blob: 9208dc62a4c3f3a4e847f9d9206e73f82ff3b4ec [file] [log] [blame]
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<document xmlns=""
<!-- TODO: include back into site, after checking which are complete, add to instructions on how to contribute docs -->
<title>Documentation Required</title>
<author email="">Brett Porter</author>
<section name="Documentation Required">
This page lists some of the most pressing documentation needs. If you feel something is missing, please be sure
to let us know at the
<a href="./mailing-lists.html">Maven Users Mailing List</a>.
<h4>Documentation for users</h4>
<li>new SNAPSHOT handling -
<i>partially done on Brett's blog</i>
<li>guide to dependencies, including:
<li>dependency scoping - <i>especially system scope</i></li>
<li>version range specifications</li>
<li>conflict resolution</li>
<li>deployment mechanism</li>
<li>dependency management</li>
<li>plugin management -
<i>in progress by J Matthew Pryor and John Casey</i>
<li>plugin configuration</li>
<li>plugin downloading -
<i>partial on Brett's blogs</i>
<li>report generation</li>
<li>project inheritence and company wide strategy</li>
<li>plugin documentation</li>
<li>using POM-properties in conjunction with plugin configuration to abstract child-POM configs</li>
<li>archetypes - writing and using</li>
<li>plugin usage guide/summary for core plugins - <i>esp. release plugin</i></li>
<li>strategy for migrating from Ant builds</li>
<li>strategy for migrating from Maven 1.x builds - <i>esp. plugins that don't convert directly</i></li>
<h4>Documentation for plugin authors</h4>
<li>Beanshell examples</li>
<li>plugin writing guide</li>
<li>report writing guide</li>
<li>site customisation guide</li>
<li>common tips and tricks for accessing project/build data</li>
<li>guide to available parameter expressions</li>
<li>list of standards for submitting new plugins (minimum documentation, test coverage?)</li>
<h4>Documentation for Maven developers</h4>
<li>Lifecycle architecture</li>
<li>High level architecture, components explanation</li>
<li>Intro to Plexus</li>
<li>contributors guide (add to current and consolidate, walk through some first steps)</li>
<h4>Additional Notes</h4>
Brett Porter wrote:
> The active project changes during the reactor build. At the compile
> stage, it refers to the target/classes directory. At the package
> stage, it points to the jar file. If you are implementing your own
> packaging goal, you need to call project.getArtifact().setFile( ... )
> to ensure this is used.
- multi module howto
- per user scm setup
- outline behaviour when connection and developConnection are defined
Our current URL looks like:
Using this URL, the default is to connect to the CVS server using the
same userid as the current user. This is the desired behavior and I
don't want to mess that up. I just would like a means to add a userid
in the URL only in special circumstances like Continuum.
We might want to do something where we say it is a best practice to
specify a ${user} and take it from the environment and allow an override.
- testing a plugin
- How to get started behind an NTLM proxy.
- How snapshots works
- How do i use the lifecycle provided by a plugin:
- How do i disable ibiblio
- using version ranges
- plugin expressions (look at bob allison's work)
- overriding the central repository (use central)
- description of what packagings are available and how they work
- creating upload bundles
- modello example
- changing the snapshot policy frequency
- overriding central repo
- using POM info in applications: the POM is packaged so there is acccess
continuum example to get the version.
- quick description of scm,wagon,continuum
<h4>Profiles Example</h4>
it's possible to do it with m2 beta-1 and profiles.
you declare profile in your pom like this:
and you can run mvn with one of profiles like:
mvn -P env-production clean:clean install ==> we use the profile id
mvn -Denv=test clean:clean install ==> we use the property env define in
Emmanuel wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a maven newbie and I try out maven 2.0 alpha 3.
> My questions:
> I have a project to build / deploy for three different enviroments (test,
> integration, production).
> The difference beetween the bundles is only a properties file (there are
> three different files:,
> ...).
> In the build process I want to copy the right config file to a file with a
> common name ( -> the app should work with this config
> file)
> Is there a solution to handle this with maven 2 or do I have to write a
> plugin?