blob: 5100435bc3b051c6e9a5172fc9676841d3512a25 [file] [log] [blame]
Maria Odea Ching
11 July 2006
The source plugin can be used to create a jar file of the project sources from the command line or by binding
the goal to the project's build lifecycle. To generate the jar from the command line, use the following command:
mvn source:jar
A jar file of the test sources can also be generated by executing:
mvn source:test-jar
*Installing the sources along with your artifact
There are two ways to do this. You can either bind this plugin to a phase or
you can add it to a profile. The goals {{{jar-no-fork-mojo.html}source:jar-no-fork}} and
{{{test-jar-no-fork-mojo.html}source:test-jar-no-fork}} are preferred for binding
the goal to the build lifecycle.
**Installing the sources using a phase binding
Here is how you would configure the plugin in your <<<pom.xml>>> to run
automatically during the <verify> phase:
We are using the <verify> phase here because it is the phase that comes
before the <install> phase, thus making sure that the sources jar has been
created <<before>> the install takes place.
**Installing the sources using a profile
If you want to install a jar of your sources along with your artifact during
the release process, you can add this to your <<<pom.xml>>> file: