blob: e3ea9fa762d0f3cb6a0803dfb8ef259890fb5f3c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.aether.transport.http;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
public class UriUtilsTest
private String resolve( URI base, String ref )
return UriUtils.resolve( base, URI.create( ref ) ).toString();
public void testResolve_BaseEmptyPath()
URI base = URI.create( "http://host" );
assertEquals( "http://host/file.jar", resolve( base, "file.jar" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/dir/file.jar", resolve( base, "dir/file.jar" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host?arg=val", resolve( base, "?arg=val" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/file?arg=val", resolve( base, "file?arg=val" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/dir/file?arg=val", resolve( base, "dir/file?arg=val" ) );
public void testResolve_BaseRootPath()
URI base = URI.create( "http://host/" );
assertEquals( "http://host/file.jar", resolve( base, "file.jar" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/dir/file.jar", resolve( base, "dir/file.jar" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/?arg=val", resolve( base, "?arg=val" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/file?arg=val", resolve( base, "file?arg=val" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/dir/file?arg=val", resolve( base, "dir/file?arg=val" ) );
public void testResolve_BasePathTrailingSlash()
URI base = URI.create( "http://host/sub/dir/" );
assertEquals( "http://host/sub/dir/file.jar", resolve( base, "file.jar" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/sub/dir/dir/file.jar", resolve( base, "dir/file.jar" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/sub/dir/?arg=val", resolve( base, "?arg=val" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/sub/dir/file?arg=val", resolve( base, "file?arg=val" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/sub/dir/dir/file?arg=val", resolve( base, "dir/file?arg=val" ) );
public void testResolve_BasePathNoTrailingSlash()
URI base = URI.create( "http://host/sub/d%20r" );
assertEquals( "http://host/sub/d%20r/file.jar", resolve( base, "file.jar" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/sub/d%20r/dir/file.jar", resolve( base, "dir/file.jar" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/sub/d%20r?arg=val", resolve( base, "?arg=val" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/sub/d%20r/file?arg=val", resolve( base, "file?arg=val" ) );
assertEquals( "http://host/sub/d%20r/dir/file?arg=val", resolve( base, "dir/file?arg=val" ) );
private List<URI> getDirs( String base, String uri )
return UriUtils.getDirectories( ( base != null ) ? URI.create( base ) : null, URI.create( uri ) );
private void assertUris( List<URI> actual, String... expected )
List<String> uris = new ArrayList<String>( actual.size() );
for ( URI uri : actual )
uris.add( uri.toString() );
assertEquals( Arrays.asList( expected ), uris );
public void testGetDirectories_NoBase()
List<URI> parents = getDirs( null, "http://host/repo/sub/dir/file.jar" );
assertUris( parents, "http://host/repo/sub/dir/", "http://host/repo/sub/", "http://host/repo/" );
parents = getDirs( null, "http://host/repo/sub/dir/?file.jar" );
assertUris( parents, "http://host/repo/sub/dir/", "http://host/repo/sub/", "http://host/repo/" );
parents = getDirs( null, "http://host/" );
assertUris( parents );
public void testGetDirectories_ExplicitBaseTrailingSlash()
List<URI> parents = getDirs( "http://host/repo/", "http://host/repo/sub/dir/file.jar" );
assertUris( parents, "http://host/repo/sub/dir/", "http://host/repo/sub/" );
parents = getDirs( "http://host/repo/", "http://host/repo/sub/dir/?file.jar" );
assertUris( parents, "http://host/repo/sub/dir/", "http://host/repo/sub/" );
parents = getDirs( "http://host/repo/", "http://host/" );
assertUris( parents );
public void testGetDirectories_ExplicitBaseNoTrailingSlash()
List<URI> parents = getDirs( "http://host/repo", "http://host/repo/sub/dir/file.jar" );
assertUris( parents, "http://host/repo/sub/dir/", "http://host/repo/sub/" );
parents = getDirs( "http://host/repo", "http://host/repo/sub/dir/?file.jar" );
assertUris( parents, "http://host/repo/sub/dir/", "http://host/repo/sub/" );
parents = getDirs( "http://host/repo", "http://host/" );
assertUris( parents );