blob: 5eba55aa91bf6a81b6117954db94a27187905a0a [file] [log] [blame]
${esc.hash} Global Sync Context for Maven Resolver
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<span style="color: red; font-size: 16pt">***Note***: *This component is still considered to be experimental, use with caution!*</span>
The Global Sync Context Factory is Java global lock factory for Maven Resolver to provide a
concurrent-safe access from a single Maven instance to the same local Maven repository.
For further details about the factory read the [Javadoc](./apidocs/org/eclipse/aether/synccontext/GlobalSyncContextFactory.html).
${esc.hash}${esc.hash} Open Issues/Notes
- It only works when dependency injection is used and not the bundled `AetherModule` or
`ServiceLocator` (Maven uses dependency injection).
- Usage from plugins has not been tested yet.
- The `furnace-maven-plugin` does not work this implementation because it uses `ServiceLocator` instead
of dependency injection.
${esc.hash}${esc.hash} Installation/Testing
- Copy the following dependencies from Maven Central to `${maven.home}/lib/ext/`:
<pre class="source">
├── <a href="">javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.jar</a>
└── <a href="${project.artifactId}/${project.version}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar">${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar</a></pre>
- Now start a multithreaded Maven build on your project.
${esc.hash}${esc.hash}${esc.hash} Debugging
- Add/modify the following entries in `${maven.conf}/logging/`:
- Now start a multithreaded Maven build on your project and you should see at least these lines:
4626 [main] [TRACE] GlobalSyncContextFactory$GlobalSyncContext - Acquiring global...
35318 [main] [TRACE] GlobalSyncContextFactory$GlobalSyncContext - Releasing global...