blob: 309ebf95aa8947d37f1cc63be8b88540832a978c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Class for scanning a directory for files/directories which match certain criteria.
* <p/>
* These criteria consist of selectors and patterns which have been specified. With the selectors you can select which
* files you want to have included. Files which are not selected are excluded. With patterns you can include or exclude
* files based on their filename.
* <p/>
* The idea is simple. A given directory is recursively scanned for all files and directories. Each file/directory is
* matched against a set of selectors, including special support for matching against filenames with include and and
* exclude patterns. Only files/directories which match at least one pattern of the include pattern list or other file
* selector, and don't match any pattern of the exclude pattern list or fail to match against a required selector will
* be placed in the list of files/directories found.
* <p/>
* When no list of include patterns is supplied, "**" will be used, which means that everything will be matched. When no
* list of exclude patterns is supplied, an empty list is used, such that nothing will be excluded. When no selectors
* are supplied, none are applied.
* <p/>
* The filename pattern matching is done as follows: The name to be matched is split up in path segments. A path segment
* is the name of a directory or file, which is bounded by <code>File.separator</code> ('/' under UNIX, '\' under
* Windows). For example, "abc/def/ghi/" is split up in the segments "abc", "def","ghi" and "". The same
* is done for the pattern against which should be matched.
* <p/>
* The segments of the name and the pattern are then matched against each other. When '**' is used for a path segment in
* the pattern, it matches zero or more path segments of the name.
* <p/>
* There is a special case regarding the use of <code>File.separator</code>s at the beginning of the pattern and the
* string to match:<br>
* When a pattern starts with a <code>File.separator</code>, the string to match must also start with a
* <code>File.separator</code>. When a pattern does not start with a <code>File.separator</code>, the string to match
* may not start with a <code>File.separator</code>. When one of these rules is not obeyed, the string will not match.
* <p/>
* When a name path segment is matched against a pattern path segment, the following special characters can be used:<br>
* '*' matches zero or more characters<br>
* '?' matches one character.
* <p/>
* Examples:
* <p/>
* "**\*.class" matches all .class files/dirs in a directory tree.
* <p/>
* "test\a??.java" matches all files/dirs which start with an 'a', then two more characters and then ".java", in a
* directory called test.
* <p/>
* "**" matches everything in a directory tree.
* <p/>
* "**\test\**\XYZ*" matches all files/dirs which start with "XYZ" and where there is a parent directory called test
* (e.g. "abc\test\def\ghi\XYZ123").
* <p/>
* Case sensitivity may be turned off if necessary. By default, it is turned on.
* <p/>
* Example of usage:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* String[] includes = { &quot;**\\*.class&quot; };
* String[] excludes = { &quot;modules\\*\\**&quot; };
* ds.setIncludes( includes );
* ds.setExcludes( excludes );
* ds.setBasedir( new File( &quot;test&quot; ) );
* ds.setCaseSensitive( true );
* ds.scan();
* System.out.println( &quot;FILES:&quot; );
* String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles();
* for ( int i = 0; i &lt; files.length; i++ )
* {
* System.out.println( files[i] );
* }
* </pre>
* <p/>
* This will scan a directory called test for .class files, but excludes all files in all proper subdirectories of a
* directory called "modules"
* <p/>
* This class must not be used from multiple Threads concurrently!
* @author Arnout J. Kuiper <a href=""></a>
* @author Magesh Umasankar
* @author <a href="">Bruce Atherton</a>
* @author <a href="">Antoine Levy-Lambert</a>
public class DirectoryScanner
* Patterns which should be excluded by default.
* @see #addDefaultExcludes()
public static final String[] DEFAULTEXCLUDES = {
// Miscellaneous typical temporary files
"**/*~", "**/#*#", "**/.#*", "**/%*%", "**/._*",
// CVS
"**/CVS", "**/CVS/**", "**/.cvsignore",
// Subversion
"**/.svn", "**/.svn/**",
// Arch
"**/.arch-ids", "**/.arch-ids/**",
// Bazaar
"**/.bzr", "**/.bzr/**",
// SurroundSCM
// Mac
// Serena Dimensions Version 10
"**/.metadata", "**/.metadata/**",
// Mercurial
"**/.hg", "**/.hg/**",
// git
"**/.git", "**/.git/**",
// BitKeeper
"**/BitKeeper", "**/BitKeeper/**", "**/ChangeSet", "**/ChangeSet/**",
// darcs
"**/_darcs", "**/_darcs/**", "**/.darcsrepo", "**/.darcsrepo/**", "**/-darcs-backup*", "**/.darcs-temp-mail" };
* The base directory to be scanned.
private File basedir;
* The patterns for the files to be included.
private String[] includes;
* The patterns for the files to be excluded.
private String[] excludes;
private MatchPatterns excludesPatterns;
private MatchPatterns includesPatterns;
* The files which matched at least one include and no excludes and were selected.
private List<String> filesIncluded;
* The files which did not match any includes or selectors.
private List<String> filesNotIncluded;
* The files which matched at least one include and at least one exclude.
private List<String> filesExcluded;
* The directories which matched at least one include and no excludes and were selected.
private List<String> dirsIncluded;
* The directories which were found and did not match any includes.
private List<String> dirsNotIncluded;
* The directories which matched at least one include and at least one exclude.
private List<String> dirsExcluded;
* Whether or not our results were built by a slow scan.
private boolean haveSlowResults = false;
* Whether or not the file system should be treated as a case sensitive one.
private boolean isCaseSensitive = true;
* Whether or not symbolic links should be followed.
private boolean followSymlinks = true;
* A {@link ScanConductor} an control the scanning process.
private ScanConductor scanConductor = null;
* The last ScanAction. We need to store this in the instance as the scan() method doesn't return
private ScanConductor.ScanAction scanAction = null;
* Sole constructor.
public DirectoryScanner()
* Sets the base directory to be scanned. This is the directory which is scanned recursively. All '/' and '\'
* characters are replaced by <code>File.separatorChar</code>, so the separator used need not match
* <code>File.separatorChar</code>.
* @param basedir The base directory to scan. Must not be <code>null</code>.
public void setBasedir( final String basedir )
setBasedir( new File( basedir.replace( '/', File.separatorChar ).replace( '\\', File.separatorChar ) ) );
* Sets the base directory to be scanned. This is the directory which is scanned recursively.
* @param basedir The base directory for scanning. Should not be <code>null</code>.
public void setBasedir( @Nonnull final File basedir )
this.basedir = basedir;
* Returns the base directory to be scanned. This is the directory which is scanned recursively.
* @return the base directory to be scanned
public File getBasedir()
return basedir;
* Sets whether or not the file system should be regarded as case sensitive.
* @param isCaseSensitiveParameter whether or not the file system should be regarded as a case sensitive one
public void setCaseSensitive( final boolean isCaseSensitiveParameter )
this.isCaseSensitive = isCaseSensitiveParameter;
* Sets whether or not symbolic links should be followed.
* @param followSymlinks whether or not symbolic links should be followed
public void setFollowSymlinks( final boolean followSymlinks )
this.followSymlinks = followSymlinks;
* Sets the list of include patterns to use. All '/' and '\' characters are replaced by
* <code>File.separatorChar</code>, so the separator used need not match <code>File.separatorChar</code>.
* <p/>
* When a pattern ends with a '/' or '\', "**" is appended.
* @param includes A list of include patterns. May be <code>null</code>, indicating that all files should be
* included. If a non-<code>null</code> list is given, all elements must be non-<code>null</code>.
public void setIncludes( final String... includes )
if ( includes == null )
this.includes = null;
this.includes = new String[includes.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < includes.length; i++ )
String pattern;
pattern = includes[i].trim().replace( '/', File.separatorChar ).replace( '\\', File.separatorChar );
if ( pattern.endsWith( File.separator ) )
pattern += "**";
this.includes[i] = pattern;
* Sets the list of exclude patterns to use. All '/' and '\' characters are replaced by
* <code>File.separatorChar</code>, so the separator used need not match <code>File.separatorChar</code>.
* <p/>
* When a pattern ends with a '/' or '\', "**" is appended.
* @param excludes A list of exclude patterns. May be <code>null</code>, indicating that no files should be
* excluded. If a non-<code>null</code> list is given, all elements must be non-<code>null</code>.
public void setExcludes( final String... excludes )
if ( excludes == null )
this.excludes = null;
this.excludes = new String[excludes.length];
for ( int i = 0; i < excludes.length; i++ )
String pattern;
pattern = excludes[i].trim().replace( '/', File.separatorChar ).replace( '\\', File.separatorChar );
if ( pattern.endsWith( File.separator ) )
pattern += "**";
this.excludes[i] = pattern;
* @param scanConductor {@link #scanConductor}
public void setScanConductor( final ScanConductor scanConductor )
this.scanConductor = scanConductor;
* Scans the base directory for files which match at least one include pattern and don't match any exclude patterns.
* If there are selectors then the files must pass muster there, as well.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the base directory was set incorrectly (i.e. if it is <code>null</code>,
* doesn't exist, or isn't a directory).
public void scan()
throws IllegalStateException
if ( basedir == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "No basedir set" );
if ( !basedir.exists() )
throw new IllegalStateException( "basedir " + basedir + " does not exist" );
if ( !basedir.isDirectory() )
throw new IllegalStateException( "basedir " + basedir + " is not a directory" );
filesIncluded = new ArrayList<String>();
filesNotIncluded = new ArrayList<String>();
filesExcluded = new ArrayList<String>();
dirsIncluded = new ArrayList<String>();
dirsNotIncluded = new ArrayList<String>();
dirsExcluded = new ArrayList<String>();
scanAction = ScanConductor.ScanAction.CONTINUE;
if ( isIncluded( "" ) )
if ( !isExcluded( "" ) )
if ( scanConductor != null )
scanAction = scanConductor.visitDirectory( "", basedir );
if ( ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT.equals( scanAction )
|| ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT_DIRECTORY.equals( scanAction )
|| ScanConductor.ScanAction.NO_RECURSE.equals( scanAction ) )
dirsIncluded.add( "" );
dirsExcluded.add( "" );
dirsNotIncluded.add( "" );
scandir( basedir, "", true );
* Determine the file differences between the currently included files and
* a previously captured list of files.
* This method will not look for a changed in content but sole in the
* list of files given.
* <p/>
* The method will compare the given array of file Strings with the result
* of the last directory scan. It will execute a {@link #scan()} if no
* result of a previous scan could be found.
* <p/>
* The result of the diff can be queried by the methods
* {@link DirectoryScanResult#getFilesAdded()} and {@link DirectoryScanResult#getFilesRemoved()}
* @param oldFiles the list of previously captured files names.
* @return the result of the directory scan.
public DirectoryScanResult diffIncludedFiles( String... oldFiles )
if ( filesIncluded == null )
// perform a scan if the directory didn't got scanned yet
return diffFiles( oldFiles, filesIncluded.toArray( new String[filesIncluded.size()] ) );
* @param oldFiles array of old files.
* @param newFiles array of new files.
* @return calculated differerence.
public static DirectoryScanResult diffFiles( @Nullable String[] oldFiles, @Nullable String[] newFiles )
Set<String> oldFileSet = arrayAsHashSet( oldFiles );
Set<String> newFileSet = arrayAsHashSet( newFiles );
List<String> added = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> removed = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( String oldFile : oldFileSet )
if ( !newFileSet.contains( oldFile ) )
removed.add( oldFile );
for ( String newFile : newFileSet )
if ( !oldFileSet.contains( newFile ) )
added.add( newFile );
String[] filesAdded = added.toArray( new String[added.size()] );
String[] filesRemoved = removed.toArray( new String[removed.size()] );
return new DirectoryScanResult( filesAdded, filesRemoved );
* Take an array of type T and convert it into a HashSet of type T.
* If <code>null</code> or an empty array gets passed, an empty Set will be returned.
* @param array The array
* @return the filled HashSet of type T
private static <T> Set<T> arrayAsHashSet( @Nullable T[] array )
if ( array == null || array.length == 0 )
return Collections.emptySet();
Set<T> set = new HashSet<T>( array.length );
Collections.addAll( set, array );
return set;
* Top level invocation for a slow scan. A slow scan builds up a full list of excluded/included files/directories,
* whereas a fast scan will only have full results for included files, as it ignores directories which can't
* possibly hold any included files/directories.
* <p/>
* Returns immediately if a slow scan has already been completed.
void slowScan()
if ( haveSlowResults )
final String[] excl = dirsExcluded.toArray( new String[dirsExcluded.size()] );
final String[] notIncl = dirsNotIncluded.toArray( new String[dirsNotIncluded.size()] );
for ( String anExcl : excl )
if ( !couldHoldIncluded( anExcl ) )
scandir( new File( basedir, anExcl ), anExcl + File.separator, false );
for ( String aNotIncl : notIncl )
if ( !couldHoldIncluded( aNotIncl ) )
scandir( new File( basedir, aNotIncl ), aNotIncl + File.separator, false );
haveSlowResults = true;
* Scans the given directory for files and directories. Found files and directories are placed in their respective
* collections, based on the matching of includes, excludes, and the selectors. When a directory is found, it is
* scanned recursively.
* @param dir The directory to scan. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param vpath The path relative to the base directory (needed to prevent problems with an absolute path when using
* dir). Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param fast Whether or not this call is part of a fast scan.
* @see #filesIncluded
* @see #filesNotIncluded
* @see #filesExcluded
* @see #dirsIncluded
* @see #dirsNotIncluded
* @see #dirsExcluded
* @see #slowScan
void scandir( @Nonnull final File dir, @Nonnull final String vpath, final boolean fast )
String[] newfiles = dir.list();
if ( newfiles == null )
* two reasons are mentioned in the API docs for File.list (1) dir is not a directory. This is impossible as
* we wouldn't get here in this case. (2) an IO error occurred (why doesn't it throw an exception then???)
* [jdcasey] (2) is apparently happening to me, as this is killing one of my tests... this is affecting the
* assembly plugin, fwiw. I will initialize the newfiles array as zero-length for now. NOTE: I can't find
* the problematic code, as it appears to come from a native method in UnixFileSystem...
newfiles = new String[0];
// throw new IOException( "IO error scanning directory " + dir.getAbsolutePath() );
if ( !followSymlinks )
newfiles = doNotFollowSymbolicLinks( dir, vpath, newfiles );
for ( final String newfile : newfiles )
final String name = vpath + newfile;
final File file = new File( dir, newfile );
if ( file.isDirectory() )
if ( isIncluded( name ) )
if ( !isExcluded( name ) )
if ( scanConductor != null )
scanAction = scanConductor.visitDirectory( name, file );
if ( ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT.equals( scanAction )
|| ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT_DIRECTORY.equals( scanAction ) )
if ( !ScanConductor.ScanAction.NO_RECURSE.equals( scanAction ) )
dirsIncluded.add( name );
if ( fast )
scandir( file, name + File.separator, fast );
if ( ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT.equals( scanAction ) )
scanAction = null;
dirsExcluded.add( name );
if ( fast && couldHoldIncluded( name ) )
scandir( file, name + File.separator, fast );
if ( ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT.equals( scanAction ) )
scanAction = null;
if ( fast && couldHoldIncluded( name ) )
if ( scanConductor != null )
scanAction = scanConductor.visitDirectory( name, file );
if ( ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT.equals( scanAction )
|| ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT_DIRECTORY.equals( scanAction ) )
if ( !ScanConductor.ScanAction.NO_RECURSE.equals( scanAction ) )
dirsNotIncluded.add( name );
scandir( file, name + File.separator, fast );
if ( ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT.equals( scanAction ) )
scanAction = null;
if ( !fast )
scandir( file, name + File.separator, fast );
if ( ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT.equals( scanAction ) )
scanAction = null;
else if ( file.isFile() )
if ( isIncluded( name ) )
if ( !isExcluded( name ) )
if ( scanConductor != null )
scanAction = scanConductor.visitFile( name, file );
if ( ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT.equals( scanAction )
|| ScanConductor.ScanAction.ABORT_DIRECTORY.equals( scanAction ) )
filesIncluded.add( name );
filesExcluded.add( name );
filesNotIncluded.add( name );
private String[] doNotFollowSymbolicLinks( final File dir, final String vpath, String[] newfiles )
final List<String> noLinks = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( final String newfile : newfiles )
if ( isSymbolicLink( dir, newfile ) )
final String name = vpath + newfile;
final File file = new File( dir, newfile );
if ( file.isDirectory() )
dirsExcluded.add( name );
filesExcluded.add( name );
noLinks.add( newfile );
catch ( final IOException ioe )
final String msg =
"IOException caught while checking " + "for links, couldn't get cannonical path!";
// will be caught and redirected to Ant's logging system
System.err.println( msg );
noLinks.add( newfile );
newfiles = noLinks.toArray( new String[noLinks.size()] );
return newfiles;
* Tests whether or not a name matches against at least one include pattern.
* @param name The name to match. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @return <code>true</code> when the name matches against at least one include pattern, or <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
boolean isIncluded( final String name )
return includesPatterns.matches( name, isCaseSensitive );
* Tests whether or not a name matches the start of at least one include pattern.
* @param name The name to match. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @return <code>true</code> when the name matches against the start of at least one include pattern, or
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
boolean couldHoldIncluded( @Nonnull final String name )
return includesPatterns.matchesPatternStart( name, isCaseSensitive );
* Tests whether or not a name matches against at least one exclude pattern.
* @param name The name to match. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @return <code>true</code> when the name matches against at least one exclude pattern, or <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
boolean isExcluded( @Nonnull final String name )
return excludesPatterns.matches( name, isCaseSensitive );
* Returns the names of the files which matched at least one of the include patterns and none of the exclude
* patterns. The names are relative to the base directory.
* @return the names of the files which matched at least one of the include patterns and none of the exclude
* patterns. May also contain symbolic links to files.
public String[] getIncludedFiles()
if ( filesIncluded == null )
return new String[0];
return filesIncluded.toArray( new String[filesIncluded.size()] );
* Returns the names of the files which matched none of the include patterns. The names are relative to the base
* directory. This involves performing a slow scan if one has not already been completed.
* @return the names of the files which matched none of the include patterns.
* @see #slowScan
public String[] getNotIncludedFiles()
return filesNotIncluded.toArray( new String[filesNotIncluded.size()] );
* Returns the names of the files which matched at least one of the include patterns and at least one of the exclude
* patterns. The names are relative to the base directory. This involves performing a slow scan if one has not
* already been completed.
* @return the names of the files which matched at least one of the include patterns and at at least one of the
* exclude patterns.
* @see #slowScan
public String[] getExcludedFiles()
return filesExcluded.toArray( new String[filesExcluded.size()] );
* Returns the names of the directories which matched at least one of the include patterns and none of the exclude
* patterns. The names are relative to the base directory.
* @return the names of the directories which matched at least one of the include patterns and none of the exclude
* patterns. May also contain symbolic links to directories.
public String[] getIncludedDirectories()
return dirsIncluded.toArray( new String[dirsIncluded.size()] );
* Returns the names of the directories which matched none of the include patterns. The names are relative to the
* base directory. This involves performing a slow scan if one has not already been completed.
* @return the names of the directories which matched none of the include patterns.
* @see #slowScan
public String[] getNotIncludedDirectories()
return dirsNotIncluded.toArray( new String[dirsNotIncluded.size()] );
* Returns the names of the directories which matched at least one of the include patterns and at least one of the
* exclude patterns. The names are relative to the base directory. This involves performing a slow scan if one has
* not already been completed.
* @return the names of the directories which matched at least one of the include patterns and at least one of the
* exclude patterns.
* @see #slowScan
public String[] getExcludedDirectories()
return dirsExcluded.toArray( new String[dirsExcluded.size()] );
* Adds default exclusions to the current exclusions set.
public void addDefaultExcludes()
final int excludesLength = excludes == null ? 0 : excludes.length;
String[] newExcludes;
newExcludes = new String[excludesLength + DEFAULTEXCLUDES.length];
if ( excludesLength > 0 )
System.arraycopy( excludes, 0, newExcludes, 0, excludesLength );
for ( int i = 0; i < DEFAULTEXCLUDES.length; i++ )
newExcludes[i + excludesLength] =
DEFAULTEXCLUDES[i].replace( '/', File.separatorChar ).replace( '\\', File.separatorChar );
excludes = newExcludes;
* Checks whether a given file is a symbolic link.
* <p>
* It doesn't really test for symbolic links but whether the canonical and absolute paths of the file are identical
* - this may lead to false positives on some platforms.
* </p>
* @param parent the parent directory of the file to test
* @param name the name of the file to test.
boolean isSymbolicLink( final File parent, final String name )
throws IOException
if ( Java7Support.isAtLeastJava7() )
return Java7Support.isSymLink( parent );
final File resolvedParent = new File( parent.getCanonicalPath() );
final File toTest = new File( resolvedParent, name );
return !toTest.getAbsolutePath().equals( toTest.getCanonicalPath() );
private void setupDefaultFilters()
if ( includes == null )
// No includes supplied, so set it to 'matches all'
includes = new String[1];
includes[0] = "**";
if ( excludes == null )
excludes = new String[0];
private void setupMatchPatterns()
includesPatterns = MatchPatterns.from( includes );
excludesPatterns = MatchPatterns.from( excludes );