blob: 57e942371ad6fc6cdf06837f39b2b4fe63c5ed28 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.cli;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.nullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmTestCase;
import org.apache.maven.scm.log.ScmLogger;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.AccuRev;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.accurev.AccuRevStat;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.Os;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.StreamConsumer;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
@RunWith( JUnit4.class )
public class AccuRevCommandLineTest
extends ScmTestCase
public class AccuRevCommandLineTester
extends AccuRevCommandLine
private BufferedReader stdinReader;
private String response;
public BufferedReader getStdinReader()
return stdinReader;
private ScmLogger initLog()
throws Exception
return AccuRevJUnitUtil.getLogger( getContainer() );
public AccuRevCommandLineTester()
throws Exception
setLogger( initLog() );
public AccuRevCommandLineTester( String host, int port )
throws Exception
super( host, port );
setLogger( initLog() );
protected int executeCommandLine( Commandline cl, InputStream stdin, CommandOutputConsumer stdout,
StreamConsumer stderr )
throws CommandLineException
if ( stdin != null )
stdinReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( stdin ) );
stdinReader = null;
if ( response != null )
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new StringReader( response ) );
String line = reader.readLine();
while ( line != null )
stdout.consumeLine( line );
line = reader.readLine();
catch ( IOException e )
throw new CommandLineException( "Unexpected error", e );
return 0;
public void setResponse( String response )
this.response = response;
public void setUp()
throws Exception
public void tearDown()
throws Exception
protected InputStream getCustomConfiguration()
throws Exception
return AccuRevJUnitUtil.getPlexusConfiguration();
public void testPromoteAll()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
assertThat( accuRevCL.promoteAll( new File( "/my/workspace" ), "cmt msg" ), not( nullValue() ) );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( new File( "/my/workspace" ).getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "promote", "-p", "-K", "-c", "cmt msg" } ) );
public void testPromote()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
File testfile = new File( "my/test/file" );
files.add( testfile );
assertThat( accuRevCL.promote( new File( "/my/workspace" ), files, "cmt msg" ), not( nullValue() ) );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( new File( "/my/workspace" ).getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "promote", "-K", "-c", "cmt msg", testfile.getPath() } ) );
public void testLogin()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.setResponse( "Password: a124235bacc3ff" );
accuRevCL.setExecutable( "accurev.exe" );
accuRevCL.login( "aUser", "topSecret" );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
if ( Os.isFamily( Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS ) )
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "login", "-A", "aUser", "topSecret" } ) );
assertThat( accuRevCL.getStdinReader(), is( nullValue() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "login", "-A", "aUser" } ) );
assertThat( accuRevCL.getStdinReader().readLine(), is( "topSecret" ) );
} null );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "info", "-A", "a124235bacc3ff" } ) );
assumeTrue( !Os.isFamily( Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS ) );
accuRevCL.login( "anOther", "opensaysme" );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "login", "-A", "anOther" } ) );
assertThat( accuRevCL.getStdinReader().readLine(), is( "opensaysme" ) );
accuRevCL.login( "AUser", null );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "login", "-A", "AUser" } ) );
assertThat( accuRevCL.getStdinReader().readLine(), is( "" ) );
public void testPopExternal()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester( "aHost", 5051 );
accuRevCL.setExecutable( "accurev.exe" );
File testfile = new File( "/my/export" );
File projectDir = new File( "/./project/dir" );
accuRevCL.popExternal( testfile, "stream", "12", Collections.singleton( projectDir ) );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getLiteralExecutable(), is( "accurev.exe" ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "pop", "-H", "aHost:5051", "-v", "stream", "-L",
testfile.getAbsolutePath(), "-t", "12", "-R", projectDir.getPath() } ) );
public void testPopExternalWithTransactionNow()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester( "aHost", 5051 );
accuRevCL.setExecutable( "accurev.exe" );
File testfile = new File( "/my/export" );
File projectDir = new File( "/./project/dir" );
accuRevCL.popExternal( testfile, "stream", "now", Collections.singleton( projectDir ) );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getLiteralExecutable(), is( "accurev.exe" ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "pop", "-H", "aHost:5051", "-v", "stream", "-L",
testfile.getAbsolutePath(), "-R", projectDir.getPath() } ) );
public void testPopExternalWithTransactionNull()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester( "aHost", 5051 );
accuRevCL.setExecutable( "accurev.exe" );
File testfile = new File( "/my/export" );
File projectDir = new File( "/./project/dir" );
accuRevCL.popExternal( testfile, "stream", null, Collections.singleton( projectDir ) );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getLiteralExecutable(), is( "accurev.exe" ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "pop", "-H", "aHost:5051", "-v", "stream", "-L",
testfile.getAbsolutePath(), "-R", projectDir.getPath() } ) );
public void testPopWorkSpace()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.setExecutable( "accurev.exe" );
File testFile = new File( "project/dir" );
accuRevCL.pop( new File( "/home/workspace" ), Collections.singleton( testFile ) );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getLiteralExecutable(), is( "accurev.exe" ) );
// take care of symlink
if (lastCL.getWorkingDirectory().getCanonicalFile().equals( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory().getAbsoluteFile() ))
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( new File( "/home/workspace" ).getCanonicalFile() ) );
} else {
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( new File( "/home/workspace" ).getAbsoluteFile() ));// .getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "pop", "-R", testFile.getPath() } ) );
public void testMkws()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.setExecutable( "accurev2.exe" );
File workspaceFile = new File( "/my/workspace/location" );
accuRevCL.mkws( "myStream", "myWorkSpaceName", workspaceFile );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getLiteralExecutable(), is( "accurev2.exe" ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( workspaceFile.getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "mkws", "-b", "myStream", "-w", "myWorkSpaceName", "-l",
workspaceFile.getAbsolutePath() } ) );
public void testUpdate()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
File workspaceFile = new File( "/my/ws/loc" );
accuRevCL.update( workspaceFile, "highest" );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( workspaceFile.getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "update", "-t", "highest" } ) );
public void testInfo()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester(); new File( "/my/base/dir" ) );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( new File( "/my/base/dir" ).getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "info" } ) );
public void testRemoveWorkspace()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.rmws( "myWorkspaceName" );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "rmws", "-s", "myWorkspaceName" } ) );
public void testStatIgnored()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
File testFile = new File( "/my/base/dir" );
accuRevCL.stat( testFile );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "stat", "-fx", testFile.getAbsolutePath() } ) );
public void testReactivate()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.reactivate( "ArANdomWorkspaceName" );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "reactivate", "wspace", "ArANdomWorkspaceName" } ) );
public void testReset()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
Commandline commandline = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
Commandline cl = commandline;
List<String> shellCmds = cl.getShell().getShellCommandLine( cl.getArguments() );
assertThat( cl.getShell().getShellCommandLine( cl.getArguments() ), is( shellCmds ) );
assertThat( commandline.getLiteralExecutable(), is( "accurev" ) );
public void testAdd()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
File testFile = new File( "my/test/file" );
files.add( testFile );
assertThat( accuRevCL.add( new File( "/workspace" ), files, "my commit message" ), not( nullValue() ) );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( new File( "/workspace" ).getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "add", "-c", "my commit message", testFile.getPath() } ) );
assertThat( accuRevCL.add( new File( "/workspace" ), files, "" ), not( nullValue() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "add", "-c", AccuRev.DEFAULT_ADD_MESSAGE,
testFile.getPath() } ) );
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public void testRemove()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
File testFile = new File( "my/test/file" );
files.add( testFile );
File workspaceFile = new File( "/workspace" );
assertThat( accuRevCL.defunct( workspaceFile, files, "my commit message" ), not( nullValue() ) );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( workspaceFile.getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(),
is( new String[] { "defunct", "-c", "my commit message", testFile.getPath() } ) );
assertThat( accuRevCL.defunct( workspaceFile, files, "" ), not( nullValue() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "defunct", "-c", AccuRev.DEFAULT_REMOVE_MESSAGE,
testFile.getPath() } ) );
assertThat( accuRevCL.defunct( workspaceFile, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, "" ), not( nullValue() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "defunct", "-c", AccuRev.DEFAULT_REMOVE_MESSAGE, "." } ) );
assertThat( accuRevCL.defunct( workspaceFile, null, "" ), not( nullValue() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "defunct", "-c", AccuRev.DEFAULT_REMOVE_MESSAGE, "." } ) );
public void testChangeWorkspace()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.chws( new File( "/my/workspace" ), "the_workspace_name_me", "a-snapshot" );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( new File( "/my/workspace" ).getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "chws", "-s", "the_workspace_name_me", "-b",
"a-snapshot", "-l", "." } ) );
public void testMkSnap()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.mksnap( "a-snapshot", "basisStream" );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "mksnap", "-s", "a-snapshot", "-b", "basisStream", "-t",
"now" } ) );
public void testStatTag()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.statTag( "a-snapshot" );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "stat", "-a", "-ffl", "-s", "a-snapshot" } ) );
public void testStatBackingStream()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
File basedir = new File( "/my/workspace" );
List<File> elements = new ArrayList<File>( 1 );
File addedOrModifiedFile = new File( "addedOrModified/file" );
elements.add( addedOrModifiedFile );
accuRevCL.statBackingStream( basedir, elements );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( basedir.getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "stat", "-b", "-ffr", addedOrModifiedFile.getPath() } ) );
public void testStatRecursive()
throws Exception
File basedir = new File( "/my/workspace" );
List<File> noFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.stat( basedir, noFiles, AccuRevStat.KEPT );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( basedir.getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "stat", "-ffr", "-k", "-R", "." } ) );
noFiles.add( new File( "." ) );
accuRevCL.stat( basedir, noFiles, AccuRevStat.DEFUNCT );
lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( basedir.getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "stat", "-ffr", "-D", "-R", "." } ) );
public void testStatSpecificFilesAndDirectories()
throws Exception
File basedir = new File( "/my/workspace" );
List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
File testDir = new File( "a/dir" );
files.add( testDir );
File testFile = new File( "a/dir/a.file" );
files.add( testFile );
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.stat( basedir, files, AccuRevStat.MISSING );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( basedir.getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "stat", "-ffr", "-M", testDir.getPath(),
testFile.getPath() } ) );
public void testAnnotate()
throws Exception
File basedir = new File( "/my/workspace" );
File file = new File( "src/main/java/" );
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.annotate( basedir, file );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getWorkingDirectory(), is( basedir.getCanonicalFile() ) );
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "annotate", "-ftud", file.getPath() } ) );
public void testDiff()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.diff( "myStream", "fromSpec", "toSpec" );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "diff", "-fx", "-a", "-i", "-v", "myStream", "-V",
"myStream", "-t", "fromSpec-toSpec" } ) );
public void testShowStream()
throws Exception
AccuRevCommandLineTester accuRevCL = new AccuRevCommandLineTester();
accuRevCL.showStream( "mystream" );
Commandline lastCL = accuRevCL.getCommandline();
assertThat( lastCL.getArguments(), is( new String[] { "show", "-s", "mystream", "-fx", "streams" } ) );