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The Maven Community
Eric Redmond
17 October 2006
The Maven Community
Maven, like any other opensource project, relies heavily on the efforts of the entire user community
to be ever vigilent for improvements, logging of defects, communicating use-cases, generating
documentation, and being wary of other users in need. This is a quick guide outlining what
members of the Maven community may do to make the system work better for everyone.
* Helping With Maven
There is already a comprehensive {{{guides/development/guide-helping.html}Guide to Helping With Maven}}.
That guide focuses upon beginning as a supporter, with information on how to help the coding effort.
** Commit Questions or Answers to the Maven User FAQ
Documentation is currently a very high priority for the Maven community. Please help out where ever you can,
specifically in the work-in-progress {{{}FAQ Wiki}}.
** Help Log Defects in JIRA
Just as any other healthy project requires a quick turn-around on defects, and a transparent
method of users to have their wishes heard, so too does Maven need your help.
* {{{}Maven Defects, Improvements and Tasks}}
* {{{}Maven Project Administration}}
** Developers
For Maven developers, commiters, PMC: there is a {{{developers/index.html}Developers Guide}}.
* Being a Good Maven Citizen
The concept of a public repository built into the core architecture of Maven makes it
necessarily community-centric. There are a few simple things that Maven users may
do to help keep that community thriving.
** Be a Kind Public Repository User
The best thing that a user can do is to set up their own remote repository mirror containing the
projects needed. There are several tools to make this simpler, such as
{{{}Proximity}} or {{{}Archiva}}. This
reduces strain on the Maven central repository, and allows new users to get acquainted with Maven
easier and quicker. This is especially important for power-users and corporations. The incentive
behind this is, controlling your own servers can give you desired level of security and
more control over uptime, resulting in a better experience for your users. With that said, keep the
following sentiment in mind:
Please take only the jars you need. We understand this is may entail more work,
but grabbing all 9+ Gigs of binaries really kills our servers.
** Host a Mirror
As an extention to the previous statement, if you have access to a large data repository with
lots of bandwidth, please consider becomming a mirror for the Maven central repository.
As you can imagine, thousands of users downloading can put quite a strain on one server.
If you wish to be a mirror, please make an announcement on the {{{}Maven User List}}.
** Host a Public Repository
If you have any projects that you wish others to use, host them on your own public repository. That
way, your users can simply add your repository to their own project repo list, and viola! Maven
can keep you and your users in synch, growing your user-base due simply to its new-found ease of use.
* User Gathering Spots
These are a few of the watering holes around which Maven users tend to gather.
** Mailing Lists
The {{{mail-lists.html}Maven Mailing Lists}}. Specifically, the {{{}Maven User List}}.
** IRC
Log into the {{{}#maven IRC channel}} at {{{}Codehaus}}.