blob: 73717b7cc111dba94a615ddb3d1da0b3fb0d8b8d [file] [log] [blame]
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.hasItems;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeFalse;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeThat;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.Os;
import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.testhelpers.FileTestHelper;
import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;
* This is used to test FileUtils for correctness.
* @author Peter Donald
* @author Matthew Hawthorne
* @author Stephen Colebourne
* @author Jim Harrington
* @version $Id: 1081025 2011-03-13 00:45:10Z niallp $
* @see FileUtils
public class FileUtilsTest
// Test data
public TemporaryFolder tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder();
public TestName name = new TestName();
* Size of test directory.
private static final int TEST_DIRECTORY_SIZE = 0;
* Delay in milliseconds to make sure test for "last modified date" are accurate
//private static final int LAST_MODIFIED_DELAY = 600;
private File testFile1;
private File testFile2;
private long testFile1Size;
private long testFile2Size;
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
public void setUp()
throws Exception
testFile1 = tempFolder.newFile( "file1-test.txt" );
testFile2 = tempFolder.newFile( "file1a-test.txt" );
testFile1Size = (int) testFile1.length();
testFile2Size = (int) testFile2.length();
createFile( testFile1, testFile1Size );
createFile( testFile2, testFile2Size );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( tempFolder.getRoot() );
createFile( testFile1, testFile1Size );
createFile( testFile2, testFile2Size );
void createFile( File file, long size )
throws IOException
if ( !file.getParentFile().exists() )
throw new IOException( "Cannot create file " + file + " as the parent directory does not exist" );
OutputStream out = null;
out = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( file ) );
FileTestHelper.generateTestData( out, size );
out = null;
IOUtil.close( out );
* Assert that the content of a file is equal to that in a byte[].
void assertEqualContent( byte[] b0, File file )
throws IOException
InputStream is = new file );
int count = 0, numRead = 0;
byte[] b1 = new byte[b0.length];
while ( count < b0.length && numRead >= 0 )
numRead = b1, count, b0.length );
count += numRead;
assertThat( "Different number of bytes: ", count, is( b0.length ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
assertThat( "byte " + i + " differs", b1[i], is( b0[i] ) );
void deleteFile( File file )
if ( file.exists() )
assertThat( "Couldn't delete file: " + file, file.delete(), is( true ) );
public void toFile1()
throws Exception
URL url = new URL( "file", null, "a/b/c/file.txt" );
File file = FileUtils.toFile( url );
assertThat( file.toString(), containsString( "file.txt" ) );
public void toFile2()
throws Exception
URL url = new URL( "file", null, "a/b/c/file%20n%61me%2520.tx%74" );
File file = FileUtils.toFile( url );
assertThat( file.toString(), containsString( "file name%20.txt" ) );
public void toFile3()
throws Exception
assertThat( FileUtils.toFile( null ), CoreMatchers.nullValue() );
assertThat( FileUtils.toFile( new URL( "" ) ), CoreMatchers.nullValue() );
@Test( expected = NumberFormatException.class )
public void toFile4()
throws Exception
URL url = new URL( "file", null, "a/b/c/file%%20%me.txt%" );
File file = FileUtils.toFile( url );
assertThat( file.toString(), containsString( "file% %me.txt%" ) );
* IO-252
public void toFile5()
throws Exception
URL url = new URL( "file", null, "both%20are%20100%20%25%20true" );
File file = FileUtils.toFile( url );
assertThat( file.toString(), is( "both are 100 % true" ) );
public void toFileUtf8()
throws Exception
URL url = new URL( "file", null, "/home/%C3%A4%C3%B6%C3%BC%C3%9F" );
File file = FileUtils.toFile( url );
assertThat( file.toString(), not( containsString( "\u00E4\u00F6\u00FC\u00DF" ) ) );
// toURLs
public void toURLs1()
throws Exception
File[] files = new File[]{ new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "file1.txt" ), new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "file2.txt" ),
new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "test file.txt" ), };
URL[] urls = FileUtils.toURLs( files );
assertThat( urls.length, is( files.length ) );
assertThat( urls[0].toExternalForm().startsWith( "file:" ), is( true ) );
assertThat( urls[0].toExternalForm().contains( "file1.txt" ), is( true ) );
assertThat( urls[1].toExternalForm().startsWith( "file:" ), is( true ) );
assertThat( urls[1].toExternalForm(), containsString( "file2.txt" ) );
// Test escaped char
assertThat( urls[2].toExternalForm().startsWith( "file:" ), is( true ) );
assertThat( urls[2].toExternalForm(), containsString( "test%20file.txt" ) );
// @Test public void toURLs2() throws Exception {
// File[] files = new File[] {
// new File(getTestDirectory(), "file1.txt"),
// null,
// };
// URL[] urls = FileUtils.toURLs(files);
// assertEquals(files.length, urls.length);
// assertEquals(true, urls[0].toExternalForm().startsWith("file:"));
// assertEquals(true, urls[0].toExternalForm().indexOf("file1.txt") > 0);
// assertEquals(null, urls[1]);
// }
// @Test public void toURLs3() throws Exception {
// File[] files = null;
// URL[] urls = FileUtils.toURLs(files);
// assertEquals(0, urls.length);
// }
// contentEquals
public void contentEquals()
throws Exception
// Non-existent files
File file = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), name.getMethodName() );
File file2 = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), name.getMethodName() + "2" );
// both don't exist
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( file, file ), is( true ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( file, file2 ), is( true ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( file2, file2 ), is( true ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( file2, file ), is( true ) );
// Directories
FileUtils.contentEquals( tempFolder.getRoot(), tempFolder.getRoot() );
// Different files
File objFile1 = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), name.getMethodName() + ".object" );
FileUtils.copyURLToFile( getClass().getResource( "/java/lang/Object.class" ), objFile1 );
File objFile1b = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), name.getMethodName() + ".object2" );
FileUtils.copyURLToFile( getClass().getResource( "/java/lang/Object.class" ), objFile1b );
File objFile2 = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), name.getMethodName() + ".collection" );
FileUtils.copyURLToFile( getClass().getResource( "/java/util/Collection.class" ), objFile2 );
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( objFile1, objFile2 ), is( false ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( objFile1b, objFile2 ), is( false ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( objFile1, objFile1b ), is( true ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( objFile1, objFile1 ), is( true ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( objFile1b, objFile1b ), is( true ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( objFile2, objFile2 ), is( true ) );
// Equal files
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( file, file ), is( true ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.contentEquals( file, file2 ), is( true ) );
// copyURLToFile
public void copyURLToFile()
throws Exception
// Creates file
File file = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), name.getMethodName() );
// Loads resource
String resourceName = "/java/lang/Object.class";
FileUtils.copyURLToFile( getClass().getResource( resourceName ), file );
// Tests that resuorce was copied correctly
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( file );
assertThat( "Content is not equal.",
IOUtil.contentEquals( getClass().getResourceAsStream( resourceName ), fis ), is( true ) );
//TODO Maybe test copy to itself like for copyFile()
// forceMkdir
public void forceMkdir()
throws Exception
// Tests with existing directory
FileUtils.forceMkdir( tempFolder.getRoot() );
// Creates test file
File testFile = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), name.getMethodName() );
assertThat( "Test file does not exist.", testFile.exists(), is( true ) );
// Tests with existing file
FileUtils.forceMkdir( testFile );
fail( "Exception expected." );
catch ( IOException ex )
// Tests with non-existent directory
FileUtils.forceMkdir( testFile );
assertThat( "Directory was not created.", testFile.exists(), is( true ) );
// sizeOfDirectory
public void sizeOfDirectory()
throws Exception
File file = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), name.getMethodName() );
// Non-existent file
FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( file );
fail( "Exception expected." );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex )
// Creates file
// Existing file
FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( file );
fail( "Exception expected." );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex )
// Existing directory
assertThat( "Unexpected directory size", FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( file ), is( (long) TEST_DIRECTORY_SIZE ) );
// copyFile
public void copyFile1()
throws Exception
File destination = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "copy1.txt" );
//This is to slow things down so we can catch if
//the lastModified date is not ok
FileUtils.copyFile( testFile1, destination );
assertThat( "Check Exist", destination.exists(), is( true ) );
assertThat( "Check Full copy", destination.length(), is( testFile1Size ) );
/* disabled: Thread.sleep doesn't work reliantly for this case
assertTrue("Check last modified date preserved",
testFile1.lastModified() == destination.lastModified());*/
public void copyFileThatIsSymlink()
throws Exception
assumeTrue( Java7Support.isAtLeastJava7() );
assumeFalse( Os.isFamily( Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS ) );
File destination = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "symCopy.txt" );
File testDir = SymlinkTestSetup.createStandardSymlinkTestDir( new File( "target/test/symlinkCopy" ) );
FileUtils.copyFile( new File( testDir, "symR" ), destination );
assertTrue( Java7Support.isSymLink( destination ));
public void deleteFile()
throws Exception
File destination = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "copy1.txt" );
FileUtils.copyFile( testFile1, destination );
FileUtils.delete( destination );
assertThat( "Check Exist", destination.exists(), is( false ) );
@Test(expected = IOException.class)
public void deleteFileNofile()
throws Exception
File destination = new File( "abc/cde" );
FileUtils.delete( destination );
public void deleteFileLegacy()
throws Exception
File destination = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "copy1.txt" );
FileUtils.copyFile( testFile1, destination );
assertTrue( FileUtils.deleteLegacyStyle( destination ) );
public void deleteFileLegacyNofile()
throws Exception
File destination = new File( "abc/cde" );
assertFalse( FileUtils.deleteLegacyStyle( destination ) );
public void copyFile2()
throws Exception
File destination = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "copy2.txt" );
//This is to slow things down so we can catch if
//the lastModified date is not ok
FileUtils.copyFile( testFile1, destination );
assertThat( "Check Exist", destination.exists(), is( true ) );
assertThat( "Check Full copy", destination.length(), is( testFile2Size ) );
/* disabled: Thread.sleep doesn't work reliably for this case
assertTrue("Check last modified date preserved",
testFile1.lastModified() == destination.lastModified());*/
@Ignore( "Commons test case that is failing for plexus" )
public void copyToSelf()
throws Exception
File destination = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "copy3.txt" );
//Prepare a test file
FileUtils.copyFile( testFile1, destination );
FileUtils.copyFile( destination, destination );
@Ignore( "Commons test case that is failing for plexus" )
public void copyDirectoryToDirectory_NonExistingDest()
throws Exception
createFile( testFile1, 1234 );
createFile( testFile2, 4321 );
File srcDir = tempFolder.getRoot();
File subDir = new File( srcDir, "sub" );
File subFile = new File( subDir, "A.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( subFile, "UTF8", "HELLO WORLD" );
File destDir = new File( System.getProperty( "" ), "tmp-FileUtilsTestCase" );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( destDir );
File actualDestDir = new File( destDir, srcDir.getName() );
FileUtils.copyDirectory( srcDir, destDir );
assertThat( "Check exists", destDir.exists(), is( true ) );
assertThat( "Check exists", actualDestDir.exists(), is( true ) );
assertThat( "Check size", FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( actualDestDir ),
is( FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( srcDir ) ) );
assertThat( new File( actualDestDir, "sub/A.txt" ).exists(), is( true ) );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( destDir );
@Ignore( "Commons test case that is failing for plexus" )
public void copyDirectoryToNonExistingDest()
throws Exception
createFile( testFile1, 1234 );
createFile( testFile2, 4321 );
File srcDir = tempFolder.getRoot();
File subDir = new File( srcDir, "sub" );
File subFile = new File( subDir, "A.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( subFile, "UTF8", "HELLO WORLD" );
File destDir = new File( System.getProperty( "" ), "tmp-FileUtilsTestCase" );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( destDir );
FileUtils.copyDirectory( srcDir, destDir );
assertThat( "Check exists", destDir.exists(), is( true ) );
assertThat( "Check size", FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( destDir ), is( FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( srcDir ) ) );
assertThat( new File( destDir, "sub/A.txt" ).exists(), is( true ) );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( destDir );
@Ignore( "Commons test case that is failing for plexus" )
public void copyDirectoryToExistingDest()
throws Exception
createFile( testFile1, 1234 );
createFile( testFile2, 4321 );
File srcDir = tempFolder.getRoot();
File subDir = new File( srcDir, "sub" );
File subFile = new File( subDir, "A.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( subFile, "UTF8", "HELLO WORLD" );
File destDir = new File( System.getProperty( "" ), "tmp-FileUtilsTestCase" );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( destDir );
FileUtils.copyDirectory( srcDir, destDir );
assertThat( FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( destDir ), is( FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( srcDir ) ) );
assertThat( new File( destDir, "sub/A.txt" ).exists(), is( true ) );
* Test for IO-141
@Ignore( "Commons test case that is failing for plexus" )
public void copyDirectoryToChild()
throws Exception
File grandParentDir = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "grandparent" );
File parentDir = new File( grandParentDir, "parent" );
File childDir = new File( parentDir, "child" );
createFilesForTestCopyDirectory( grandParentDir, parentDir, childDir );
long expectedCount =
FileUtils.getFileAndDirectoryNames( grandParentDir, null, null, true, true, true, true ).size()
+ FileUtils.getFileAndDirectoryNames( parentDir, null, null, true, true, true, true ).size();
long expectedSize = FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( grandParentDir ) + FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( parentDir );
FileUtils.copyDirectory( parentDir, childDir );
1L * FileUtils.getFileAndDirectoryNames( grandParentDir, null, null, true, true, true, true ).size(),
is( expectedCount ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( grandParentDir ), is( expectedSize ) );
* Test for IO-141
@Ignore( "Commons test case that is failing for plexus" )
public void copyDirectoryToGrandChild()
throws Exception
File grandParentDir = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "grandparent" );
File parentDir = new File( grandParentDir, "parent" );
File childDir = new File( parentDir, "child" );
createFilesForTestCopyDirectory( grandParentDir, parentDir, childDir );
long expectedCount =
( FileUtils.getFileAndDirectoryNames( grandParentDir, null, null, true, true, true, true ).size() * 2 );
long expectedSize = ( FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( grandParentDir ) * 2 );
FileUtils.copyDirectory( grandParentDir, childDir );
1L * FileUtils.getFileAndDirectoryNames( grandParentDir, null, null, true, true, true, true ).size(),
is( expectedCount ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory( grandParentDir ), is( expectedSize ) );
* Test for IO-217 FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory makes infinite loops
public void copyDirectoryToItself()
throws Exception
File dir = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "itself" );
FileUtils.copyDirectory( dir, dir );
assertThat( FileUtils.getFileAndDirectoryNames( dir, null, null, true, true, true, true ).size(), is( 1 ) );
private void createFilesForTestCopyDirectory( File grandParentDir, File parentDir, File childDir )
throws Exception
File childDir2 = new File( parentDir, "child2" );
File grandChildDir = new File( childDir, "grandChild" );
File grandChild2Dir = new File( childDir2, "grandChild2" );
File file1 = new File( grandParentDir, "file1.txt" );
File file2 = new File( parentDir, "file2.txt" );
File file3 = new File( childDir, "file3.txt" );
File file4 = new File( childDir2, "file4.txt" );
File file5 = new File( grandChildDir, "file5.txt" );
File file6 = new File( grandChild2Dir, "file6.txt" );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( grandParentDir );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file1, "UTF8", "File 1 in grandparent" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file2, "UTF8", "File 2 in parent" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file3, "UTF8", "File 3 in child" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file4, "UTF8", "File 4 in child2" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file5, "UTF8", "File 5 in grandChild" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file6, "UTF8", "File 6 in grandChild2" );
@Ignore( "Commons test case that is failing for plexus" )
public void copyDirectoryErrors()
throws Exception
FileUtils.copyDirectory( null, null );
catch ( NullPointerException ex )
FileUtils.copyDirectory( new File( "a" ), null );
catch ( NullPointerException ex )
FileUtils.copyDirectory( null, new File( "a" ) );
catch ( NullPointerException ex )
FileUtils.copyDirectory( new File( "doesnt-exist" ), new File( "a" ) );
catch ( IOException ex )
FileUtils.copyDirectory( testFile1, new File( "a" ) );
catch ( IOException ex )
FileUtils.copyDirectory( tempFolder.getRoot(), testFile1 );
catch ( IOException ex )
FileUtils.copyDirectory( tempFolder.getRoot(), tempFolder.getRoot() );
catch ( IOException ex )
// forceDelete
public void forceDeleteAFile1()
throws Exception
File destination = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "copy1.txt" );
assertThat( "Copy1.txt doesn't exist to delete", destination.exists(), is( true ) );
FileUtils.forceDelete( destination );
assertThat( "Check No Exist", !destination.exists(), is( true ) );
public void forceDeleteAFile2()
throws Exception
File destination = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "copy2.txt" );
assertThat( "Copy2.txt doesn't exist to delete", destination.exists(), is( true ) );
FileUtils.forceDelete( destination );
assertThat( "Check No Exist", !destination.exists(), is( true ) );
@Ignore( "Commons test case that is failing for plexus" )
public void forceDeleteAFile3()
throws Exception
File destination = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "no_such_file" );
assertThat( "Check No Exist", !destination.exists(), is( true ) );
FileUtils.forceDelete( destination );
fail( "Should generate FileNotFoundException" );
catch ( FileNotFoundException ignored )
// copyFileToDirectory
@Ignore( "Commons test case that is failing for plexus" )
public void copyFile1ToDir()
throws Exception
File directory = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "subdir" );
if ( !directory.exists() )
File destination = new File( directory, testFile1.getName() );
//This is to slow things down so we can catch if
//the lastModified date is not ok
FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( testFile1, directory );
assertThat( "Check Exist", destination.exists(), is( true ) );
assertThat( "Check Full copy", destination.length(), is( testFile1Size ) );
/* disabled: Thread.sleep doesn't work reliantly for this case
assertTrue("Check last modified date preserved",
testFile1.lastModified() == destination.lastModified());*/
FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( destination, directory );
fail( "Should not be able to copy a file into the same directory as itself" );
catch ( IOException ioe )
//we want that, cannot copy to the same directory as the original file
public void copyFile2ToDir()
throws Exception
File directory = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "subdir" );
if ( !directory.exists() )
File destination = new File( directory, testFile1.getName() );
//This is to slow things down so we can catch if
//the lastModified date is not ok
FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( testFile1, directory );
assertThat( "Check Exist", destination.exists(), is( true ) );
assertThat( "Check Full copy", destination.length(), is( testFile2Size ) );
/* disabled: Thread.sleep doesn't work reliantly for this case
assertTrue("Check last modified date preserved",
testFile1.lastModified() == destination.lastModified());*/
// forceDelete
public void forceDeleteDir()
throws Exception
File testDirectory = tempFolder.newFolder( name.getMethodName() );
FileUtils.forceDelete( testDirectory.getParentFile() );
assertThat( "Check No Exist", !testDirectory.getParentFile().exists(), is( true ) );
* Test the FileUtils implementation.
public void fileUtils()
throws Exception
// Loads file from classpath
File file1 = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "test.txt" );
String filename = file1.getAbsolutePath();
//Create test file on-the-fly (used to be in CVS)
OutputStream out = new file1 );
out.write( "This is a test".getBytes( "UTF-8" ) );
File file2 = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "test2.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file2, "UTF-8", filename );
assertThat( file2.exists(), is( true ) );
assertThat( file2.length() > 0, is( true ) );
String file2contents = FileUtils.fileRead( file2, "UTF-8" );
assertThat( "Second file's contents correct", filename.equals( file2contents ), is( true ) );
assertThat( file2.delete(), is( true ) );
String contents = FileUtils.fileRead( new File( filename ), "UTF-8" );
assertThat( "FileUtils.fileRead()", contents.equals( "This is a test" ), is( true ) );
public void fileReadWithDefaultEncoding()
throws Exception
File file = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "read.obj" );
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( file );
byte[] text = "Hello /u1234".getBytes();
out.write( text );
String data = FileUtils.fileRead( file );
assertThat( data, is( "Hello /u1234" ) );
public void fileReadWithEncoding()
throws Exception
File file = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "read.obj" );
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( file );
byte[] text = "Hello /u1234".getBytes( "UTF8" );
out.write( text );
String data = FileUtils.fileRead( file, "UTF8" );
assertThat( data, is( "Hello /u1234" ) );
@Ignore( "Commons test case that is failing for plexus" )
public void readLines()
throws Exception
File file = FileTestHelper.newFile( tempFolder, "lines.txt" );
String[] data = new String[]{ "hello", "/u1234", "", "this is", "some text" };
FileTestHelper.createLineBasedFile( file, data );
List<String> lines = FileUtils.loadFile( file );
assertThat( lines, is( Arrays.asList( data ) ) );
deleteFile( file );
public void writeStringToFile1()
throws Exception
File file = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "write.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file, "UTF8", "Hello /u1234" );
byte[] text = "Hello /u1234".getBytes( "UTF8" );
assertEqualContent( text, file );
public void writeStringToFile2()
throws Exception
File file = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "write.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file, null, "Hello /u1234" );
byte[] text = "Hello /u1234".getBytes();
assertEqualContent( text, file );
public void writeCharSequence1()
throws Exception
File file = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "write.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file, "UTF8", "Hello /u1234" );
byte[] text = "Hello /u1234".getBytes( "UTF8" );
assertEqualContent( text, file );
public void writeCharSequence2()
throws Exception
File file = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "write.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file, null, "Hello /u1234" );
byte[] text = "Hello /u1234".getBytes();
assertEqualContent( text, file );
public void writeStringToFileWithEncoding_WithAppendOptionTrue_ShouldNotDeletePreviousFileLines()
throws Exception
File file = FileTestHelper.newFile( tempFolder, "lines.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file, null, "This line was there before you..." );
FileUtils.fileAppend( file.getAbsolutePath(), "this is brand new data" );
String expected = "This line was there before you..." + "this is brand new data";
String actual = FileUtils.fileRead( file );
assertThat( actual, is( expected ) );
public void writeStringToFile_WithAppendOptionTrue_ShouldNotDeletePreviousFileLines()
throws Exception
File file = FileTestHelper.newFile( tempFolder, "lines.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file, null, "This line was there before you..." );
FileUtils.fileAppend( file.getAbsolutePath(), "this is brand new data" );
String expected = "This line was there before you..." + "this is brand new data";
String actual = FileUtils.fileRead( file );
assertThat( actual, is( expected ) );
public void writeStringArrayToFile()
throws Exception
File file = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "writeArray.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWriteArray( file, new String[]{"line1", "line2", "line3"} );
byte[] text = "line1\nline2\nline3".getBytes( "UTF8" );
assertEqualContent( text, file );
public void writeStringArrayToFileWithEncoding()
throws Exception
File file = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "writeArray.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWriteArray( file, "UTF8", new String[]{"line1", "line2", "line3"} );
byte[] text = "line1\nline2\nline3".getBytes( "UTF8" );
assertEqualContent( text, file );
public void writeWithEncoding_WithAppendOptionTrue_ShouldNotDeletePreviousFileLines()
throws Exception
File file = FileTestHelper.newFile( tempFolder, "lines.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file, "UTF-8", "This line was there before you..." );
FileUtils.fileAppend( file.getAbsolutePath(), "UTF-8", "this is brand new data" );
String expected = "This line was there before you..." + "this is brand new data";
String actual = FileUtils.fileRead( file );
assertThat( actual, is( expected ) );
public void write_WithAppendOptionTrue_ShouldNotDeletePreviousFileLines()
throws Exception
File file = FileTestHelper.newFile( tempFolder, "lines.txt" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( file, null, "This line was there before you..." );
FileUtils.fileAppend( file.getAbsolutePath(), "this is brand new data" );
String expected = "This line was there before you..." + "this is brand new data";
String actual = FileUtils.fileRead( file );
assertThat( actual, is( expected ) );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void blowUpOnNull()
throws IOException
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( (File) null );
public void deleteQuietlyDir()
throws IOException
File testDirectory = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "testDeleteQuietlyDir" );
File testFile = new File( testDirectory, "testDeleteQuietlyFile" );
createFile( testFile, 0 );
assertThat( testDirectory.exists(), is( true ) );
assertThat( testFile.exists(), is( true ) );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( testDirectory );
assertThat( "Check No Exist", testDirectory.exists(), is( false ) );
assertThat( "Check No Exist", testFile.exists(), is( false ) );
public void deleteQuietlyFile()
throws IOException
File testFile = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "testDeleteQuietlyFile" );
createFile( testFile, 0 );
assertThat( testFile.exists(), is( true ) );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( testFile );
assertThat( "Check No Exist", testFile.exists(), is( false ) );
public void deleteQuietlyNonExistent()
throws IOException
File testFile = new File( tempFolder.getRoot(), "testDeleteQuietlyNonExistent" );
assertThat( testFile.exists(), is( false ) );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( testFile );
//// getDefaultExcludes
public void getDefaultExcludes()
throws Exception
assertThat( Arrays.asList( FileUtils.getDefaultExcludes() ), hasItems( MINIMUM_DEFAULT_EXCLUDES ) );
//// getDefaultExcludesAsList
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public void getDefaultExcludesAsList()
throws Exception
assertThat( FileUtils.getDefaultExcludesAsList(), hasItems( MINIMUM_DEFAULT_EXCLUDES ) );
//// getDefaultExcludesAsString
public void getDefaultExcludesAsString()
throws Exception
assertThat( new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( FileUtils.getDefaultExcludesAsString().split( "," ) ) ),
//// dirname(String)
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void nlowUpOnDirnameNull()
throws Exception
FileUtils.dirname( null );
public void dirnameEmpty()
throws Exception
assertThat( FileUtils.dirname( "" ), is( "" ) );
public void dirnameFilename()
throws Exception
assertThat( FileUtils.dirname( "" ), is( "" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void dirnameWindowsRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.dirname( "C:\\" ), is( "" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void dirnameWindowsNonRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.dirname( "C:\\test\\" ), is( "" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void dirnameUnixRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.dirname( "/" ), is( "" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void dirnameUnixNonRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.dirname( "/test/" ), is( "" ) );
public void dirnameWindowsRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.dirname( "C:\\" ), is( "C:" ) );
public void dirnameWindowsNonRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.dirname( "C:\\test\\" ), is( "C:\\test" ) );
public void dirnameUnixRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.dirname( "/" ), is( "" ) );
public void dirnameUnixNonRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.dirname( "/test/" ), is( "/test" ) );
//// filename(String)
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void blowUpOnFilenameNull()
throws Exception
FileUtils.filename( null );
public void filenameEmpty()
throws Exception
assertThat( FileUtils.filename( "" ), is( "" ) );
public void filenameFilename()
throws Exception
assertThat( FileUtils.filename( "" ), is( "" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void filenameWindowsRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.filename( "C:\\" ), is( "C:\\" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void filenameWindowsNonRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.filename( "C:\\test\\" ), is( "C:\\test\\" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void filenameUnixRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.filename( "/" ), is( "/" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void filenameUnixNonRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.filename( "/test/" ), is( "/test/" ) );
public void filenameWindowsRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.filename( "C:\\" ), is( "" ) );
public void filenameWindowsNonRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.filename( "C:\\test\\" ), is( "" ) );
public void filenameUnixRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.filename( "/" ), is( "" ) );
public void filenameUnixNonRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.filename( "/test/" ), is( "" ) );
//// extension(String)
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void blowUpOnNullExtension()
throws Exception
FileUtils.extension( null );
public void extensionEmpty()
throws Exception
assertThat( FileUtils.extension( "" ), is( "" ) );
public void extensionFileName()
throws Exception
assertThat( FileUtils.extension( "" ), is( "txt" ) );
public void extensionFileNameNoExtension()
throws Exception
assertThat( FileUtils.extension( "foo_bar_txt" ), is( "" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void extensionWindowsRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.extension( "C:\\" ), is( "txt" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void extensionWindowsNonRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.extension( "C:\\test\\" ), is( "txt" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void extensionUnixRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.extension( "/" ), is( "txt" ) );
//X @ReproducesPlexusBug( "assumes that the path is a local path" )
public void extensionUnixNonRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.extension( "/test/" ), is( "txt" ) );
public void extensionWindowsRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.extension( "C:\\" ), is( "txt" ) );
public void extensionWindowsNonRootPathOnWindows()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '\\' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.extension( "C:\\test\\" ), is( "txt" ) );
@Ignore("Wait until we can run with assembly 2.5 which will support symlinks properly")
public void isASymbolicLink()
throws IOException
// This testcase will pass when running under java7 or higher
assumeThat( Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS), is(false) );
File file = new File( "src/test/resources/symlinks/src/symDir" );
assertTrue(FileUtils.isSymbolicLink(file ));
assertTrue(FileUtils.isSymbolicLinkLegacy(file ));
@Ignore("Wait until we can run with assembly 2.5 which will support symlinks properly")
public void notASymbolicLink()
throws IOException
File file = new File( "src/test/resources/symlinks/src/" );
assertFalse(FileUtils.isSymbolicLink(file ));
assertFalse(FileUtils.isSymbolicLinkLegacy(file ));
public void extensionUnixRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.extension( "/" ), is( "txt" ) );
public void extensionUnixNonRootPathOnUnix()
throws Exception
assumeThat( File.separatorChar, is( '/' ) );
assertThat( FileUtils.extension( "/test/" ), is( "txt" ) );
//// constants for testing
private static final String[] MINIMUM_DEFAULT_EXCLUDES = {
// Miscellaneous typical temporary files
"**/*~", "**/#*#", "**/.#*", "**/%*%", "**/._*",
// CVS
"**/CVS", "**/CVS/**", "**/.cvsignore",
// Subversion
"**/.svn", "**/.svn/**",
// Arch
"**/.arch-ids", "**/.arch-ids/**",
"**/.bzr", "**/.bzr/**",
// Mac
// Serena Dimensions Version 10
"**/.metadata", "**/.metadata/**",
// Mercurial
"**/.hg", "**/.hg/**",
// git
"**/.git", "**/.git/**",
// BitKeeper
"**/BitKeeper", "**/BitKeeper/**", "**/ChangeSet", "**/ChangeSet/**",
// darcs
"**/_darcs", "**/_darcs/**", "**/.darcsrepo", "**/.darcsrepo/**", "**/-darcs-backup*", "**/.darcs-temp-mail" };