blob: b6f2748e81a8aa836e0ceca6555b8095610367ad [file] [log] [blame]
SCM Implementation: ClearCase
Wim Deblauwe
1 December 2005
SCM Implementation: ClearCase
* General Info
Link : {{}}
License : Commercial
* SCM Url
For all URLs below, we use a colon (:) as separator. If you use a colon for one of the variables (e.g. a windows path), then use a pipe (|) as separator.
<view_name>: This is the name of the view that is created on a 'checkout' of the code. This parameter is optional.
<path_to_config_spec>: The config spec that is referred here will be used in the snapshot view that is created by the 'checkout' command. Be sure to add "load" rules to the config spec!
* Examples
* Extra Information
** Config spec
When a 'checkout' happens, then there will be a snapshot view created. To make sure all the correct elements are loaded in the view, the config spec must have "load" rules specified.
If you work with dynamic views, you will need to create an additonal config spec to include the load-rules. The easiest to do this is to
include your dynamic view config spec and add the necessairy load-rules. This is an example of a config spec with a load-rule:
include \\myserver\clearcase\configspecs\my_dynamic_configspec.txt
load /myvob/modules/my_module
** Viewstore location
By default the viewstore used is \\\\${hostname}\viewstore. However, if your viewstore is at a different location,
then create an clearcase-settings.xml file in a .scm subdirectory of your home directory. This is an example of
such a file:
** -vws parameter on mkview command
By default mkview command use -vws parameter. To use mkview without -vws, you can configure it in the clearcase-settings.xml file.
** ClearCase LT
By default work clearcase SCM provider with ClearCase full version. To use it with ClearCase LT version, you must specify it in the
clearcase-settings.xml file.
Because ClearCase LT save the viewstore in a default predefined and unchangeable folder, you should also specify the viewstore
root location in the clearcase-settings.xml file. (It's need to remove the clearcase view)