blob: db149cc5ad2dbe7d89e56c0e95802d291a4dcd1b [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.command.changelog;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeFile;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeSet;
import org.apache.maven.scm.CommandParameter;
import org.apache.maven.scm.CommandParameters;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmBranch;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmException;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFileSet;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmResult;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmRevision;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmVersion;
import org.apache.maven.scm.command.changelog.ChangeLogScmResult;
import org.apache.maven.scm.command.changelog.ChangeLogSet;
import org.apache.maven.scm.log.ScmLogger;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProviderRepository;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.AccuRev;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.AccuRevCapability;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.AccuRevException;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.AccuRevScmProviderRepository;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.AccuRevVersion;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.FileDifference;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.Stream;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.Transaction;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.Transaction.Version;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.command.AbstractAccuRevCommand;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
* TODO filter results based on project_path Find appropriate start and end transaction ids from parameters. Streams
* must be the same. Diff on stream start to end - these are the upstream changes Hist on the stream start+1 to end
* remove items from the upstream set if they appear in the history For workspaces diff doesn't work. So we would not
* pickup any upstream changes, just the "keep" transactions which is not very useful. Hist on the workspace Then diff /
* hist on the basis stream, skipping any transactions that are coming from the workspace.
* @author ggardner
public class AccuRevChangeLogCommand
extends AbstractAccuRevCommand
public AccuRevChangeLogCommand( ScmLogger logger )
super( logger );
protected ScmResult executeAccurevCommand( AccuRevScmProviderRepository repository, ScmFileSet fileSet,
CommandParameters parameters )
throws ScmException, AccuRevException
// Do we have a supplied branch. If not we default to the URL stream.
ScmBranch branch = (ScmBranch) parameters.getScmVersion( CommandParameter.BRANCH, null );
AccuRevVersion branchVersion = repository.getAccuRevVersion( branch );
String stream = branchVersion.getBasisStream();
String fromSpec = branchVersion.getTimeSpec();
String toSpec = "highest";
// Versions
ScmVersion startVersion = parameters.getScmVersion( CommandParameter.START_SCM_VERSION, null );
ScmVersion endVersion = parameters.getScmVersion( CommandParameter.END_SCM_VERSION, null );
if ( startVersion != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( startVersion.getName() ) )
AccuRevVersion fromVersion = repository.getAccuRevVersion( startVersion );
// if no end version supplied then use same basis as startVersion
AccuRevVersion toVersion =
endVersion == null ? new AccuRevVersion( fromVersion.getBasisStream(), "now" )
: repository.getAccuRevVersion( endVersion );
if ( !Objects.equals( fromVersion.getBasisStream(), toVersion.getBasisStream() ) )
throw new AccuRevException( "Not able to provide change log between different streams " + fromVersion
+ "," + toVersion );
stream = fromVersion.getBasisStream();
fromSpec = fromVersion.getTimeSpec();
toSpec = toVersion.getTimeSpec();
Date startDate = parameters.getDate( CommandParameter.START_DATE, null );
Date endDate = parameters.getDate( CommandParameter.END_DATE, null );
int numDays = parameters.getInt( CommandParameter.NUM_DAYS, 0 );
if ( numDays > 0 )
if ( ( startDate != null || endDate != null ) )
throw new ScmException( "Start or end date cannot be set if num days is set." );
// Last x days.
int day = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
startDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() - (long) numDays * day );
endDate = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() + day );
if ( endDate != null && startDate == null )
throw new ScmException( "The end date is set but the start date isn't." );
// Date parameters override transaction ids in versions
if ( startDate != null )
fromSpec = AccuRevScmProviderRepository.formatTimeSpec( startDate );
else if ( fromSpec == null )
fromSpec = "1";
// Convert the fromSpec to both a date AND a transaction id by looking up
// the nearest transaction in the depot.
Transaction fromTransaction = getDepotTransaction( repository, stream, fromSpec );
long fromTranId = 1;
if ( fromTransaction != null )
// This tran id is less than or equal to the date/tranid we requested.
fromTranId = fromTransaction.getTranId();
if ( startDate == null )
startDate = fromTransaction.getWhen();
if ( endDate != null )
toSpec = AccuRevScmProviderRepository.formatTimeSpec( endDate );
else if ( toSpec == null )
toSpec = "highest";
Transaction toTransaction = getDepotTransaction( repository, stream, toSpec );
long toTranId = 1;
if ( toTransaction != null )
toTranId = toTransaction.getTranId();
if ( endDate == null )
endDate = toTransaction.getWhen();
startVersion = new ScmRevision( repository.getRevision( stream, fromTranId ) );
endVersion = new ScmRevision( repository.getRevision( stream, toTranId ) );
//TODO Split this method in two here. above to convert params to start and end (stream,tranid,date) and test independantly
List<Transaction> streamHistory = Collections.emptyList();
List<Transaction> workspaceHistory = Collections.emptyList();
List<FileDifference> streamDifferences = Collections.emptyList();
StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
AccuRev accurev = repository.getAccuRev();
Stream changelogStream = accurev.showStream( stream );
if ( changelogStream == null )
errorMessage.append( "Unknown accurev stream -" ).append( stream ).append( "." );
String message =
"Changelog on stream " + stream + "(" + changelogStream.getStreamType() + ") from " + fromTranId + " ("
+ startDate + "), to " + toTranId + " (" + endDate + ")";
if ( startDate != null && startDate.after( endDate ) || fromTranId >= toTranId )
getLogger().warn( "Skipping out of range " + message );
getLogger().info( message );
// In 4.7.2 and higher we have a diff command that will list all the file differences in a stream
// and thus can be used to detect upstream changes
// Unfortunately diff -v -V -t does not work in workspaces.
Stream diffStream = changelogStream;
if ( changelogStream.isWorkspace() )
workspaceHistory =
accurev.history( stream, Long.toString( fromTranId + 1 ), Long.toString( toTranId ), 0, false,
false );
if ( workspaceHistory == null )
errorMessage.append( "history on workspace " + stream + " from " + fromTranId + 1 + " to "
+ toTranId + " failed." );
// do the diff/hist on the basis stream instead.
stream = changelogStream.getBasis();
diffStream = accurev.showStream( stream );
if ( AccuRevCapability.DIFF_BETWEEN_STREAMS.isSupported( accurev.getClientVersion() ) )
if ( startDate.before( diffStream.getStartDate() ) )
getLogger().warn( "Skipping diff of " + stream + " due to start date out of range" );
streamDifferences =
accurev.diff( stream, Long.toString( fromTranId ), Long.toString( toTranId ) );
if ( streamDifferences == null )
errorMessage.append( "Diff " + stream + "- " + fromTranId + " to " + toTranId + "failed." );
// History needs to start from the transaction after our starting transaction
streamHistory =
accurev.history( stream, Long.toString( fromTranId + 1 ), Long.toString( toTranId ), 0, false,
false );
if ( streamHistory == null )
errorMessage.append( "history on stream " + stream + " from " + fromTranId + 1 + " to " + toTranId
+ " failed." );
String errorString = errorMessage.toString();
if ( StringUtils.isBlank( errorString ) )
ChangeLogSet changeLog =
getChangeLog( changelogStream, streamDifferences, streamHistory, workspaceHistory, startDate, endDate );
changeLog.setEndVersion( endVersion );
changeLog.setStartVersion( startVersion );
return new ChangeLogScmResult( accurev.getCommandLines(), changeLog );
return new ChangeLogScmResult( accurev.getCommandLines(), "AccuRev errors: " + errorMessage,
accurev.getErrorOutput(), false );
private Transaction getDepotTransaction( AccuRevScmProviderRepository repo, String stream, String tranSpec )
throws AccuRevException
return repo.getDepotTransaction( stream, tranSpec );
private ChangeLogSet getChangeLog( Stream stream, List<FileDifference> streamDifferences,
List<Transaction> streamHistory, List<Transaction> workspaceHistory,
Date startDate, Date endDate )
// Collect all the "to" versions from the streamDifferences into a Map by element id
// If that version is seen in the promote/keep history then we move it from the map
// At the end we create a pseudo ChangeSet for any remaining entries in the map as
// representing "upstream changes"
Map<Long, FileDifference> differencesMap = new HashMap<Long, FileDifference>();
for ( FileDifference fileDifference : streamDifferences )
differencesMap.put( fileDifference.getElementId(), fileDifference );
List<Transaction> mergedHistory = new ArrayList<Transaction>( streamHistory );
// will never match a version
String streamPrefix = "/";
mergedHistory.addAll( workspaceHistory );
streamPrefix = stream.getId() + "/";
List<ChangeSet> entries = new ArrayList<ChangeSet>( streamHistory.size() );
for ( Transaction t : mergedHistory )
if ( ( startDate != null && t.getWhen().before( startDate ) )
|| ( endDate != null && t.getWhen().after( endDate ) ) )
// This is possible if dates and transactions are mixed in the time spec.
// Needed to make Tck test pass against accurev > 4.7.2 - the changelog only expects to deal with
// files. Stream changes and cross links are important entries in the changelog.
// However we should only see mkstream once and it is irrelevant given we are interrogating
// the history of this stream.
if ( "mkstream".equals( t.getTranType() ) )
Collection<Version> versions = t.getVersions();
List<ChangeFile> files = new ArrayList<ChangeFile>( versions.size() );
for ( Version v : versions )
// Remove diff representing this promote
FileDifference difference = differencesMap.get( v.getElementId() );
// TODO: how are defuncts shown in the version history?
if ( difference != null )
String newVersionSpec = difference.getNewVersionSpec();
if ( newVersionSpec != null && newVersionSpec.equals( v.getRealSpec() ) )
if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
getLogger().debug( "Removing difference for " + v );
differencesMap.remove( v.getElementId() );
// Add this file, unless the virtual version indicates this is the basis stream, and the real
// version came from our workspace stream (ie, this transaction is a promote from the workspace
// to its basis stream, and is therefore NOT a change
if ( v.getRealSpec().startsWith( streamPrefix ) && !v.getVirtualSpec().startsWith( streamPrefix ) )
if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
getLogger().debug( "Skipping workspace to basis stream promote " + v );
ChangeFile f =
new ChangeFile( v.getElementName(), v.getVirtualSpec() + " (" + v.getRealSpec() + ")" );
files.add( f );
if ( versions.isEmpty() || !files.isEmpty() )
ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet( t.getWhen(), t.getComment(), t.getAuthor(), files );
entries.add( changeSet );
if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
getLogger().debug( "All versions removed for " + t );
// Anything left in the differencesMap represents a change from a higher stream
// We don't have details on who or where these came from, but it is important to
// detect these for CI tools like Continuum
if ( !differencesMap.isEmpty() )
List<ChangeFile> upstreamFiles = new ArrayList<ChangeFile>();
for ( FileDifference difference : differencesMap.values() )
if ( difference.getNewVersionSpec() != null )
upstreamFiles.add( new ChangeFile( difference.getNewFile().getPath(),
difference.getNewVersionSpec() ) );
// difference is a deletion
upstreamFiles.add( new ChangeFile( difference.getOldFile().getPath(), null ) );
entries.add( new ChangeSet( endDate, "Upstream changes", "various", upstreamFiles ) );
return new ChangeLogSet( entries, startDate, endDate );
public ChangeLogScmResult changelog( ScmProviderRepository repo, ScmFileSet testFileSet, CommandParameters params )
throws ScmException
return (ChangeLogScmResult) execute( repo, testFileSet, params );