blob: c17e359ad1d6989a49322e2a0daeffc0f8ea524e [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.resolver.internal.ant.tasks;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.maven.resolver.internal.ant.AntRepoSys;
import org.apache.maven.resolver.internal.ant.Names;
import org.apache.maven.resolver.internal.ant.types.Dependencies;
import org.apache.maven.resolver.internal.ant.types.Pom;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystem;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession;
import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.Artifact;
import org.eclipse.aether.graph.DependencyFilter;
import org.eclipse.aether.graph.DependencyNode;
import org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactRequest;
import org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResolutionException;
import org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResult;
import org.eclipse.aether.util.artifact.SubArtifact;
import org.eclipse.aether.util.filter.ScopeDependencyFilter;
public class Resolve
extends AbstractResolvingTask
private List<ArtifactConsumer> consumers = new ArrayList<ArtifactConsumer>();
private boolean failOnMissingAttachments;
public void setFailOnMissingAttachments( boolean failOnMissingAttachments )
this.failOnMissingAttachments = failOnMissingAttachments;
public Path createPath()
Path path = new Path();
consumers.add( path );
return path;
public Files createFiles()
Files files = new Files();
consumers.add( files );
return files;
public Props createProperties()
Props props = new Props();
consumers.add( props );
return props;
private void validate()
for ( ArtifactConsumer consumer : consumers )
Pom pom = AntRepoSys.getInstance( getProject() ).getDefaultPom();
if ( dependencies == null && pom != null )
log( "Using default pom for dependency resolution (" + pom.toString() + ")", Project.MSG_INFO );
dependencies = new Dependencies();
dependencies.setProject( getProject() );
getProject().addReference( Names.ID_DEFAULT_POM, pom );
dependencies.setPomRef( new Reference( getProject(), Names.ID_DEFAULT_POM ) );
if ( dependencies != null )
dependencies.validate( this );
throw new BuildException( "No <dependencies> set for resolution" );
public void execute()
throws BuildException
AntRepoSys sys = AntRepoSys.getInstance( getProject() );
RepositorySystemSession session = sys.getSession( this, localRepository );
RepositorySystem system = sys.getSystem();
log( "Using local repository " + session.getLocalRepository(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE );
DependencyNode root = collectDependencies().getRoot();
root.accept( new DependencyGraphLogger( this ) );
Map<String, Group> groups = new HashMap<String, Group>();
for ( ArtifactConsumer consumer : consumers )
String classifier = consumer.getClassifier();
Group group = groups.get( classifier );
if ( group == null )
group = new Group( classifier );
groups.put( classifier, group );
group.add( consumer );
for ( Group group : groups.values() )
group.createRequests( root );
log( "Resolving artifacts", Project.MSG_INFO );
for ( Group group : groups.values() )
List<ArtifactResult> results;
results = system.resolveArtifacts( session, group.getRequests() );
catch ( ArtifactResolutionException e )
if ( !group.isAttachments() || failOnMissingAttachments )
throw new BuildException( "Could not resolve artifacts: " + e.getMessage(), e );
results = e.getResults();
for ( ArtifactResult result : results )
if ( result.isMissing() )
log( "Ignoring missing attachment " + result.getRequest().getArtifact(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE );
else if ( !result.isResolved() )
throw new BuildException( "Could not resolve artifacts: " + e.getMessage(), e );
group.processResults( results, session );
public abstract static class ArtifactConsumer
extends ProjectComponent
private DependencyFilter filter;
public boolean accept( org.eclipse.aether.graph.DependencyNode node, List<DependencyNode> parents )
return filter == null || filter.accept( node, parents );
public String getClassifier()
return null;
public void validate()
public abstract void process( Artifact artifact, RepositorySystemSession session );
public void setScopes( String scopes )
if ( filter != null )
throw new BuildException( "You must not specify both 'scopes' and 'classpath'" );
Collection<String> included = new HashSet<String>();
Collection<String> excluded = new HashSet<String>();
String[] split = scopes.split( "[, ]" );
for ( String scope : split )
scope = scope.trim();
Collection<String> dst;
if ( scope.startsWith( "-" ) || scope.startsWith( "!" ) )
dst = excluded;
scope = scope.substring( 1 );
dst = included;
if ( scope.length() > 0 )
dst.add( scope );
filter = new ScopeDependencyFilter( included, excluded );
public void setClasspath( String classpath )
if ( "compile".equals( classpath ) )
setScopes( "provided,system,compile" );
else if ( "runtime".equals( classpath ) )
setScopes( "compile,runtime" );
else if ( "test".equals( classpath ) )
setScopes( "provided,system,compile,runtime,test" );
throw new BuildException( "The classpath '" + classpath + "' is not defined"
+ ", must be one of 'compile', 'runtime' or 'test'" );
public class Path
extends ArtifactConsumer
private String refid;
private path;
public void setRefId( String refId )
this.refid = refId;
public void validate()
if ( refid == null )
throw new BuildException( "You must specify the 'refid' for the path" );
public void process( Artifact artifact, RepositorySystemSession session )
if ( path == null )
path = new getProject() );
getProject().addReference( refid, path );
File file = artifact.getFile();
path.add( new FileResource( file.getParentFile(), file.getName() ) );
public class Files
extends ArtifactConsumer
private static final String DEFAULT_LAYOUT = Layout.GID_DIRS + "/" + Layout.AID + "/" + Layout.BVER + "/"
+ Layout.AID + "-" + Layout.VER + "-" + Layout.CLS + "." + Layout.EXT;
private String refid;
private String classifier;
private File dir;
private Layout layout;
private FileSet fileset;
private Resources resources;
public void setRefId( String refId )
this.refid = refId;
public String getClassifier()
return classifier;
public void setAttachments( String attachments )
if ( "sources".equals( attachments ) )
classifier = "*-sources";
else if ( "javadoc".equals( attachments ) )
classifier = "*-javadoc";
throw new BuildException( "The attachment type '" + attachments
+ "' is not defined, must be one of 'sources' or 'javadoc'" );
public void setDir( File dir )
this.dir = dir;
if ( dir != null && layout == null )
layout = new Layout( DEFAULT_LAYOUT );
public void setLayout( String layout )
this.layout = new Layout( layout );
public void validate()
if ( refid == null && dir == null )
throw new BuildException( "You must either specify the 'refid' for the resource collection"
+ " or a 'dir' to copy the files to" );
if ( dir == null && layout != null )
throw new BuildException( "You must not specify a 'layout' unless 'dir' is also specified" );
public void process( Artifact artifact, RepositorySystemSession session )
if ( dir != null )
if ( refid != null && fileset == null )
fileset = new FileSet();
fileset.setProject( getProject() );
fileset.setDir( dir );
getProject().addReference( refid, fileset );
String path = layout.getPath( artifact );
if ( fileset != null )
fileset.createInclude().setName( path );
File src = artifact.getFile();
File dst = new File( dir, path );
if ( src.lastModified() != dst.lastModified() || src.length() != dst.length() )
Resolve.this.log( "Copy " + src + " to " + dst, Project.MSG_VERBOSE );
FileUtils.getFileUtils().copyFile( src, dst, null, true, true );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new BuildException( "Failed to copy artifact file " + src + " to " + dst + ": "
+ e.getMessage(), e );
Resolve.this.log( "Omit to copy " + src + " to " + dst + ", seems unchanged", Project.MSG_VERBOSE );
if ( resources == null )
resources = new Resources();
resources.setProject( getProject() );
getProject().addReference( refid, resources );
FileResource resource = new FileResource( artifact.getFile() );
resource.setBaseDir( session.getLocalRepository().getBasedir() );
resource.setProject( getProject() );
resources.add( resource );
public class Props
extends ArtifactConsumer
private String prefix;
private String classifier;
public void setPrefix( String prefix )
this.prefix = prefix;
public String getClassifier()
return classifier;
public void setAttachments( String attachments )
if ( "sources".equals( attachments ) )
classifier = "*-sources";
else if ( "javadoc".equals( attachments ) )
classifier = "*-javadoc";
throw new BuildException( "The attachment type '" + attachments
+ "' is not defined, must be one of 'sources' or 'javadoc'" );
public void process( Artifact artifact, RepositorySystemSession session )
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( 256 );
if ( prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0 )
buffer.append( prefix );
if ( !prefix.endsWith( "." ) )
buffer.append( '.' );
buffer.append( artifact.getGroupId() );
buffer.append( ':' );
buffer.append( artifact.getArtifactId() );
buffer.append( ':' );
buffer.append( artifact.getExtension() );
if ( artifact.getClassifier().length() > 0 )
buffer.append( ':' );
buffer.append( artifact.getClassifier() );
String path = artifact.getFile().getAbsolutePath();
getProject().setProperty( buffer.toString(), path );
private static class Group
private String classifier;
private List<ArtifactConsumer> consumers = new ArrayList<ArtifactConsumer>();
private List<ArtifactRequest> requests = new ArrayList<ArtifactRequest>();
Group( String classifier )
this.classifier = classifier;
public boolean isAttachments()
return classifier != null;
public void add( ArtifactConsumer consumer )
consumers.add( consumer );
public void createRequests( DependencyNode node )
createRequests( node, new LinkedList<DependencyNode>() );
private void createRequests( DependencyNode node, LinkedList<DependencyNode> parents )
if ( node.getDependency() != null )
for ( ArtifactConsumer consumer : consumers )
if ( consumer.accept( node, parents ) )
ArtifactRequest request = new ArtifactRequest( node );
if ( classifier != null )
request.setArtifact( new SubArtifact( request.getArtifact(), classifier, "jar" ) );
requests.add( request );
parents.addFirst( node );
for ( DependencyNode child : node.getChildren() )
createRequests( child, parents );
public List<ArtifactRequest> getRequests()
return requests;
public void processResults( List<ArtifactResult> results, RepositorySystemSession session )
for ( ArtifactResult result : results )
if ( !result.isResolved() )
for ( ArtifactConsumer consumer : consumers )
if ( consumer.accept( result.getRequest().getDependencyNode(),
Collections.<DependencyNode>emptyList() ) )
consumer.process( result.getArtifact(), session );