blob: a419fc34f5947af87bf6ccc07d3fb9079a40069b [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.aether.internal.impl;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositoryEvent;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositoryEvent.EventType;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession;
import org.eclipse.aether.RequestTrace;
import org.eclipse.aether.SyncContext;
import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.Artifact;
import org.eclipse.aether.impl.Installer;
import org.eclipse.aether.impl.MetadataGenerator;
import org.eclipse.aether.impl.MetadataGeneratorFactory;
import org.eclipse.aether.impl.RepositoryEventDispatcher;
import org.eclipse.aether.impl.SyncContextFactory;
import org.eclipse.aether.installation.InstallRequest;
import org.eclipse.aether.installation.InstallResult;
import org.eclipse.aether.installation.InstallationException;
import org.eclipse.aether.metadata.MergeableMetadata;
import org.eclipse.aether.metadata.Metadata;
import org.eclipse.aether.repository.LocalArtifactRegistration;
import org.eclipse.aether.repository.LocalMetadataRegistration;
import org.eclipse.aether.repository.LocalRepositoryManager;
import org.eclipse.aether.spi.locator.Service;
import org.eclipse.aether.spi.locator.ServiceLocator;
import org.eclipse.aether.spi.log.Logger;
import org.eclipse.aether.spi.log.LoggerFactory;
import org.eclipse.aether.spi.log.NullLoggerFactory;
public class DefaultInstaller
implements Installer, Service
private Logger logger = NullLoggerFactory.LOGGER;
private FileProcessor fileProcessor;
private RepositoryEventDispatcher repositoryEventDispatcher;
private Collection<MetadataGeneratorFactory> metadataFactories = new ArrayList<MetadataGeneratorFactory>();
private SyncContextFactory syncContextFactory;
public DefaultInstaller()
// enables default constructor
DefaultInstaller( FileProcessor fileProcessor, RepositoryEventDispatcher repositoryEventDispatcher,
Set<MetadataGeneratorFactory> metadataFactories, SyncContextFactory syncContextFactory,
LoggerFactory loggerFactory )
setFileProcessor( fileProcessor );
setRepositoryEventDispatcher( repositoryEventDispatcher );
setMetadataGeneratorFactories( metadataFactories );
setSyncContextFactory( syncContextFactory );
setLoggerFactory( loggerFactory );
public void initService( ServiceLocator locator )
setLoggerFactory( locator.getService( LoggerFactory.class ) );
setFileProcessor( locator.getService( FileProcessor.class ) );
setRepositoryEventDispatcher( locator.getService( RepositoryEventDispatcher.class ) );
setMetadataGeneratorFactories( locator.getServices( MetadataGeneratorFactory.class ) );
setSyncContextFactory( locator.getService( SyncContextFactory.class ) );
public DefaultInstaller setLoggerFactory( LoggerFactory loggerFactory )
this.logger = NullLoggerFactory.getSafeLogger( loggerFactory, getClass() );
return this;
public DefaultInstaller setFileProcessor( FileProcessor fileProcessor )
this.fileProcessor = requireNonNull( fileProcessor, "file processor cannot be null" );
return this;
public DefaultInstaller setRepositoryEventDispatcher( RepositoryEventDispatcher repositoryEventDispatcher )
this.repositoryEventDispatcher = requireNonNull( repositoryEventDispatcher, "repository event dispatcher cannot be null" );
return this;
public DefaultInstaller addMetadataGeneratorFactory( MetadataGeneratorFactory factory )
metadataFactories.add( requireNonNull( factory, "metadata generator factory cannot be null" ) );
return this;
public DefaultInstaller setMetadataGeneratorFactories( Collection<MetadataGeneratorFactory> metadataFactories )
if ( metadataFactories == null )
this.metadataFactories = new ArrayList<MetadataGeneratorFactory>();
this.metadataFactories = metadataFactories;
return this;
public DefaultInstaller setSyncContextFactory( SyncContextFactory syncContextFactory )
this.syncContextFactory = requireNonNull( syncContextFactory, "sync context factory cannot be null" );
return this;
public InstallResult install( RepositorySystemSession session, InstallRequest request )
throws InstallationException
SyncContext syncContext = syncContextFactory.newInstance( session, false );
return install( syncContext, session, request );
private InstallResult install( SyncContext syncContext, RepositorySystemSession session, InstallRequest request )
throws InstallationException
InstallResult result = new InstallResult( request );
RequestTrace trace = RequestTrace.newChild( request.getTrace(), request );
List<? extends MetadataGenerator> generators = getMetadataGenerators( session, request );
List<Artifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<Artifact>( request.getArtifacts() );
IdentityHashMap<Metadata, Object> processedMetadata = new IdentityHashMap<Metadata, Object>();
List<Metadata> metadatas = Utils.prepareMetadata( generators, artifacts );
syncContext.acquire( artifacts, Utils.combine( request.getMetadata(), metadatas ) );
for ( Metadata metadata : metadatas )
install( session, trace, metadata );
processedMetadata.put( metadata, null );
result.addMetadata( metadata );
for ( int i = 0; i < artifacts.size(); i++ )
Artifact artifact = artifacts.get( i );
for ( MetadataGenerator generator : generators )
artifact = generator.transformArtifact( artifact );
artifacts.set( i, artifact );
install( session, trace, artifact );
result.addArtifact( artifact );
metadatas = Utils.finishMetadata( generators, artifacts );
syncContext.acquire( null, metadatas );
for ( Metadata metadata : metadatas )
install( session, trace, metadata );
processedMetadata.put( metadata, null );
result.addMetadata( metadata );
for ( Metadata metadata : request.getMetadata() )
if ( !processedMetadata.containsKey( metadata ) )
install( session, trace, metadata );
result.addMetadata( metadata );
return result;
private List<? extends MetadataGenerator> getMetadataGenerators( RepositorySystemSession session,
InstallRequest request )
PrioritizedComponents<MetadataGeneratorFactory> factories =
Utils.sortMetadataGeneratorFactories( session, this.metadataFactories );
List<MetadataGenerator> generators = new ArrayList<MetadataGenerator>();
for ( PrioritizedComponent<MetadataGeneratorFactory> factory : factories.getEnabled() )
MetadataGenerator generator = factory.getComponent().newInstance( session, request );
if ( generator != null )
generators.add( generator );
return generators;
private void install( RepositorySystemSession session, RequestTrace trace, Artifact artifact )
throws InstallationException
LocalRepositoryManager lrm = session.getLocalRepositoryManager();
File srcFile = artifact.getFile();
File dstFile = new File( lrm.getRepository().getBasedir(), lrm.getPathForLocalArtifact( artifact ) );
artifactInstalling( session, trace, artifact, dstFile );
Exception exception = null;
if ( dstFile.equals( srcFile ) )
throw new IllegalStateException( "cannot install " + dstFile + " to same path" );
boolean copy =
"pom".equals( artifact.getExtension() ) || srcFile.lastModified() != dstFile.lastModified()
|| srcFile.length() != dstFile.length() || !srcFile.exists();
if ( copy )
fileProcessor.copy( srcFile, dstFile );
dstFile.setLastModified( srcFile.lastModified() );
logger.debug( "Skipped re-installing " + srcFile + " to " + dstFile + ", seems unchanged" );
lrm.add( session, new LocalArtifactRegistration( artifact ) );
catch ( Exception e )
exception = e;
throw new InstallationException( "Failed to install artifact " + artifact + ": " + e.getMessage(), e );
artifactInstalled( session, trace, artifact, dstFile, exception );
private void install( RepositorySystemSession session, RequestTrace trace, Metadata metadata )
throws InstallationException
LocalRepositoryManager lrm = session.getLocalRepositoryManager();
File dstFile = new File( lrm.getRepository().getBasedir(), lrm.getPathForLocalMetadata( metadata ) );
metadataInstalling( session, trace, metadata, dstFile );
Exception exception = null;
if ( metadata instanceof MergeableMetadata )
( (MergeableMetadata) metadata ).merge( dstFile, dstFile );
if ( dstFile.equals( metadata.getFile() ) )
throw new IllegalStateException( "cannot install " + dstFile + " to same path" );
fileProcessor.copy( metadata.getFile(), dstFile );
lrm.add( session, new LocalMetadataRegistration( metadata ) );
catch ( Exception e )
exception = e;
throw new InstallationException( "Failed to install metadata " + metadata + ": " + e.getMessage(), e );
metadataInstalled( session, trace, metadata, dstFile, exception );
private void artifactInstalling( RepositorySystemSession session, RequestTrace trace, Artifact artifact,
File dstFile )
RepositoryEvent.Builder event = new RepositoryEvent.Builder( session, EventType.ARTIFACT_INSTALLING );
event.setTrace( trace );
event.setArtifact( artifact );
event.setRepository( session.getLocalRepositoryManager().getRepository() );
event.setFile( dstFile );
repositoryEventDispatcher.dispatch( );
private void artifactInstalled( RepositorySystemSession session, RequestTrace trace, Artifact artifact,
File dstFile, Exception exception )
RepositoryEvent.Builder event = new RepositoryEvent.Builder( session, EventType.ARTIFACT_INSTALLED );
event.setTrace( trace );
event.setArtifact( artifact );
event.setRepository( session.getLocalRepositoryManager().getRepository() );
event.setFile( dstFile );
event.setException( exception );
repositoryEventDispatcher.dispatch( );
private void metadataInstalling( RepositorySystemSession session, RequestTrace trace, Metadata metadata,
File dstFile )
RepositoryEvent.Builder event = new RepositoryEvent.Builder( session, EventType.METADATA_INSTALLING );
event.setTrace( trace );
event.setMetadata( metadata );
event.setRepository( session.getLocalRepositoryManager().getRepository() );
event.setFile( dstFile );
repositoryEventDispatcher.dispatch( );
private void metadataInstalled( RepositorySystemSession session, RequestTrace trace, Metadata metadata,
File dstFile, Exception exception )
RepositoryEvent.Builder event = new RepositoryEvent.Builder( session, EventType.METADATA_INSTALLED );
event.setTrace( trace );
event.setMetadata( metadata );
event.setRepository( session.getLocalRepositoryManager().getRepository() );
event.setFile( dstFile );
event.setException( exception );
repositoryEventDispatcher.dispatch( );