blob: e6eec813644d1d2812d88ab21b2993542c279bc1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.booterclient.output.DeserializedStacktraceWriter;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.shared.utils.StringUtils;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.shared.utils.xml.Xpp3Dom;
import org.apache.maven.surefire.shared.utils.xml.Xpp3DomBuilder;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static org.apache.maven.surefire.util.internal.ObjectUtils.systemProps;
@SuppressWarnings( "ResultOfMethodCallIgnored" )
public class StatelessXmlReporterTest
extends TestCase
private static final String XSD =
private static final String TEST_ONE = "aTestMethod";
private static final String TEST_TWO = "bTestMethod";
private static final String TEST_THREE = "cTestMethod";
private static final AtomicInteger FOLDER_POSTFIX = new AtomicInteger();
private TestSetStats stats;
private TestSetStats rerunStats;
private File expectedReportFile;
private File reportDir;
protected void setUp()
throws Exception
stats = new TestSetStats( false, true );
rerunStats = new TestSetStats( false, true );
File basedir = new File( "." );
File target = new File( basedir.getCanonicalFile(), "target" );
String reportRelDir = getClass().getSimpleName() + "-" + FOLDER_POSTFIX.incrementAndGet();
reportDir = new File( target, reportRelDir );
protected void tearDown()
if ( expectedReportFile != null )
public void testFileNameWithoutSuffix()
StatelessXmlReporter reporter =
new StatelessXmlReporter( reportDir, null, false, 0,
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Deque<WrappedReportEntry>>(), XSD, "3.0",
false, false, false, false );
ReportEntry reportEntry = new SimpleReportEntry( getClass().getName(), null, getClass().getName(), null, 12 );
WrappedReportEntry testSetReportEntry = new WrappedReportEntry( reportEntry, ReportEntryType.SUCCESS,
12, null, null, systemProps() );
stats.testSucceeded( testSetReportEntry );
reporter.testSetCompleted( testSetReportEntry, stats );
expectedReportFile = new File( reportDir, "TEST-" + getClass().getName() + ".xml" );
assertTrue( "Report file (" + expectedReportFile.getAbsolutePath() + ") doesn't exist",
expectedReportFile.exists() );
public void testAllFieldsSerialized()
throws IOException
ReportEntry reportEntry = new SimpleReportEntry( getClass().getName(), null, TEST_ONE, null, 12 );
WrappedReportEntry testSetReportEntry =
new WrappedReportEntry( reportEntry, ReportEntryType.SUCCESS, 12, null, null, systemProps() );
expectedReportFile = new File( reportDir, "TEST-" + getClass().getName() + ".xml" );
stats.testSucceeded( testSetReportEntry );
StackTraceWriter stackTraceWriter = new DeserializedStacktraceWriter( "A fud msg", "trimmed", "fail at foo" );
Utf8RecodingDeferredFileOutputStream stdOut = new Utf8RecodingDeferredFileOutputStream( "fds" );
String stdOutPrefix;
String stdErrPrefix;
if ( defaultCharsetSupportsSpecialChar() )
stdErrPrefix = "std-\u0115rr";
stdOutPrefix = "st]]>d-o\u00DCt";
stdErrPrefix = "std-err";
stdOutPrefix = "st]]>d-out";
stdOut.write( stdOutPrefix + "<null>!\u0020\u0000\u001F", false );
Utf8RecodingDeferredFileOutputStream stdErr = new Utf8RecodingDeferredFileOutputStream( "fds" );
stdErr.write( stdErrPrefix + "?&-&amp;&#163;\u0020\u0000\u001F", false );
WrappedReportEntry t2 =
new WrappedReportEntry( new SimpleReportEntry( getClass().getName(), null, TEST_TWO, null,
stackTraceWriter, 13 ), ReportEntryType.ERROR, 13, stdOut, stdErr );
stats.testSucceeded( t2 );
StatelessXmlReporter reporter = new StatelessXmlReporter( reportDir, null, false, 0,
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Deque<WrappedReportEntry>>(), XSD, "3.0", false, false, false, false );
reporter.testSetCompleted( testSetReportEntry, stats );
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream( expectedReportFile );
Xpp3Dom testSuite = new InputStreamReader( fileInputStream, UTF_8 ) );
assertEquals( "testsuite", testSuite.getName() );
Xpp3Dom properties = testSuite.getChild( "properties" );
assertEquals( System.getProperties().size(), properties.getChildCount() );
Xpp3Dom child = properties.getChild( 1 );
assertFalse( StringUtils.isEmpty( child.getAttribute( "value" ) ) );
assertFalse( StringUtils.isEmpty( child.getAttribute( "name" ) ) );
Xpp3Dom[] testcase = testSuite.getChildren( "testcase" );
Xpp3Dom tca = testcase[0];
assertEquals( TEST_ONE, tca.getAttribute( "name" ) );
assertEquals( "0.012", tca.getAttribute( "time" ) );
assertEquals( getClass().getName(), tca.getAttribute( "classname" ) );
Xpp3Dom tcb = testcase[1];
assertEquals( TEST_TWO, tcb.getAttribute( "name" ) );
assertEquals( "0.013", tcb.getAttribute( "time" ) );
assertEquals( getClass().getName(), tcb.getAttribute( "classname" ) );
Xpp3Dom errorNode = tcb.getChild( "error" );
assertNotNull( errorNode );
assertEquals( "A fud msg", errorNode.getAttribute( "message" ) );
assertEquals( "fail at foo", errorNode.getAttribute( "type" ) );
assertEquals( stdOutPrefix + "<null>! &amp#0;&amp#31;", tcb.getChild( "system-out" ).getValue() );
assertEquals( stdErrPrefix + "?&-&amp;&#163; &amp#0;&amp#31;", tcb.getChild( "system-err" ).getValue() );
public void testOutputRerunFlakyFailure()
throws IOException
WrappedReportEntry testSetReportEntry =
new WrappedReportEntry( new SimpleReportEntry( getClass().getName(), null, TEST_ONE, null, 12 ),
ReportEntryType.SUCCESS, 12, null, null, systemProps() );
expectedReportFile = new File( reportDir, "TEST-" + getClass().getName() + ".xml" );
stats.testSucceeded( testSetReportEntry );
StackTraceWriter stackTraceWriterOne = new DeserializedStacktraceWriter( "A fud msg", "trimmed",
"fail at foo" );
StackTraceWriter stackTraceWriterTwo =
new DeserializedStacktraceWriter( "A fud msg two", "trimmed two", "fail at foo two" );
String firstRunOut = "first run out";
String firstRunErr = "first run err";
String secondRunOut = "second run out";
String secondRunErr = "second run err";
WrappedReportEntry testTwoFirstError =
new WrappedReportEntry( new SimpleReportEntry( getClass().getName(), null, TEST_TWO, null,
stackTraceWriterOne, 5 ), ReportEntryType.ERROR, 5, createStdOutput( firstRunOut ),
createStdOutput( firstRunErr ) );
WrappedReportEntry testTwoSecondError =
new WrappedReportEntry( new SimpleReportEntry( getClass().getName(), null, TEST_TWO, null,
stackTraceWriterTwo, 13 ), ReportEntryType.ERROR, 13, createStdOutput( secondRunOut ),
createStdOutput( secondRunErr ) );
WrappedReportEntry testThreeFirstRun =
new WrappedReportEntry( new SimpleReportEntry( getClass().getName(), null, TEST_THREE, null,
stackTraceWriterOne, 13 ), ReportEntryType.FAILURE, 13, createStdOutput( firstRunOut ),
createStdOutput( firstRunErr ) );
WrappedReportEntry testThreeSecondRun =
new WrappedReportEntry( new SimpleReportEntry( getClass().getName(), null, TEST_THREE, null,
stackTraceWriterTwo, 2 ), ReportEntryType.SUCCESS, 2, createStdOutput( secondRunOut ),
createStdOutput( secondRunErr ) );
stats.testSucceeded( testTwoFirstError );
stats.testSucceeded( testThreeFirstRun );
rerunStats.testSucceeded( testTwoSecondError );
rerunStats.testSucceeded( testThreeSecondRun );
StatelessXmlReporter reporter =
new StatelessXmlReporter( reportDir, null, false, 1,
new HashMap<String, Deque<WrappedReportEntry>>(), XSD, "3.0", false, false, false, false );
reporter.testSetCompleted( testSetReportEntry, stats );
reporter.testSetCompleted( testSetReportEntry, rerunStats );
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream( expectedReportFile );
Xpp3Dom testSuite = new InputStreamReader( fileInputStream, UTF_8 ) );
assertEquals( "testsuite", testSuite.getName() );
assertEquals( "0.012", testSuite.getAttribute( "time" ) );
Xpp3Dom properties = testSuite.getChild( "properties" );
assertEquals( System.getProperties().size(), properties.getChildCount() );
Xpp3Dom child = properties.getChild( 1 );
assertFalse( StringUtils.isEmpty( child.getAttribute( "value" ) ) );
assertFalse( StringUtils.isEmpty( child.getAttribute( "name" ) ) );
Xpp3Dom[] testcase = testSuite.getChildren( "testcase" );
Xpp3Dom testCaseOne = testcase[0];
assertEquals( TEST_ONE, testCaseOne.getAttribute( "name" ) );
assertEquals( "0.012", testCaseOne.getAttribute( "time" ) );
assertEquals( getClass().getName(), testCaseOne.getAttribute( "classname" ) );
Xpp3Dom testCaseTwo = testcase[1];
assertEquals( TEST_TWO, testCaseTwo.getAttribute( "name" ) );
// Run time for a rerun failing test is the run time of the first run
assertEquals( "0.005", testCaseTwo.getAttribute( "time" ) );
assertEquals( getClass().getName(), testCaseTwo.getAttribute( "classname" ) );
Xpp3Dom errorNode = testCaseTwo.getChild( "error" );
Xpp3Dom rerunErrorNode = testCaseTwo.getChild( "rerunError" );
assertNotNull( errorNode );
assertNotNull( rerunErrorNode );
assertEquals( "A fud msg", errorNode.getAttribute( "message" ) );
assertEquals( "fail at foo", errorNode.getAttribute( "type" ) );
// Check rerun error node contains all the information
assertEquals( firstRunOut, testCaseTwo.getChild( "system-out" ).getValue() );
assertEquals( firstRunErr, testCaseTwo.getChild( "system-err" ).getValue() );
assertEquals( secondRunOut, rerunErrorNode.getChild( "system-out" ).getValue() );
assertEquals( secondRunErr, rerunErrorNode.getChild( "system-err" ).getValue() );
assertEquals( "A fud msg two", rerunErrorNode.getAttribute( "message" ) );
assertEquals( "fail at foo two", rerunErrorNode.getAttribute( "type" ) );
// Check flaky failure node
Xpp3Dom testCaseThree = testcase[2];
assertEquals( TEST_THREE, testCaseThree.getAttribute( "name" ) );
// Run time for a flaky test is the run time of the first successful run
assertEquals( "0.002", testCaseThree.getAttribute( "time" ) );
assertEquals( getClass().getName(), testCaseThree.getAttribute( "classname" ) );
Xpp3Dom flakyFailureNode = testCaseThree.getChild( "flakyFailure" );
assertNotNull( flakyFailureNode );
assertEquals( firstRunOut, flakyFailureNode.getChild( "system-out" ).getValue() );
assertEquals( firstRunErr, flakyFailureNode.getChild( "system-err" ).getValue() );
// system-out and system-err should not be present for flaky failures
assertNull( testCaseThree.getChild( "system-out" ) );
assertNull( testCaseThree.getChild( "system-err" ) );
private boolean defaultCharsetSupportsSpecialChar()
// some charsets are not able to deal with \u0115 on both ways of the conversion
return "\u0115\u00DC".equals( new String( "\u0115\u00DC".getBytes() ) );
private Utf8RecodingDeferredFileOutputStream createStdOutput( String content )
throws IOException
Utf8RecodingDeferredFileOutputStream stdOut = new Utf8RecodingDeferredFileOutputStream( "fds2" );
stdOut.write( content, false );
return stdOut;