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Cookbook - How to attach source and javadoc artifacts
Vincent Siveton
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Cookbook: How to attach source and javadoc artifacts?
* Summary
This recipe describes how to attach source and javadoc artifacts to your build.
* Prerequisite Plugins
Here is the list of the plugins used:
|| <<Plugin>> || <<Version>>
| {{{../../plugins/maven-source-plugin/} <<<source>>>}} | 2.0.4
| {{{../../plugins/maven-javadoc-plugin/} <<<javadoc>>>}} | 2.3
* Sample Generated Output
|-- pom.xml
|-- src\
`-- target
`-- attach-source-javadoc-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
`-- attach-source-javadoc-1.0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar
`-- attach-source-javadoc-1.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
* Recipe
** Configuring Maven Source Plugin
We execute the <<<{{{../../plugins/maven-source-plugin/jar-mojo.html}source:jar}}>>> goal from the source plugin during the <<<package>>> phase.
** Configuring Maven Javadoc Plugin
Same thing for the <<<{{{../../plugins/maven-javadoc-plugin/jar-mojo.html}javadoc:jar}}>>> goal from the javadoc plugin.
** Running Maven
Just call Maven to generate the packages:
mvn package
* Other Tips
To improve the build time or for a release, you could also define these plugins in a profile.
* Resources
* Source code: {{{}}}
* {{{../../plugins/maven-javadoc-plugin/} Maven Javadoc Plugin}}
* {{{../../plugins/maven-source-plugin/} Maven Source Plugin}}