blob: 063a135f959a2da22bdb511317d76a435ba69da6 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.aether.internal.test.util;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.Artifact;
import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.DefaultArtifact;
import org.eclipse.aether.graph.Dependency;
import org.eclipse.aether.graph.Exclusion;
import org.eclipse.aether.repository.RemoteRepository;
* @see IniArtifactDescriptorReader
class IniArtifactDataReader
private String prefix = "";
* Constructs a data reader with the prefix {@code ""}.
public IniArtifactDataReader()
this( "" );
* Constructs a data reader with the given prefix.
* @param prefix the prefix to use for loading resources from the classpath.
public IniArtifactDataReader( String prefix )
this.prefix = prefix;
* Load an artifact description from the classpath and parse it.
public ArtifactDescription parse( String resource )
throws IOException
URL res = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource( prefix + resource );
if ( res == null )
throw new IOException( "cannot find resource: " + resource );
return parse( res );
* Open the given URL and parse ist.
public ArtifactDescription parse( URL res )
throws IOException
return parse( new InputStreamReader( res.openStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ) );
* Parse the given String.
public ArtifactDescription parseLiteral( String description )
throws IOException
StringReader reader = new StringReader( description );
return parse( reader );
private enum State
private ArtifactDescription parse( Reader reader )
throws IOException
String line = null;
State state = State.NONE;
Map<State, List<String>> sections = new HashMap<State, List<String>>();
BufferedReader in = null;
in = new BufferedReader( reader );
while ( ( line = in.readLine() ) != null )
line = cutComment( line );
if ( isEmpty( line ) )
if ( line.startsWith( "[" ) )
String name = line.substring( 1, line.length() - 1 );
name = name.replace( "-", "" ).toUpperCase( Locale.ENGLISH );
state = State.valueOf( name );
sections.put( state, new ArrayList<String>() );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
throw new IOException( "unknown section: " + line );
List<String> lines = sections.get( state );
if ( lines == null )
throw new IOException( "missing section: " + line );
lines.add( line.trim() );
in = null;
if ( in != null )
catch ( final IOException e )
// Suppressed due to an exception already thrown in the try block.
Artifact relocation = relocation( sections.get( State.RELOCATION ) );
List<Dependency> dependencies = dependencies( sections.get( State.DEPENDENCIES ), false );
List<Dependency> managedDependencies = dependencies( sections.get( State.MANAGEDDEPENDENCIES ), true );
List<RemoteRepository> repositories = repositories( sections.get( State.REPOSITORIES ) );
ArtifactDescription description =
new ArtifactDescription( relocation, dependencies, managedDependencies, repositories );
return description;
private List<RemoteRepository> repositories( List<String> list )
ArrayList<RemoteRepository> ret = new ArrayList<RemoteRepository>();
if ( list == null )
return ret;
for ( String coords : list )
String[] split = coords.split( ":", 3 );
String id = split[0];
String type = split[1];
String url = split[2];
ret.add( new RemoteRepository.Builder( id, type, url ).build() );
return ret;
private List<Dependency> dependencies( List<String> list, boolean managed )
List<Dependency> ret = new ArrayList<Dependency>();
if ( list == null )
return ret;
Collection<Exclusion> exclusions = new ArrayList<Exclusion>();
Boolean optional = null;
Artifact artifact = null;
String scope = null;
for ( String coords : list )
if ( coords.startsWith( "-" ) )
coords = coords.substring( 1 );
String[] split = coords.split( ":" );
exclusions.add( new Exclusion( split[0], split[1], "*", "*" ) );
if ( artifact != null )
// commit dependency
Dependency dep = new Dependency( artifact, scope, optional, exclusions );
ret.add( dep );
exclusions = new ArrayList<Exclusion>();
ArtifactDefinition def = new ArtifactDefinition( coords );
optional = managed ? def.getOptional() : Boolean.valueOf( Boolean.TRUE.equals( def.getOptional() ) );
scope = "".equals( def.getScope() ) && !managed ? "compile" : def.getScope();
artifact =
new DefaultArtifact( def.getGroupId(), def.getArtifactId(), "", def.getExtension(),
def.getVersion() );
if ( artifact != null )
// commit dependency
Dependency dep = new Dependency( artifact, scope, optional, exclusions );
ret.add( dep );
return ret;
private Artifact relocation( List<String> list )
if ( list == null || list.isEmpty() )
return null;
String coords = list.get( 0 );
ArtifactDefinition def = new ArtifactDefinition( coords );
return new DefaultArtifact( def.getGroupId(), def.getArtifactId(), "", def.getExtension(), def.getVersion() );
private static boolean isEmpty( String line )
return line == null || line.length() == 0;
private static String cutComment( String line )
int idx = line.indexOf( '#' );
if ( idx != -1 )
line = line.substring( 0, idx );
return line;
static class Definition
private String groupId;
private String artifactId;
private String extension;
private String version;
private String scope = "";
private String definition;
private String id = null;
private String reference = null;
private boolean optional = false;
public Definition( String def )
this.definition = def.trim();
if ( definition.startsWith( "(" ) )
int idx = definition.indexOf( ')' ); = definition.substring( 1, idx );
this.definition = definition.substring( idx + 1 );
else if ( definition.startsWith( "^" ) )
this.reference = definition.substring( 1 );
String[] split = definition.split( ":" );
if ( split.length < 4 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Need definition like 'gid:aid:ext:ver[:scope]', but was: "
+ definition );
groupId = split[0];
artifactId = split[1];
extension = split[2];
version = split[3];
if ( split.length > 4 )
scope = split[4];
if ( split.length > 5 && "true".equalsIgnoreCase( split[5] ) )
optional = true;
public String getGroupId()
return groupId;
public String getArtifactId()
return artifactId;
public String getType()
return extension;
public String getVersion()
return version;
public String getScope()
return scope;
public String toString()
return definition;
public String getId()
return id;
public String getReference()
return reference;
public boolean isReference()
return reference != null;
public boolean hasId()
return id != null;
public boolean isOptional()
return optional;