blob: a5ffe10a40a8aef67a245ed9fb1cf67d3a2a790f [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.command.changelog;
* Copyright 2003-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeSet;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeFile;
import org.apache.regexp.RE;
import org.apache.regexp.RESyntaxException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.StreamConsumer;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
* @author <a href="">Emmanuel Venisse</a>
* @version $Id$
public class SvnChangeLogConsumer
implements StreamConsumer
/** Date formatter for svn timestamp (after a little massaging) */
private static final SimpleDateFormat SVN_TIMESTAMP = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzzzzzzzz" );
/** State machine constant: expecting header */
private static final int GET_HEADER = 1;
/** State machine constant: expecting file information */
private static final int GET_FILE = 2;
/** State machine constant: expecting comments */
private static final int GET_COMMENT = 3;
/** A file line begins with a space character */
private static final String FILE_BEGIN_TOKEN = " ";
/** The file section ends with a blank line */
private static final String FILE_END_TOKEN = "";
/** The filename starts after 5 characters */
private static final int FILE_START_INDEX = 5;
/** The comment section ends with a dashed line */
private static final String COMMENT_END_TOKEN = "------------------------------------"
+ "------------------------------------";
/** The pattern used to match svn header lines */
private static final String pattern = "^rev (\\d+):\\s+" + // revision number
"(\\w+)\\s+\\|\\s+" + // author username
"(\\d+-\\d+-\\d+ " + // date 2002-08-24
"\\d+:\\d+:\\d+) " + // time 16:01:00
"([\\-+])(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)"; // gmt offset -0400
private static final String pattern2 = "^r(\\d+)\\s+\\|\\s+" + // revision number
"(\\(\\S+\\s+\\S+\\)|\\S+)\\s+\\|\\s+" + // author username
"(\\d+-\\d+-\\d+ " + // date 2002-08-24
"\\d+:\\d+:\\d+) " + // time 16:01:00
"([\\-+])(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)"; // gmt offset -0400
/** Current status of the parser */
private int status = GET_HEADER;
/** List of change log entries */
private List entries = new ArrayList();
/** The current log entry being processed by the parser */
private ChangeSet currentChange;
/** The current revision of the entry being processed by the parser */
private String currentRevision;
/** The current comment of the entry being processed by the parser */
private StringBuffer currentComment;
/** The regular expression used to match header lines */
private RE headerRegexp;
private RE headerRegexp2;
* Default constructor.
public SvnChangeLogConsumer()
headerRegexp = new RE( pattern );
headerRegexp2 = new RE( pattern2 );
catch ( RESyntaxException ex )
throw new RuntimeException(
"INTERNAL ERROR: Could not create regexp to parse svn log file. This shouldn't happen. Something is probably wrong with the oro installation.",
ex );
public List getModifications()
return entries;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// StreamConsumer Implementation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void consumeLine( String line )
switch ( status )
processGetHeader( line );
case GET_FILE:
processGetFile( line );
processGetComment( line );
throw new IllegalStateException( "Unknown state: " + status );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Process the current input line in the GET_HEADER state. The
* author, date, and the revision of the entry are gathered. Note,
* Subversion does not have per-file revisions, instead, the entire
* repository is given a single revision number, which is used for
* the revision number of each file.
* @param line A line of text from the svn log output
private void processGetHeader( String line )
if ( !headerRegexp.match( line ) )
if ( !headerRegexp2.match( line ) )
headerRegexp = headerRegexp2;
currentRevision = headerRegexp.getParen( 1 );
currentChange = new ChangeSet();
currentChange.setAuthor( headerRegexp.getParen( 2 ) );
currentChange.setDate( parseDate() );
status = GET_FILE;
* Process the current input line in the GET_FILE state. This state
* adds each file entry line to the current change log entry. Note,
* the revision number for the entire entry is used for the revision
* number of each file.
* @param line A line of text from the svn log output
private void processGetFile( String line )
if ( line.startsWith( FILE_BEGIN_TOKEN ) )
// Skip the status flags and just get the name of the file
String name = line.substring( FILE_START_INDEX );
currentChange.addFile( new ChangeFile( name, currentRevision ) );
status = GET_FILE;
else if ( line.equals( FILE_END_TOKEN ) )
// Create a buffer for the collection of the comment now
// that we are leaving the GET_FILE state.
currentComment = new StringBuffer();
status = GET_COMMENT;
* Process the current input line in the GET_COMMENT state. This
* state gathers all of the comments that are part of a log entry.
* @param line a line of text from the svn log output
private void processGetComment( String line )
if ( line.equals( COMMENT_END_TOKEN ) )
currentChange.setComment( currentComment.toString() );
entries.add( currentChange );
status = GET_HEADER;
currentComment.append( line ).append( '\n' );
* Converts the date timestamp from the svn output into a date
* object.
* @return A date representing the timestamp of the log entry.
private Date parseDate()
StringBuffer date = new StringBuffer().append( headerRegexp.getParen( 3 ) ).append( " GMT" )
.append( headerRegexp.getParen( 4 ) ).append( headerRegexp.getParen( 5 ) ).append( ':' )
.append( headerRegexp.getParen( 6 ) );
return SVN_TIMESTAMP.parse( date.toString() );
catch ( ParseException e )
return null;