[MRESOLVER-353] Make checksums configurable per remote repository (#290)

Setting can be applied per-remote repository, and this will affect
downloading and uploading of the checksums, per repository.


diff --git a/maven-resolver-impl/src/main/java/org/eclipse/aether/internal/impl/Maven2RepositoryLayoutFactory.java b/maven-resolver-impl/src/main/java/org/eclipse/aether/internal/impl/Maven2RepositoryLayoutFactory.java
index 5586615..e9a1ccd 100644
--- a/maven-resolver-impl/src/main/java/org/eclipse/aether/internal/impl/Maven2RepositoryLayoutFactory.java
+++ b/maven-resolver-impl/src/main/java/org/eclipse/aether/internal/impl/Maven2RepositoryLayoutFactory.java
@@ -103,7 +103,10 @@
         List<ChecksumAlgorithmFactory> checksumsAlgorithms = checksumAlgorithmFactorySelector.selectList(
+                        session,
+                        DEFAULT_CHECKSUMS_ALGORITHMS,
+                        CONFIG_PROP_CHECKSUMS_ALGORITHMS + "." + repository.getId(),
+                        CONFIG_PROP_CHECKSUMS_ALGORITHMS)));
         // ensure uniqueness of (potentially user set) extension list
         Set<String> omitChecksumsForExtensions = Arrays.stream(ConfigUtils.getString(
diff --git a/src/site/markdown/configuration.md b/src/site/markdown/configuration.md
index 797e843..4e193df 100644
--- a/src/site/markdown/configuration.md
+++ b/src/site/markdown/configuration.md
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 `aether.artifactResolver.postProcessor.trustedChecksums.record` | boolean | Makes `trustedChecksums` calculate and record checksums. | `false` | no 
 `aether.artifactResolver.postProcessor.trustedChecksums.snapshots` | boolean | Enables or disables snapshot processing in `trustedChecksums` post processor. | `false` | no 
 `aether.checksums.omitChecksumsForExtensions` | String | Comma-separated list of extensions with leading dot (example `.asc`) that should have checksums omitted. These are applied to sub-artifacts only. Note: to achieve 1.7.x `aether.checksums.forSignature=true` behaviour, pass empty string as value for this property. | `.asc,.sigstore` | no
-`aether.checksums.algorithms` | String | Comma-separated list of checksum algorithms with which checksums are validated (downloaded) and generated (uploaded). Resolver by default supports following algorithms: `MD5`, `SHA-1`, `SHA-256` and `SHA-512`. New algorithms can be added by implementing `ChecksumAlgorithmFactory` component. | `"SHA-1,MD5"` | no
+`aether.checksums.algorithms` | String | Comma-separated list of checksum algorithms with which checksums are validated (downloaded) and generated (uploaded). Resolver by default supports following algorithms: `MD5`, `SHA-1`, `SHA-256` and `SHA-512`. New algorithms can be added by implementing `ChecksumAlgorithmFactory` component. | `"SHA-1,MD5"` | yes
 `aether.conflictResolver.verbose` | boolean | Flag controlling the conflict resolver's verbose mode. | `false` | no
 `aether.connector.basic.threads` or `maven.artifact.threads` | int | Number of threads to use for uploading/downloading. | `5` | no
 `aether.connector.basic.parallelPut` | boolean | Enables or disables parallel PUT processing (parallel deploys) on basic connector globally or per remote repository. When disabled, connector behaves exactly as in Maven 3.8.x did: GETs are parallel while PUTs are sequential. | `true` | yes