blob: ddb6a94e423c3becf05992e0638020ad45494d22 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.shared.utils.reflection;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.junit.Test;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import static org.apache.maven.shared.utils.testhelpers.ExceptionHelper.*;
* @author Stephen Connolly
public class ReflectorTest
private final Reflector reflector = new Reflector();
//// newInstance( Class, Object[] )
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void newInstanceNullNull()
throws Exception
reflector.newInstance( null, null );
public void newInstanceClassNull()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.newInstance( Object.class, null ), is( Object.class ) );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void newInstanceNullEmptyArray()
throws Exception
reflector.newInstance( null, new Object[0] );
public void newInstanceClassEmptyArray()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.newInstance( Object.class, new Object[0] ), is( Object.class ) );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void newInstanceClassInvalidSignature()
throws Exception
reflector.newInstance( Object.class, new Object[]{ this } );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void newInstancePrivateConstructor()
throws Exception
reflector.newInstance( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[0] );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// // @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up constructors by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong constructor" )
public void newInstancePackageConstructor()
throws Exception
reflector.newInstance( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ Boolean.FALSE } );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// // @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up constructors by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong constructor" )
public void newInstancePackageConstructorThrowsSomething()
throws Exception
reflector.newInstance( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ Boolean.TRUE } );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// // @ReproducesPlexusBug("Looking up constructors by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong constructor" )
public void newInstanceProtectedConstructor()
throws Exception
reflector.newInstance( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ 0 } );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// // @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up constructors by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong constructor" )
public void newInstanceProtectedConstructorThrowsSomething()
throws Exception
reflector.newInstance( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ 1 } );
public void newInstancePublicConstructor()
throws Exception
assertTrue( reflector.newInstance( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ "" } )
instanceof ReflectorTestHelper );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void newInstancePublicConstructorNullValue()
throws Exception
reflector.newInstance( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ null } );
public void newInstancePublicConstructorThrowsSomething()
throws Exception
reflector.newInstance( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ "Message" } );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( ReflectorTestHelper.HelperException.class ) );
//// getSingleton( Class, Object[] )
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getSingletonNullNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getSingleton( null, null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getSingletonClassNull()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getSingleton( Object.class, null ), is( Object.class ) );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getSingletonNullEmptyArray()
throws Exception
reflector.getSingleton( null, new Object[0] );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void getSingletonClassEmptyArray()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getSingleton( Object.class, new Object[0] ), is( Object.class ) );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void getSingletonClassInvalidSignature()
throws Exception
reflector.getSingleton( Object.class, new Object[]{ this } );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void getSingletonPrivateMethod()
throws Exception
reflector.getSingleton( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[0] );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up methods by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong method" )
public void getSingletonPackageMethod()
throws Exception
reflector.getSingleton( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ Boolean.FALSE } );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up methods by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong method" )
public void getSingletonPackageMethodThrowsSomething()
throws Exception
reflector.getSingleton( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ Boolean.TRUE } );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up methods by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong method" )
public void getSingletonProtectedMethod()
throws Exception
reflector.getSingleton( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ 0 } );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up methods by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong method" )
public void getSingletonProtectedMethodThrowsSomething()
throws Exception
reflector.getSingleton( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ 1 } );
public void getSingletonPublicMethod()
throws Exception
assertTrue( reflector.getSingleton( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ "" } )
instanceof ReflectorTestHelper );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getSingletonPublicMethodNullValue()
throws Exception
reflector.getSingleton( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ null } );
public void getSingletonPublicMethodThrowsSomething()
throws Exception
reflector.getSingleton( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ "Message" } );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( ReflectorTestHelper.HelperException.class ) );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getSingletonNonStaticMethod()
throws Exception
assertTrue( reflector.getSingleton( ReflectorTestHelper.class, new Object[]{ "", Boolean.FALSE } )
instanceof ReflectorTestHelper );
//// invoke( Object, String, Object[] )
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeNullNullNull()
throws Exception
reflector.invoke( null, null, null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeNullNullEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.invoke( null, null, new Object[0] );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeNullEmptyNull()
throws Exception
reflector.invoke( null, "", null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeNullEmptyEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.invoke( null, "", new Object[0] );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeObjectNullNull()
throws Exception
reflector.invoke( new Object(), null, null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeObjectNullEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.invoke( new Object(), null, new Object[0] );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void invokeObjectEmptyNull()
throws Exception
reflector.invoke( new Object(), "", null );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void invokeObjectEmptyEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.invoke( new Object(), "", new Object[0] );
public void invokeObjectValidNull()
throws Exception
Object object = new Object();
assertThat( reflector.invoke( object, "hashCode", null ), is( (Object) object.hashCode() ) );
public void invokeObjectValidEmpty()
throws Exception
Object object = new Object();
assertThat( reflector.invoke( object, "hashCode", new Object[0] ),
is( (Object) object.hashCode() ) );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void invokeObjectValidWrongSignature()
throws Exception
reflector.invoke( new Object(), "hashCode", new Object[]{ this } );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void invokePrivateMethod()
throws Exception
class CoT
private Object doSomething()
return "Done";
assertThat( reflector.invoke( new CoT(), "doSomething", new Object[0] ), is( (Object) "Done" ) );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void invokePackageMethod()
throws Exception
class CoT
Object doSomething()
return "Done";
assertThat( reflector.invoke( new CoT(), "doSomething", new Object[0] ), is( (Object) "Done" ) );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void invokeProtectedMethod()
throws Exception
class CoT
protected Object doSomething()
return "Done";
assertThat( reflector.invoke( new CoT(), "doSomething", new Object[0] ), is( (Object) "Done" ) );
public void invokePublicMethod()
throws Exception
class CoT
public Object doSomething()
return "Done";
assertThat( reflector.invoke( new CoT(), "doSomething", new Object[0] ), is( (Object) "Done" ) );
//// getStaticField( Class, String )
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getStaticFieldNullNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getStaticField( null, null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getStaticFieldNullEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.getStaticField( null, "" );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getStaticFieldObjectNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getStaticField( Object.class, null );
public void getStaticFieldObjectEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.getStaticField( Object.class, "" );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( NoSuchFieldException.class ) );
public void getStaticFieldPrivateField()
throws Exception
reflector.getStaticField( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "PRIVATE_STATIC_STRING" );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( NoSuchFieldException.class ) );
public void getStaticFieldPackageField()
throws Exception
reflector.getStaticField( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "PACKAGE_STATIC_STRING" );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( NoSuchFieldException.class ) );
public void getStaticFieldProtectedField()
throws Exception
reflector.getStaticField( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "PROTECTED_STATIC_STRING" );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( NoSuchFieldException.class ) );
public void getStaticFieldPublicField()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getStaticField( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "PUBLIC_STATIC_STRING" ),
is( (Object) "public static string" ) );
//// getField( Object, String )
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getFieldNullNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( null, null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getFieldNullEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( null, "" );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getFieldObjectNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( new Object(), null );
public void getFieldObjectEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( new Object(), "" );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( NoSuchFieldException.class ) );
public void getFieldCoTValuePrivateField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
private String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value" ), is( (Object) expected ) );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( IllegalAccessException.class ) );
public void getFieldCoTValuePackageField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value" ), is( (Object) expected ) );
public void getFieldCoTValueProtectedField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
protected String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value" ), is( (Object) expected ) );
public void getFieldCoTValuePublicField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
public String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value" ), is( (Object) expected ) );
//// getField( Object, String, boolean )
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getFieldNullNullFalse()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( null, null, false );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getFieldNullEmptyFalse()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( null, "", false );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getFieldObjectNullFalse()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( new Object(), null, false );
public void getFieldObjectEmptyFalse()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( new Object(), "", false );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( NoSuchFieldException.class ) );
public void getFieldCoTValueFalsePrivateField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
private String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value", false ), is( (Object) expected ) );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( IllegalAccessException.class ) );
public void getFieldCoTValueFalsePackageField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value", false ), is( (Object) expected ) );
public void getFieldCoTValueFalseProtectedField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
protected String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value", false ), is( (Object) expected ) );
public void getFieldCoTValueFalsePublicField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
public String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value", false ), is( (Object) expected ) );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getFieldNullNullTrue()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( null, null, true );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getFieldNullEmptyTrue()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( null, "", true );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getFieldObjectNullTrue()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( new Object(), null, true );
public void getFieldObjectEmptyTrue()
throws Exception
reflector.getField( new Object(), "", true );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( NoSuchFieldException.class ) );
public void getFieldCoTValueTruePrivateField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
private String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value", true ), is( (Object) expected ) );
public void getFieldCoTValueTruePackageField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value", true ), is( (Object) expected ) );
public void getFieldCoTValueTrueProtectedField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
protected String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value", true ), is( (Object) expected ) );
public void getFieldCoTValueTruePublicField()
throws Exception
final String expected = "gotIt";
class CoT
public String value = expected;
assertThat( reflector.getField( new CoT(), "value", true ), is( (Object) expected ) );
//// invokeStatic( Class, String, Object[] )
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeStaticNullNullNull()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( null, null, null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeStaticClassNullNull()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.invokeStatic( Object.class, null, null ), is( Object.class ) );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeStaticNullNullEmptyArray()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( null, null, new Object[0] );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeStaticClassNullEmptyArray()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.invokeStatic( Object.class, null, new Object[0] ), is( Object.class ) );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeStaticNullEmptyNull()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( null, "", null );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void invokeStaticClassEmptyNull()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( Object.class, "", null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeStaticNullEmptyEmptyArray()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( null, "", new Object[0] );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void invokeStaticClassEmptyEmptyArray()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.invokeStatic( Object.class, "", new Object[0] ), is( Object.class ) );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up methods by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong method" )
public void invokeStaticClassInvalidSignature()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Object[]{ this } );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void invokeStaticPrivateMethod()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Object[0] );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up methods by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong method" )
public void invokeStaticPackageMethod()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Object[]{ Boolean.FALSE } );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up methods by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong method" )
public void invokeStaticPackageMethodThrowsSomething()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Object[]{ Boolean.TRUE } );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up methods by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong method" )
public void invokeStaticProtectedMethod()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Object[]{ 0 } );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up methods by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong method" )
public void invokeStaticProtectedMethodThrowsSomething()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Object[]{ 1 } );
public void invokeStaticPublicMethod()
throws Exception
assertTrue( reflector.invokeStatic( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Object[]{ "" } )
instanceof ReflectorTestHelper );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeStaticPublicMethodNullValue()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Object[]{ null } );
public void invokeStaticPublicMethodThrowsSomething()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Object[]{ "Message" } );
catch ( ReflectorException e )
assertThat( e, hasCause( ReflectorTestHelper.HelperException.class ) );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void invokeStaticNonStaticMethod()
throws Exception
reflector.invokeStatic( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Object[]{ "", Boolean.FALSE } )
instanceof ReflectorTestHelper );
//// getConstructor( Class, Class[] )
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getConstructorNullNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getConstructor( null, null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getConstructorNullEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.getConstructor( null, new Class[0] );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getConstructorObjectNull()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getConstructor( Object.class, null ),
is( (Constructor) Object.class.getDeclaredConstructor() ) );
public void getConstructorObjectEmpty()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getConstructor( Object.class),
is( (Constructor) Object.class.getDeclaredConstructor() ) );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up methods by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong method" )
public void getConstructorPrivate()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getConstructor( ReflectorTestHelper.class),
is( (Constructor) ReflectorTestHelper.class.getDeclaredConstructor() ) );
public void getConstructorPackage()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getConstructor( ReflectorTestHelper.class, Boolean.class),
not( is( (Constructor) ReflectorTestHelper.class.getDeclaredConstructor( Boolean.class ) ) ) );
public void getConstructorProtected()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getConstructor( ReflectorTestHelper.class, Integer.class),
not( is( (Constructor) ReflectorTestHelper.class.getDeclaredConstructor( Integer.class ) ) ) );
public void getConstructorPublic()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getConstructor( ReflectorTestHelper.class, String.class),
is( (Constructor) ReflectorTestHelper.class.getDeclaredConstructor( String.class ) ) );
//// getObjectProperty( Object, String )
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void getObjectPropertyNullNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getObjectProperty( null, null );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void getObjectPropertyNullEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.getObjectProperty( null, "" );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void getObjectPropertyObjectNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getObjectProperty( new Object(), null );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void getObjectPropertyObjectEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.getObjectProperty( new Object(), "" );
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Should only access public properties" )
public void getObjectPropertyViaPrivateField()
throws Exception
class CoT
private int value = 42;
assertThat( reflector.getObjectProperty( new CoT(), "value" ), is( (Object) 42 ) );
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Should only access public properties" )
public void getObjectPropertyViaPackageField()
throws Exception
class CoT
int value = 42;
assertThat( reflector.getObjectProperty( new CoT(), "value" ), is( (Object) 42 ) );
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Should only access public properties" )
public void getObjectPropertyViaProtectedField()
throws Exception
class CoT
protected int value = 42;
assertThat( reflector.getObjectProperty( new CoT(), "value" ), is( (Object) 42 ) );
public void getObjectPropertyViaPublicField()
throws Exception
class CoT
public int value = 42;
assertThat( reflector.getObjectProperty( new CoT(), "value" ), is( (Object) 42 ) );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void getObjectPropertyViaPrivateGetter()
throws Exception
class CoT
private final int _value = 42;
private int getValue()
return _value;
reflector.getObjectProperty( new CoT(), "value" );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void getObjectPropertyViaPackageGetter()
throws Exception
class CoT
private final int _value = 42;
int getValue()
return _value;
reflector.getObjectProperty( new CoT(), "value" );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void getObjectPropertyViaProtectedGetter()
throws Exception
class CoT
private final int _value = 42;
protected int getValue()
return _value;
reflector.getObjectProperty( new CoT(), "value" );
public void getObjectPropertyViaPublicGetter()
throws Exception
class CoT
private final int _value = 42;
public int getValue()
return _value;
assertThat( reflector.getObjectProperty( new CoT(), "value" ), is( (Object) 42 ) );
//// getMethod( Class, String, Class[] )
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getMethodNullNullNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getMethod( null, null, null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getMethodNullNullEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.getMethod( null, null, new Class[0] );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getMethodObjectNullNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getMethod( Object.class, null, null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getMethodObjectNullEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.getMethod( Object.class, null, new Class[0] );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getMethodNullEmptyNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getMethod( null, "", null );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getMethodNullEmptyEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.getMethod( null, "", new Class[0] );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void getMethodObjectEmptyNull()
throws Exception
reflector.getMethod( Object.class, "", null );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
public void getMethodObjectEmptyEmpty()
throws Exception
reflector.getMethod( Object.class, "", new Class[0] );
@Test( expected = ReflectorException.class )
// @ReproducesPlexusBug( "Looking up methods by signature has an unlabelled continue, so finds the wrong method" )
public void getMethodPrivate()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getMethod( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Class[0] ),
is( ReflectorTestHelper.class.getDeclaredMethod( "getInstance" ) ) );
public void getMethodPackage()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getMethod( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Class[]{ Boolean.class } ),
not( is( ReflectorTestHelper.class.getDeclaredMethod( "getInstance", Boolean.class ) ) ) );
public void getMethodProtected()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getMethod( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Class[]{ Integer.class } ),
not( is( ReflectorTestHelper.class.getDeclaredMethod( "getInstance", Integer.class ) ) ) );
public void getMethodPublic()
throws Exception
assertThat( reflector.getMethod( ReflectorTestHelper.class, "getInstance", new Class[]{ String.class } ),
is( ReflectorTestHelper.class.getDeclaredMethod( "getInstance", String.class ) ) );