blob: 9f7372ddb8f35fc7da2b5bef148a2446fbe43664 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.surefire.booter;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.providerapi.ProviderParameters;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.providerapi.SurefireProvider;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.suite.RunResult;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.DirectoryScannerParameters;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.RunOrderParameters;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.TestArtifactInfo;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.TestListResolver;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.TestRequest;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.RunOrder;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.cli.CommandLineOption.LOGGING_LEVEL_DEBUG;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.cli.CommandLineOption.SHOW_ERRORS;
public class SurefireReflectorTest
extends TestCase
public void testShouldCreateFactoryWithoutException()
ReporterFactory factory = new ReporterFactory()
public RunListener createReporter()
return null;
public RunResult close()
return null;
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
SurefireReflector reflector = new SurefireReflector( cl );
BaseProviderFactory bpf = (BaseProviderFactory) reflector.createBooterConfiguration( cl, true );
bpf.setReporterFactory( factory );
assertNotNull( bpf.getReporterFactory() );
assertSame( factory, bpf.getReporterFactory() );
public void testSetDirectoryScannerParameters()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
DirectoryScannerParameters directoryScannerParameters =
new DirectoryScannerParameters( new File( "ABC" ), new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<String>(),
new ArrayList<String>(), false, "hourly" );
surefireReflector.setDirectoryScannerParameters( foo, directoryScannerParameters );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
assertNotNull( ( (Foo) foo ).getDirectoryScannerParameters() );
public void testNullSetDirectoryScannerParameters()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
surefireReflector.setDirectoryScannerParameters( foo, null );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
assertNull( ( (Foo) foo ).getDirectoryScannerParameters() );
public void testSetIfDirScannerAware()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
DirectoryScannerParameters directoryScannerParameters =
new DirectoryScannerParameters( new File( "ABC" ), new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<String>(),
new ArrayList<String>(), false, "hourly" );
surefireReflector.setIfDirScannerAware( foo, directoryScannerParameters );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
public void testRunOrderParameters()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
RunOrderParameters runOrderParameters = new RunOrderParameters( RunOrder.DEFAULT, new File( "." ) );
surefireReflector.setRunOrderParameters( foo, runOrderParameters );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
public void testNullRunOrderParameters()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
surefireReflector.setRunOrderParameters( foo, null );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
assertNull( ( (Foo) foo ).getRunOrderCalculator() );
public void testTestSuiteDefinition()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
TestRequest testSuiteDefinition =
new TestRequest( asList( new File( "file1" ), new File( "file2" ) ),
new File( "TestSOurce" ), new TestListResolver( "aUserRequestedTest#aMethodRequested" ) );
surefireReflector.setTestSuiteDefinition( foo, testSuiteDefinition );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
assertNotNull( ( (Foo) foo ).getTestRequest() );
public void testNullTestSuiteDefinition()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
surefireReflector.setTestSuiteDefinition( foo, null );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
assertNull( ( (Foo) foo ).getTestRequest() );
public void testProviderProperties()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
surefireReflector.setProviderProperties( foo, new HashMap<String, String>() );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
public void testReporterConfiguration()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
ReporterConfiguration reporterConfiguration = getReporterConfiguration();
surefireReflector.setReporterConfigurationAware( foo, reporterConfiguration );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
private ReporterConfiguration getReporterConfiguration()
return new ReporterConfiguration( new File( "CDE" ), true );
public void testTestClassLoader()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
surefireReflector.setTestClassLoader( foo, getClass().getClassLoader() );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
public void testTestClassLoaderAware()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
surefireReflector.setTestClassLoaderAware( foo, getClass().getClassLoader() );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
public void testArtifactInfo()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
TestArtifactInfo testArtifactInfo = new TestArtifactInfo( "12.3", "test" );
surefireReflector.setTestArtifactInfo( foo, testArtifactInfo );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
public void testNullArtifactInfo()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
surefireReflector.setTestArtifactInfo( foo, null );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
assertNull( ( (Foo) foo ).getTestArtifactInfo() );
public void testArtifactInfoAware()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
TestArtifactInfo testArtifactInfo = new TestArtifactInfo( "12.3", "test" );
surefireReflector.setTestArtifactInfoAware( foo, testArtifactInfo );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
assertEquals( testArtifactInfo.getClassifier(), "test" );
assertEquals( testArtifactInfo.getVersion(), "12.3" );
public void testReporterFactory()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
ReporterFactory reporterFactory = new ReporterFactory()
public RunListener createReporter()
return null;
public RunResult close()
return null;
surefireReflector.setReporterFactory( foo, reporterFactory );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
public void testReporterFactoryAware()
SurefireReflector surefireReflector = getReflector();
Object foo = getFoo();
ReporterFactory reporterFactory = new ReporterFactory()
public RunListener createReporter()
return null;
public RunResult close()
return null;
surefireReflector.setReporterFactoryAware( foo, reporterFactory );
assertTrue( isCalled( foo ) );
assertSame( ( (Foo) foo ).getReporterFactory(), reporterFactory );
@SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:magicnumber" )
public void testConvertIfRunResult()
RunResult runResult = new RunResult( 20, 1, 2, 3, 4, "IOException", true );
SurefireReflector reflector = new SurefireReflector( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() );
RunResult obj = (RunResult) reflector.convertIfRunResult( runResult );
assertEquals( obj.getCompletedCount(), 20 );
assertEquals( obj.getErrors(), 1 );
assertEquals( obj.getFailures(), 2 );
assertEquals( obj.getSkipped(), 3 );
assertFalse( obj.isErrorFree() );
assertFalse( obj.isInternalError() );
assertEquals( obj.getFailsafeCode(), (Integer) RunResult.FAILURE );
assertNull( reflector.convertIfRunResult( null ) );
assertEquals( reflector.convertIfRunResult( "" ), "" );
public void testInstantiateProvider()
SurefireReflector reflector = new SurefireReflector( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() );
Object booterParams = getFoo();
Object provider = reflector.instantiateProvider( DummyProvider.class.getName(), booterParams );
assertNotNull( provider );
assertEquals( provider.getClass(), DummyProvider.class );
public void testSetMainCliOptions()
SurefireReflector reflector = new SurefireReflector( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() );
Object booterParams = getFoo();
reflector.setMainCliOptions( booterParams, asList( SHOW_ERRORS, LOGGING_LEVEL_DEBUG ) );
assertEquals( ( (BaseProviderFactory) booterParams ).getMainCliOptions().size(), 2 );
assertEquals( ( (BaseProviderFactory) booterParams ).getMainCliOptions().get( 0 ), SHOW_ERRORS );
assertEquals( ( (BaseProviderFactory) booterParams ).getMainCliOptions().get( 1 ), LOGGING_LEVEL_DEBUG );
public void testSetSkipAfterFailureCount()
SurefireReflector reflector = new SurefireReflector( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() );
Foo booterParams = (Foo) getFoo();
assertEquals( booterParams.getSkipAfterFailureCount(), 0 );
reflector.setSkipAfterFailureCount( booterParams, 5 );
assertEquals( booterParams.getSkipAfterFailureCount(), 5 );
@SuppressWarnings( "checkstyle:magicnumber" )
public void testSetSystemExitTimeout()
SurefireReflector reflector = new SurefireReflector( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() );
Foo booterParams = (Foo) getFoo();
assertNull( booterParams.getSystemExitTimeout() );
reflector.setSystemExitTimeout( booterParams, 60 );
assertEquals( booterParams.getSystemExitTimeout(), (Integer) 60 );
public void testSetTestSuiteDefinitionAware()
SurefireReflector reflector = new SurefireReflector( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() );
Foo booterParams = (Foo) getFoo();
TestRequest request = new TestRequest( Collections.emptyList(), null, null );
reflector.setTestSuiteDefinitionAware( booterParams, request );
assertTrue( booterParams.isCalled() );
assertNotNull( booterParams.getTestRequest() );
assertTrue( booterParams.getTestRequest().getSuiteXmlFiles().isEmpty() );
assertNull( booterParams.getTestRequest().getTestSourceDirectory() );
assertNull( booterParams.getTestRequest().getTestListResolver() );
assertEquals( booterParams.getTestRequest().getRerunFailingTestsCount(), 0 );
public void testSetProviderPropertiesAware()
SurefireReflector reflector = new SurefireReflector( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() );
Foo booterParams = (Foo) getFoo();
reflector.setProviderPropertiesAware( booterParams, Collections.singletonMap( "k", "v" ) );
assertTrue( booterParams.isCalled() );
assertNotNull( booterParams.getProviderProperties() );
assertEquals( booterParams.getProviderProperties().size(), 1 );
assertEquals( booterParams.getProviderProperties().get( "k" ), "v" );
private SurefireReflector getReflector()
return new SurefireReflector( getClass().getClassLoader() );
private Object getFoo()
{ // Todo: Setup a different classloader so we can really test crossing
return new Foo();
private Boolean isCalled( Object foo )
final Method isCalled;
isCalled = foo.getClass().getMethod( "isCalled" );
return (Boolean) isCalled.invoke( foo );
catch ( ReflectiveOperationException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
public static final class DummyProvider implements SurefireProvider
public DummyProvider( ProviderParameters providerParameters )
public Iterable<Class<?>> getSuites()
return null;
public RunResult invoke( Object forkTestSet )
return null;
public void cancel()