blob: e41c82cea1c2234ed68daf3b6666075273b26915 [file] [log] [blame]
Doxia Components as an OSGi plugin
Benson Margulies
26 August 2011
To have eclipse plugins that use the insides of Doxia, we need at least one
OSGi bundle containing Doxia itself. This could be arranged by adding OSGi
manifest metadata to them one-at-a-time, but I doubt that anyone has much
enthusiasm for that.
The initial attempt at this using the maven-bundle-plugin was relatively simple.
By using Embed-Dependencies and _exportcontents, you can instruct it to
grab all the maven dependencies of the current project as jars embedded in the
bundle jar, and set up the manifest to match.
Unfortunately, both the maven-eclipse-plugin and M2E are poorly behaved
in the face of this. m-e-p responds by trying to edit the MANIFEST.MF of
a project that uses it. M2E, according to Igor, 'does not support
Embed-Dependencies'. Since some of us are not big M2E fans, I'm structuring
this in a way which should be palatable to both.
That requires giving up on Tycho's ability to work with a dependent bundle
called out as a Maven dependency. Instead, this project builds an OSGi
bundle which is, essentially, 'shaded', and then sticks it into a P2 repository
hiding in the local repository. Then the Tycho build of the editor plugins
searches that repository.