add( a1 );
ArtifactHandler artifactHandler = mock( ArtifactHandler.class );
when( artifactHandler.isAddedToClasspath() ).thenReturn( true );
Artifact a2 = mock( Artifact.class );
when( a2.getGroupId() ).thenReturn( "g2" );
when( a2.getArtifactId() ).thenReturn( "a2" );
when( a2.getVersion() ).thenReturn( "2" );
when( a2.getScope() ).thenReturn( "test" );
when( a2.getDependencyConflictId() ).thenReturn( "g2:a2:jar" );
when( a2.getId() ).thenReturn( "g2:a2:jar:2" );
when( a2.getFile() ).thenReturn( new File( "a2-2.jar" ) );
when( a2.getArtifactHandler() ).thenReturn( artifactHandler );
artifacts.add( a2 );
Artifact a3 = mock( Artifact.class );
when( a3.getGroupId() ).thenReturn( "g3" );
when( a3.getArtifactId() ).thenReturn( "a3" );
when( a3.getVersion() ).thenReturn( "3" );
when( a3.getScope() ).thenReturn( "test" );
when( a3.getDependencyConflictId() ).thenReturn( "g3:a3:jar" );
when( a3.getId() ).thenReturn( "g3:a3:jar:3" );
when( a3.getFile() ).thenReturn( new File( "a3-3.jar" ) );
when( a3.getArtifactHandler() ).thenReturn( artifactHandler );
artifacts.add( a3 );
MavenProject project = mock( MavenProject.class );
when( project.getArtifacts() ).thenReturn( artifacts );
when( mojo.getProject() ).thenReturn( project );
TestClassPath cp = invokeMethod( mojo, "generateTestClasspath" );
verifyPrivate( mojo, times( 1 ) ).invoke( "generateTestClasspath" );
verify( mojo, times( 1 ) ).getClassesDirectory();
verify( mojo, times( 1 ) ).getTestClassesDirectory();
verify( mojo, times( 3 ) ).getClasspathDependencyScopeExclude();
verify( mojo, times( 2 ) ).getClasspathDependencyExcludes();
verify( mojo, times( 1 ) ).getAdditionalClasspathElements();
assertThat( cp.toClasspath().getClassPath() ).hasSize( 3 );
assertThat( cp.toClasspath().getClassPath().get( 0 ) ).endsWith( "test-classes" );
assertThat( cp.toClasspath().getClassPath().get( 1 ) ).endsWith( "classes" );
assertThat( cp.toClasspath().getClassPath().get( 2 ) ).endsWith( "a2-2.jar" );
public void shouldHaveStartupConfigForNonModularClasspath()
throws Exception
AbstractSurefireMojo mojo = spy( this.mojo );
Artifact common = new DefaultArtifact( "org.apache.maven.surefire", "maven-surefire-common",
createFromVersion( "1" ), "runtime", "jar", "", handler );
common.setFile( mockFile( "maven-surefire-common.jar" ) );
Artifact api = new DefaultArtifact( "org.apache.maven.surefire", "surefire-api",
createFromVersion( "1" ), "runtime", "jar", "", handler );
api.setFile( mockFile( "surefire-api.jar" ) );
Artifact loggerApi = new DefaultArtifact( "org.apache.maven.surefire", "surefire-logger-api",
createFromVersion( "1" ), "runtime", "jar", "", handler );
loggerApi.setFile( mockFile( "surefire-logger-api.jar" ) );
Map<String, Artifact> providerArtifactsMap = new HashMap<>();
providerArtifactsMap.put( "org.apache.maven.surefire:maven-surefire-common", common );
providerArtifactsMap.put( "org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-api", api );
providerArtifactsMap.put( "org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-logger-api", loggerApi );
when( mojo.getPluginArtifactMap() )
.thenReturn( providerArtifactsMap );
when( handler.isAddedToClasspath() ).thenReturn( true );
VersionRange v1 = createFromVersion( "4.12" );
Artifact junit = new DefaultArtifact( "junit", "junit", v1, "test", "jar", "", handler );
junit.setFile( mockFile( "junit.jar" ) );
VersionRange v2 = createFromVersion( "1.3.0" );
Artifact hamcrest = new DefaultArtifact( "org.hamcrest", "hamcrest-core", v2, "test", "jar", "", handler );
hamcrest.setFile( mockFile( "hamcrest.jar" ) );
File classesDir = mockFile( "classes" );
File testClassesDir = mockFile( "test-classes" );
TestClassPath testClasspath =
new TestClassPath( asList( junit, hamcrest ), classesDir, testClassesDir, null, null );
doReturn( testClasspath ).when( mojo, "generateTestClasspath" );
doReturn( 1 ).when( mojo, "getEffectiveForkCount" );
doReturn( true ).when( mojo, "effectiveIsEnableAssertions" );
when( mojo.isChildDelegation() ).thenReturn( false );
ClassLoaderConfiguration classLoaderConfiguration = new ClassLoaderConfiguration( false, true );
VersionRange v3 = createFromVersion( "1" );
Artifact provider = new DefaultArtifact( "x", "surefire-provider", v3, "runtime", "jar", "", handler );
provider.setFile( mockFile( "surefire-provider.jar" ) );
Set<Artifact> providerArtifacts = singleton( provider );
Logger logger = mock( Logger.class );
when( logger.isDebugEnabled() ).thenReturn( true );
doNothing().when( logger ).debug( anyString() );
when( mojo.getConsoleLogger() ).thenReturn( new PluginConsoleLogger( logger ) );
StartupConfiguration conf = invokeMethod( mojo, "newStartupConfigWithClasspath",
classLoaderConfiguration, providerArtifacts, "org.asf.Provider" );
verify( mojo, times( 1 ) ).effectiveIsEnableAssertions();
verify( mojo, times( 1 ) ).isChildDelegation();
verifyPrivate( mojo, times( 1 ) ).invoke( "generateTestClasspath" );
verify( mojo, times( 1 ) ).getEffectiveForkCount();
ArgumentCaptor<String> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( String.class );
verify( logger, times( 6 ) ).debug( argument.capture() );
assertThat( argument.getAllValues() )
.containsExactly( "test classpath: test-classes classes junit.jar hamcrest.jar",
"provider classpath: surefire-provider.jar",
"test(compact) classpath: test-classes classes junit.jar hamcrest.jar",
"provider(compact) classpath: surefire-provider.jar",
"in-process classpath: surefire-provider.jar maven-surefire-common.jar surefire-api.jar surefire-logger-api.jar",
"in-process(compact) classpath: surefire-provider.jar maven-surefire-common.jar surefire-api.jar surefire-logger-api.jar"
assertThat( conf.getClassLoaderConfiguration() )
.isSameAs( classLoaderConfiguration );
assertThat( ( Object ) conf.getClasspathConfiguration().getTestClasspath() )
.isEqualTo( testClasspath.toClasspath() );
Collection<String> files = new ArrayList<>();
for ( Artifact providerArtifact : providerArtifacts )
files.add( providerArtifact.getFile().getAbsolutePath() );
assertThat( ( Object ) conf.getClasspathConfiguration().getProviderClasspath() )
.isEqualTo( new Classpath( files ) );
assertThat( ( Object ) conf.getClasspathConfiguration().isClassPathConfig() )
.isEqualTo( true );
assertThat( ( Object ) conf.getClasspathConfiguration().isModularPathConfig() )
.isEqualTo( false );
assertThat( ( Object ) conf.getClasspathConfiguration().isEnableAssertions() )
.isEqualTo( true );
assertThat( conf.getProviderClassName() )
.isEqualTo( "org.asf.Provider" );
public void shouldExistTmpDirectory() throws IOException
String systemTmpDir = System.getProperty( "" );
String usrDir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) ).getCanonicalPath();
String tmpDir = "surefireX" + System.currentTimeMillis();
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
new File( systemTmpDir, tmpDir ).delete();
File targetDir = new File( usrDir, "target" );
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
new File( targetDir, tmpDir ).delete();
AbstractSurefireMojo mojo = mock( AbstractSurefireMojo.class );
Logger logger = mock( Logger.class );
when( logger.isDebugEnabled() ).thenReturn( false );
when( logger.isErrorEnabled() ).thenReturn( false );
doNothing().when( logger ).debug( anyString() );
doNothing().when( logger ).error( anyString(), any( Throwable.class ) );
when( mojo.getConsoleLogger() ).thenReturn( new PluginConsoleLogger( logger ) );
when( mojo.getTempDir() ).thenReturn( tmpDir );
when( mojo.getProjectBuildDirectory() ).thenReturn( targetDir );
when( mojo.createSurefireBootDirectoryInTemp() ).thenCallRealMethod();
when( mojo.createSurefireBootDirectoryInBuild() ).thenCallRealMethod();
when( mojo.getSurefireTempDir() ).thenCallRealMethod();
File bootDir = mojo.createSurefireBootDirectoryInTemp();
assertThat( bootDir ).isNotNull();
assertThat( bootDir ).isDirectory();
assertThat( new File( systemTmpDir, bootDir.getName() ) ).isDirectory();
assertThat( bootDir.getName() )
.startsWith( tmpDir );
File buildTmp = mojo.createSurefireBootDirectoryInBuild();
assertThat( buildTmp ).isNotNull();
assertThat( buildTmp ).isDirectory();
assertThat( buildTmp.getParentFile().getCanonicalFile().getParent() ).isEqualTo( usrDir );
assertThat( buildTmp.getName() ).isEqualTo( tmpDir );
File tmp = mojo.getSurefireTempDir();
assertThat( tmp ).isNotNull();
assertThat( tmp ).isDirectory();
assertThat( IS_OS_WINDOWS ? new File( systemTmpDir, bootDir.getName() ) : new File( targetDir, tmpDir ) )
public static class Mojo
extends AbstractSurefireMojo
protected String getPluginName()
return null;
protected int getRerunFailingTestsCount()
return 0;
public boolean isSkipTests()
return false;
public void setSkipTests( boolean skipTests )
public boolean isSkipExec()
return false;
public void setSkipExec( boolean skipExec )
public boolean isSkip()
return false;
public void setSkip( boolean skip )
public File getBasedir()
return null;
public void setBasedir( File basedir )
public File getTestClassesDirectory()
return null;
public void setTestClassesDirectory( File testClassesDirectory )
public File getClassesDirectory()
return null;
public void setClassesDirectory( File classesDirectory )
public File getReportsDirectory()
return null;
public void setReportsDirectory( File reportsDirectory )
public String getTest()
return null;
public void setTest( String test )
public List<String> getIncludes()
return null;
public File getIncludesFile()
return null;
public void setIncludes( List<String> includes )
public boolean isPrintSummary()
return false;
public void setPrintSummary( boolean printSummary )
public String getReportFormat()
return null;
public void setReportFormat( String reportFormat )
public boolean isUseFile()
return false;
public void setUseFile( boolean useFile )
public String getDebugForkedProcess()
return null;
public void setDebugForkedProcess( String debugForkedProcess )
public int getForkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds()
return 0;
public void setForkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds( int forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds )
public int getForkedProcessExitTimeoutInSeconds()
return 0;
public void setForkedProcessExitTimeoutInSeconds( int forkedProcessTerminationTimeoutInSeconds )
public double getParallelTestsTimeoutInSeconds()
return 0;
public void setParallelTestsTimeoutInSeconds( double parallelTestsTimeoutInSeconds )
public double getParallelTestsTimeoutForcedInSeconds()
return 0;
public void setParallelTestsTimeoutForcedInSeconds( double parallelTestsTimeoutForcedInSeconds )
public boolean isUseSystemClassLoader()
return false;
public void setUseSystemClassLoader( boolean useSystemClassLoader )
public boolean isUseManifestOnlyJar()
return false;
public void setUseManifestOnlyJar( boolean useManifestOnlyJar )
public String getEncoding()
return null;
public void setEncoding( String encoding )
public Boolean getFailIfNoSpecifiedTests()
return null;
public void setFailIfNoSpecifiedTests( boolean failIfNoSpecifiedTests )
public int getSkipAfterFailureCount()
return 0;
public String getShutdown()
return null;
public File getExcludesFile()
return null;
protected List<File> suiteXmlFiles()
return null;
protected boolean hasSuiteXmlFiles()
return false;
public File[] getSuiteXmlFiles()
return new File[0];
public void setSuiteXmlFiles( File[] suiteXmlFiles )
public String getRunOrder()
return null;
public void setRunOrder( String runOrder )
protected void handleSummary( RunResult summary, Exception firstForkException )
protected boolean isSkipExecution()
return false;
protected String[] getDefaultIncludes()
return new String[0];
protected String getReportSchemaLocation()
return null;
protected boolean useModulePath()
return false;
protected void setUseModulePath( boolean useModulePath )
protected Artifact getMojoArtifact()
return null;
private static File mockFile( String absolutePath )
File f = mock( File.class );
when( f.getAbsolutePath() ).thenReturn( absolutePath );
return f;