assume Maven 3 as default (#20)

diff --git a/src/site/apt/maven-3.apt.vm b/src/site/apt/maven-3.apt.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ee7199..0000000
--- a/src/site/apt/maven-3.apt.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
- ------
- Using maven-site-plugin with Maven 3
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- Olivier Lamy
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- 2011-07-22
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-Using maven-site-plugin with Maven 3
-  A major aim of the refactoring in Maven 3 was to decouple the Maven core from {{{/doxia/}Doxia}}
-  and to allow arbitrary reporting systems to be developed. For this reason, all reporting
-  related code has been removed from the core of Maven 3
-  ({{{}MNG-4162}}).
-  As a result, the 2.x versions of the Maven Site Plugin will not work with Maven 3.
-  Using such versions of Maven Site Plugin with Maven 3 won't generate any reports from reporting plugins,
-  only hand-written Doxia documents (apt, xdoc, ...) will be rendered.
-  You need to use version 3.x of the Site Plugin, in order for it to work with Maven 3.
-* Plugins Compatibility Matrix for Maven 3
-** Plugins Maintained by the Apache Maven Community
-  Tests have been made on the reporting profile of the Maven parent POM which enables some reports.
-  You will need to update some of these plugins for them to work with Maven 3. Below you will find the minimum version
-  required for these plugins to work in Maven 3.
-| <<Plugin>>                        |<<Version>>|
-| maven-changelog-plugin            | 2.1       |
-| maven-changes-plugin              | 2.1       |
-| maven-checkstyle-plugin           | 2.5       |
-| maven-javadoc-plugin              | 2.6.1     |
-| maven-jxr-plugin                  | 2.1       |
-| maven-plugin-plugin               | 2.5.1     |
-| maven-pmd-plugin                  | 2.4       |
-| maven-project-info-reports-plugin | 2.2       |
-| maven-surefire-report-plugin      | 2.4.3     |
-** Plugins Maintained by the Mojo Community
-| <<Plugin>>                       |<<Version>>  |
-| cobertura-maven-plugin           | 2.3         |
-| emma-maven-plugin                | 1.0-alpha-2 |
-* Version Resolution
-  When used with Maven 3, a report plugin version can be empty (like build plugins).
-  The following order/strategy will be used to find/resolve a version:
-  * search the same groupId/artifactId in the build.plugins section
-  * search the same groupId/artifactId in the build.pluginManagement.plugins section
-  * resolve with current repositories (can include automatic SNAPSHOT resolution)
-  []
-  Notice that Maven 3.0.x reports a misleading warning in case of empty report plugin version: see
-  {{{}MNG-5477}}, fixed in Maven 3.1.0.
-* Site descriptor attachment
-  In Maven 3, the default execution of <<<site:attach-descriptor>>> has been removed from the
-  built-in lifecycle bindings for projects with <<<pom>>> packaging. Users that actually use those
-  projects to provide a common site descriptor for sub modules will need to explicitly define
-  the following goal execution to restore the intended behavior:
-  <build>
-    <plugins>
-      <plugin>
-        <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-            <id>attach-descriptor</id>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>attach-descriptor</goal>
-            </goals>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-  </build>
-* Using the same version of maven-site-plugin for both Maven 2 and Maven 3
-  Starting with version 3.0, maven-site-plugin can run with both Maven 2.2.x and 3.x. The
-  results should be exactly the same if reports are configured in the classical Maven 2 way, in the <<<\<reporting\>>>>
-  section. If you use the new Maven 3 way of configuring reports (not recommended), in the <<<\<reportPlugins\>>>> section,
-  it will only work with Maven 3.
-  The following snippet automatically activates <<<site:attach-descriptor>>> when run with Maven 3:
-  <profiles>
-    <profile>
-      <id>maven-3</id>
-      <activation>
-        <file>
-          <!--  This employs that the basedir expression is only recognized by Maven 3.x (see MNG-2363) -->
-          <exists>${basedir}</exists>
-        </file>
-      </activation>
-      <build>
-        <plugins>
-          <plugin>
-            <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
-            <executions>
-              <execution>
-                <id>attach-descriptor</id>
-                <goals>
-                  <goal>attach-descriptor</goal>
-                </goals>
-              </execution>
-            </executions>
-          </plugin>
-        </plugins>
-      </build>
-    </profile>
-  </profiles>
-  <<Note:>> The profile is needed to avoid duplicate install and deploy of the site descriptor when running with Maven 2.2.x
-  due to POM default lifecycle mappings.
-* Using maven-site-plugin 2.x with Maven 2 and maven-site-plugin 3.x with Maven 3
-  Before maven-site-plugin 3.0, maven-site-plugin 2.x was compatible only with Maven 2 and maven-site-plugin
-  3.0-betas were compatible only with Maven 3. A trick was needed to let Maven 2 use one version of the plugin and Maven 3
-  another version in the same <<<pom.xml>>>.
-  The following snippet automatically activates maven-site-plugin 3.x when run with Maven 3:
-  <profiles>
-    <profile>
-      <id>maven-3</id>
-      <activation>
-        <file>
-          <!--  This employs that the basedir expression is only recognized by Maven 3.x (see MNG-2363) -->
-          <exists>${basedir}</exists>
-        </file>
-      </activation>
-      <build>
-        <pluginManagement>
-          <plugins>
-            <plugin>
-              <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-              <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
-              <version>${project.version}</version>
-            </plugin>
-          </plugins>
-        </pluginManagement>
-        <plugins>
-          <plugin>
-            <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
-            <executions>
-              <execution>
-                <id>attach-descriptor</id>
-                <goals>
-                  <goal>attach-descriptor</goal>
-                </goals>
-              </execution>
-            </executions>
-          </plugin>
-        </plugins>
-      </build>
-    </profile>
-  </profiles>
-  <<Note:>> Be aware that you should also use <<<\<pluginManagement\>>>> to specify the version for maven-site-plugin 2.x.
-  If you define the plugin version directly inside the <<<\<plugins\>>>> section of the <<<\<build\>>>> element
-  then that version is always used, no matter which version of Maven is used. That snippet would look like this:
-  <build>
-    <pluginManagement>
-      <plugins>
-        <plugin>
-          <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-          <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
-          <version>2.3</version>
-        </plugin>
-      </plugins>
-    </pluginManagement>
-  </build>
-* Configuration formats
-  The <<<\<reporting\>>>> section of the POM has been added to the Site Plugin's configuration as <<<\<reportPlugins\>>>> in Maven 3.
-  The content of the configuration has been kept as similar as possible to Maven 2 and 
-  the <<<{{{/shared/maven-reporting-exec/}maven-reporting-exec}}>>> component transforms the configuration on the fly.
-** Classic configuration (Maven 2 & 3)
-  Reports are configured in the <<<\<reporting\>>>> section of the POM.
-  <<This stays the recommended configuration format.>>
-  <reporting>
-    <plugins>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-project-info-reports-plugin</artifactId>
-        <version>2.4</version>
-        <configuration>
-          <dependencyDetailsEnabled>false</dependencyDetailsEnabled>
-          <dependencyLocationsEnabled>false</dependencyLocationsEnabled>
-        </configuration>
-        <reportSets>
-          <reportSet>
-            <reports>
-              <report>dependencies</report>
-              <report>scm</report>
-            </reports>
-          </reportSet>
-        </reportSets>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
-        <version>2.8</version>
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-  </reporting>
-** New Configuration (Maven 3 only, no reports configuration inheritance)
-  Starting with <<<maven-site-plugin>>> 3.0, reports could be configured in the configuration of <<<maven-site-plugin>>>
-  as <<<\<reportPlugins\>>>> elements.
-  <<This new configuration format is not actually ready for end-users: please don't use it for the moment.>>
-  As a consequence, with <<<maven-site-plugin>>> 3.7, the <<<\<reportPlugins\>>>> configuration has simply been removed
-  (and marked marked private/internal since 3.3), and
-  {{{}Maven 3.5.0 prints following warning if <<<\<reportPlugins\>>>> is used}}:
-[WARNING] Reporting configuration should be done in <reporting> section, not in maven-site-plugin <configuration> as reportPlugins parameter.
-  This documentation is kept public only to help people who used <<<\<reportPlugins\>>>> in previous versions
-  understand why they need to migrate back to classic configuration, and learn how to switch back to
-  {{{Classic_configuration_Maven_2__3}<<<\<reports\><plugins\>>>> classic configuration}}.
-  <Explanation:> The (former) new format did not support report plugins configuration inheritance, which is crucial for
-  usability: see {{{}MSITE-484}}. This field is technically necessary to remove
-  most reporting logic from Maven 3, but a new inheritance mechanism still needs to be added to make it as flexible as the old format:
-  we made the field public before finding this crucial limitation and required to explain later why end-users must not use it, then
-  cannot use it since <<<maven-site-plugin>>> 3.3.
-  Here is how this feature looked like:
-  <build>
-    <plugins>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
-        <version>3.2</version><!-- last maven-site-plugin version supporting this reportPlugins configuration -->
-        <configuration>
-          ...
-          <reportPlugins><!-- not supported any more, causes WARNING in Maven 3.5.0: move to <project><reporting><plugins> instead -->
-            <plugin>
-              <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-              <artifactId>maven-project-info-reports-plugin</artifactId>
-              <version>2.4</version>
-              <configuration>
-                <dependencyDetailsEnabled>false</dependencyDetailsEnabled>
-                <dependencyLocationsEnabled>false</dependencyLocationsEnabled>
-              </configuration>
-              <!-- simpler configuration without reportSets available for usual cases -->
-              <reports>
-                <report>dependencies</report>
-                <report>scm</report>
-              </reports>
-            </plugin>
-            <plugin>
-              <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-              <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
-              <version>2.8</version>
-            </plugin>
-          </reportPlugins>
-        </configuration>
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-  </build>
-* Inheritance of reports for Maven 3 before 3.0.4
-  Maven 3 before 3.0.4 works differently from Maven 2 when dealing with inheritance of reports: given
-  a plugin providing multiple report goals, in Maven 2,
-  reports configured in child pom are added to reports from parent, whereas in Maven 3 up to 3.0.3
-  reports from child replace reports from parent. Since 3.0.4, though, inheritance of reports works
-  in the same way as with Maven 2.
-  For example, given a multi module build where the parent POM has the <<<index>>> report
-  configured and the child POM has the <<<summary>>> report configured for
-  <<<maven-project-info-reports-plugin>>> plugin:
-  * with Maven 2 and Maven 3.0.4, the child site will have both the <<<index>>> and <<<summary>>> reports,
-  * with Maven 3.0.3, the child site will have only the <<<summary>>> report.
-  []
-  For more info see {{{}MSITE-596}}.
diff --git a/src/site/site.xml b/src/site/site.xml
index b5be51e..68ffbc7 100644
--- a/src/site/site.xml
+++ b/src/site/site.xml
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
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