ssh to people@a.o replaced by svnpubsub
diff --git a/content/apt/developers/committer-environment.apt b/content/apt/developers/committer-environment.apt
index f771754..0503e59 100644
--- a/content/apt/developers/committer-environment.apt
+++ b/content/apt/developers/committer-environment.apt
@@ -65,59 +65,6 @@
  Style \> Code Formatter. Click on the button labeled Import... and select the file you
  downloaded. Give the style a name, and click OK.
-Setting up SSH public/private keys
- By default, SSH (Secure Shell) asks you to enter your password each time, i.e.:
- SSH can be set up with public/private key pairs so that you don't have to type the password each time.
- You need to execute the following on your development machine:
-> cd ~/.ssh
-> ssh-keygen -t dsa -f -C
-Generating public/private dsa key pair.
-Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): (just type return)
-Enter same passphrase again: (just type return)
-Your identification has been saved in
-Your public key has been saved in
-The key fingerprint is:
- Then, paste the content of the local <<<~/.ssh/>>> file into the file
- <<</home/YOUR_APACHE_USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys>>> on the Apache remote host.
- <<Note>>: under Cygwin, it is located at <<<\{cygwin.install.path\}\home\YOUR_MACHINE_USERNAME\.ssh>>>. You need
- to copy the content of <<<\{cygwin.install.path\}\home\YOUR_MACHINE_USERNAME\.ssh>>> into
- <<<C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_MACHINE_USERNAME\.ssh>>> for Maven.
- You also need to modify the <<<~/.ssh/config>>> to use this identity file when communicating with *
-Host *
- To test the installation, try to log in again on Apache. You should not be asked for your password any more.
- > ssh
-Copyright (c) 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994
-	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
-FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p4 (GENERIC) #1 r226043: Wed Oct  5 18:45:41 UTC 2011
-This is (a.k.a. 
 Useful software
  The Maven Team uses several software. Here is a partial list:
@@ -125,8 +72,4 @@
  * {{{}Cygwin}}: collection of free software tools to allow various versions of Microsoft
    Windows to act somewhat like a Unix system
- * {{{}WinSCP}}: SFTP client for Windows.
- * {{{}TortoiseSVN}}: Subversion client, implemented as a Windows shell extension.
  * {{{}GnuPG}}: GNU Privacy Guard.