blob: 010f5fb1e226a904651e6bcb0d5c228aabe355bc [file] [log] [blame]
Documentation Required
Jason van Zyl
12 October 2005
Documentation Required
This page lists some of the most pressing documentation needs. If you feel something is missing, please be sure
to let us know at the {{{/mail-lists.html}>Maven Users Mailing List}}.
* Documentation for users
* New SNAPSHOT handling
* Guide to dependencies, including:
* Dependency scoping - <especially system scope>
* Version range specifications
* Conflict resolution>
* Deployment mechanism
* Dependency management
* Plugin management - <in progress by J Matthew Pryor and John Casey>
* Plugin configuration
* Plugin downloading
* Report generation
* Project inheritence and company wide strategy
* Plugin documentation
* Using POM-properties in conjunction with plugin configuration to abstract child-POM configs
* Archetypes - writing and using
* Plugin usage guide/summary for core plugins - <esp. release plugin</i>
* Strategy for migrating from Ant builds
* Strategy for migrating from Maven 1.x builds - <esp. plugins that don't convert directly>
* Documentation for plugin authors
* Beanshell examples
* Plugin writing guide
* Report writing guide
* Site customisation guide
* Common tips and tricks for accessing project/build data
* Guide to available parameter expressions
* List of standards for submitting new plugins (minimum documentation, test coverage?)
* Documentation for Maven developers
* Lifecycle architecture</li>
* High level architecture, components explanation</li>
* Intro to Plexus</li>
* Contributors guide (add to current and consolidate, walk through some first steps)