some missing commas

diff --git a/content/apt/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.apt b/content/apt/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.apt
index f926758..54e14a4 100644
--- a/content/apt/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.apt
+++ b/content/apt/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.apt
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 * {Dependency Management}
  The dependency management section is a mechanism for centralizing dependency information. When you have
- a set of projects that inherits a common parent it's possible to put all information about the dependency
+ a set of projects that inherit from a common parent, it's possible to put all information about the dependency
  in the common POM and have simpler references to the artifacts in the child POMs. The mechanism is best
  illustrated through some examples. Given these two POMs which extend the same parent: