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Maven Code Style And Code Conventions
Vincent Siveton
~~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
~~ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
~~ distributed with this work for additional information
~~ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
~~ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
~~ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
~~ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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~~ specific language governing permissions and limitations
~~ under the License.
~~ NOTE: For help with the syntax of this file, see:
Maven Code Style And Code Conventions
This document describes how developers and contributors should format code
in order to improve consistency, readability and maintainability.
* Generic Code Style And Convention
All working files (java, xml, others) should respect the following conventions:
* <<License Header>>: Always add the current {{{}ASF license header}}
in all files checked into the source code repository.
* <<Trailing Whitespace>>: Remove all trailing whitespace. If you use
Eclipse, you can use the
{{{}Anyedit Eclipse Plugin}}.
~~ * Using SVN properties like \$Id: \$ => Is it a wanted goal for all files like java or apt?
and the following style:
* <<Indentation>>: <<Never>> use tabs!
* <<Line wrapping>>: Always use a 120-column line width.
<<Note>>: The specific styles and conventions, listed in the next sections, can override these generic rules.
* {Java}
** {Java Code Style}
The Maven style for Java is mainly:
* <<White space>>: One space after control statements and between arguments (e.g. <<<if ( foo )>>> instead of
<<<if(foo)>>>), <<<myFunc( foo, bar, baz )>>> instead of <<<myFunc(foo,bar,baz)>>>).
No spaces after methods names (i.e. <<<void myMethod(), myMethod( "foo" )>>>)
* <<Indentation>>: Always use 4 space indents and <<never>> use tabs!
* <<Blocks>>: Always enclose with a new line brace.
* <<Line wrapping>>: Always use a 120-column line width for Java code and Javadoc.
* <<Readingness>>: Specify code grouping members, if needed. For instance in a Mojo class, you could have:
public class MyMojo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mojo components
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Artifact factory.
* @component
private ArtifactFactory artifactFactory;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mojo parameters
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* The POM.
* @parameter expression="${project}"
* @required
private MavenProject project;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mojo options
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public void execute()
throws MojoExecutionException
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The following sections show how to set up the code style for Maven in IDEA and Eclipse.
It is strongly preferred that patches use this style before they are applied.
*** IntelliJ IDEA
Download <<<{{{../../developers/maven-idea-codestyle.xml}maven-idea-codestyle.xml}}>>>
and import it into IDEA using File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Gear icon >
Import Scheme > IntelliJ IDEA Code Style XML
*** Eclipse
Download <<<{{{../../developers/maven-eclipse-codestyle.xml}maven-eclipse-codestyle.xml}}>>>.
After this, select Window \> Preferences, and open up the configuration for Java \> Code
Style \> Code Formatter. Click on the button labeled Import... and select the file you
downloaded. Give the style a name, and click OK.
** {Java Code Convention}
For consistency reasons, our Java code convention is mainly:
* <<Naming>>: Constants (i.e. static final members) should always be in upper case.
Use short, descriptive names for classes and methods.
* <<Organization>>: Avoid using public inner classes. Prefer interfaces instead of default implementation.
* <<Modifier>>: Avoid using final modifier on all fields and arguments.
Prefer using private or protected fields instead of public fields.
* <<Exceptions>>: Throw meaningful exceptions to make debugging and testing easier.
* <<Documentation>>: Document public interfaces well, i.e. all non-trivial public and
protected functions should include Javadoc that indicates what they do.
* <<Testing>>: All non-trivial public classes should have corresponding unit or
integration tests.
** {JavaDoc Convention}
* {XML}
** {XML Code Style}
The Maven style for XML files is mainly:
* <<Indentation>>: Always use 2 space indents, unless you're wrapping a new XML tags line in which case you should
indent 4 spaces.
* <<Line Breaks>>: Always use a new line with indentation for complex XML types and no line break for simple XML
types. Always use a new line to separate XML sections or blocks, for instance:
<simpleType>This is a simple type</simpleType>
<simpleType>This is a complex type</simpleType>
In some cases, adding comments could improve the readability of blocks, for instance:
<!-- Simple XML documentation -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Block documentation -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
** {Generic XML Code Convention}
No generic code convention exists yet for XML files.
** {POM Code Convention}
The team has {{{}voted}}
during the end of June 2008 to follow a specific POM convention to ordering POM elements.
The consequence of this vote is that the {{{}Maven project descriptor}}
is <<no more>> considered as the reference for the ordering.
The following is the recommended ordering for all Maven POM files:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
[[1]] The \<project/\> element is always on one line.
[[2]] The blocks are voluntary separated by a new line to improve the readingness.
[[3]] The dependencies in \<dependencies/\> and \<dependencyManagement/\> tags have no specific ordering. Developers
are free to choose the ordering, but grouping dependencies by topics (like groupId i.e. <<<org.apache.maven>>>) is a good practice.
<<Note>>: There exist two alternatives to change order of a pom file
{{{}Tidy Maven Plugin}} or the
{{{}Sortpom Maven Plugin}}.
** {XDOC Code Convention}
For consistency and readability reasons, XDOC files should respect:
* <<Metadata>>: Always specify metadata in the \<properties/\> tag.
* <<Sections>>: Always use a new line with indentation for \<section/\> tags.
** {FML Code Convention}
For readability reasons, FML files should respect:
* <<FAQ>>: Always use a new line with indentation for \<faq/\> tags.
~~ * {APT} Do we need any specific APT style/convention?