blob: 16d303b4b53ce0560f0337bfcd7fb4c9ffbcc13f [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.scm.provider.git.jgit.command.checkin;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmException;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFile;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFileSet;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmVersion;
import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkin.AbstractCheckInCommand;
import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkin.CheckInScmResult;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProviderRepository;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.git.command.GitCommand;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.git.jgit.command.JGitUtils;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.git.repository.GitScmProviderRepository;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.AddCommand;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.CommitCommand;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.UserConfig;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RefSpec;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* This provider uses the following strategy to discover the committer and author name/mail for a commit:
* <ol>
* <li>"user" section in .gitconfig</li>
* <li>"username" passed to maven execution</li>
* <li>default git config (system user and hostname for email)</li>
* </ol>
* the "maven-scm" config can be configured like this: <br>
* the default email domain to be used (will be used to create an email from the username passed to maven):<br>
* <code>git config --global maven-scm.maildomain</code> <br>
* you can also enforce the usage of the username for the author and committer:<br>
* <code>git config --global maven-scm.forceUsername true</code> <br>
* @author <a href="">Mark Struberg</a>
* @author Dominik Bartholdi (imod)
* @since 1.9
public class JGitCheckInCommand
extends AbstractCheckInCommand
implements GitCommand
protected static final String GIT_MAVEN_SECTION = "maven-scm";
protected static final String GIT_MAILDOMAIN = "maildomain";
protected static final String GIT_FORCE = "forceUsername";
* {@inheritDoc}
protected CheckInScmResult executeCheckInCommand( ScmProviderRepository repo, ScmFileSet fileSet, String message,
ScmVersion version )
throws ScmException
Git git = null;
File basedir = fileSet.getBasedir();
git = JGitUtils.openRepo( basedir );
boolean doCommit = false;
if ( !fileSet.getFileList().isEmpty() )
doCommit = JGitUtils.addAllFiles( git, fileSet ).size() > 0;
// add all tracked files which are modified manually
Set<String> changeds = git.status().call().getModified();
if ( changeds.isEmpty() )
// warn there is nothing to add
getLogger().warn( "there are no files to be added" );
doCommit = false;
AddCommand add = git.add();
for ( String changed : changeds )
getLogger().debug( "add manualy: " + changed );
add.addFilepattern( changed );
doCommit = true;
List<ScmFile> checkedInFiles = Collections.emptyList();
if ( doCommit )
UserInfo author = getAuthor( repo, git );
UserInfo committer = getCommitter( repo, git );
CommitCommand command = git.commit().setMessage( message ).setAuthor(, );
command.setCommitter(, );
RevCommit commitRev =;
getLogger().info( "commit done: " + commitRev.getShortMessage() );
checkedInFiles = JGitUtils.getFilesInCommit( git.getRepository(), commitRev );
if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
for ( ScmFile scmFile : checkedInFiles )
getLogger().debug( "in commit: " + scmFile );
if ( repo.isPushChanges() )
String branch = version != null ? version.getName() : null;
if ( StringUtils.isBlank( branch ) )
branch = git.getRepository().getBranch();
RefSpec refSpec = new RefSpec( Constants.R_HEADS + branch + ":" + Constants.R_HEADS + branch );
getLogger().info( "push changes to remote... " + refSpec.toString() );
JGitUtils.push( getLogger(), git, (GitScmProviderRepository) repo, refSpec );
return new CheckInScmResult( "JGit checkin", checkedInFiles );
catch ( Exception e )
throw new ScmException( "JGit checkin failure!", e );
JGitUtils.closeRepo( git );
private static final class UserInfo
final String name;
final String email;
UserInfo( String name, String email )
{ = name; = email;
private UserInfo getCommitter( ScmProviderRepository repo, Git git )
boolean forceMvnUser = git.getRepository().getConfig().getBoolean( GIT_MAVEN_SECTION, GIT_FORCE, false );
// git config
UserConfig user = git.getRepository().getConfig().get( UserConfig.KEY );
String committerName = null;
if ( !forceMvnUser && !user.isCommitterNameImplicit() )
committerName = user.getCommitterName();
// mvn parameter
if ( StringUtils.isBlank( committerName ) )
committerName = repo.getUser();
// git default
if ( StringUtils.isBlank( committerName ) )
committerName = user.getCommitterName();
// git config
String committerMail = null;
if ( !user.isCommitterEmailImplicit() )
committerMail = user.getCommitterEmail();
if ( StringUtils.isBlank( committerMail ) )
String defaultDomain = git.getRepository().getConfig().getString( GIT_MAVEN_SECTION, null, GIT_MAILDOMAIN );
defaultDomain = StringUtils.isNotBlank( defaultDomain ) ? defaultDomain : getHostname();
// mvn parameter (constructed with username) or git default
committerMail =
StringUtils.isNotBlank( repo.getUser() ) ? repo.getUser() + "@" + defaultDomain
: user.getCommitterEmail();
return new UserInfo( committerName, committerMail );
private UserInfo getAuthor( ScmProviderRepository repo, Git git )
boolean forceMvnUser = git.getRepository().getConfig().getBoolean( GIT_MAVEN_SECTION, GIT_FORCE, false );
// git config
UserConfig user = git.getRepository().getConfig().get( UserConfig.KEY );
String authorName = null;
if ( !forceMvnUser && !user.isAuthorNameImplicit() )
authorName = user.getAuthorName();
// mvn parameter
if ( StringUtils.isBlank( authorName ) )
authorName = repo.getUser();
// git default
if ( StringUtils.isBlank( authorName ) )
authorName = user.getAuthorName();
// git config
String authorMail = null;
if ( !user.isAuthorEmailImplicit() )
authorMail = user.getAuthorEmail();
if ( StringUtils.isBlank( authorMail ) )
String defaultDomain = git.getRepository().getConfig().getString( GIT_MAVEN_SECTION, null, GIT_MAILDOMAIN );
defaultDomain = StringUtils.isNotBlank( defaultDomain ) ? defaultDomain : getHostname();
// mvn parameter (constructed with username) or git default
authorMail =
StringUtils.isNotBlank( repo.getUser() ) ? repo.getUser() + "@" + defaultDomain : user.getAuthorEmail();
return new UserInfo( authorName, authorMail );
private String getHostname()
String hostname;
InetAddress localhost =;
hostname = localhost.getHostName();
catch ( UnknownHostException e )
getLogger().warn( "failed to resolve hostname to create mail address, "
+ "defaulting to 'maven-scm-provider-jgit'" );
hostname = "maven-scm-provider-jgit";
return hostname;