blob: c629528aead652cc09bbe347ecccb718dd7bf725 [file] [log] [blame]
Maven 2 Graveyard
Karl-Heinz Marbaise
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This is the Maven 2 Graveyard
Based on a decision for the End Of Lifetime of Maven 2
this location is intended as a graveyard for Maven 2 only related information and links.
* Plugin List
The following list of plugins contains plugins which are Maven 2 specific. Apart from
that for those plugins which are listed here there are no updates/bug fixes planned etc.
|| <<Plugin>> || <<Type*>> || <<Version>> || <<Last Release Date>> || <<Description>> || <<Date of Funeral>>
| <<Core plugins>> | | | | <<Plugins corresponding to default core phases (ie. clean, compile). They may have multiple goals as well.>>
| {{{/plugins/maven-reactor-plugin/} <<<reactor>>>}} | B | 1.0 | 2008-09-27 | Build a subset of interdependent projects in a reactor | 2014-03-24
\* <<B>>uild or <<R>>eporting plugin