blob: eb73fe2bf2bad47f7953efc23b2942daa7df32a2 [file] [log] [blame]
Hervé Boutemy
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Abstract classes to manage report generation, which can be run both:
* as part of a site generation, as a {{{../maven-reporting-api/}maven-reporting-api}}'s
* or as a direct standalone goal invocation, as a {{{/ref/current/maven-plugin-api/}maven-plugin-api}}'s
* Usage
A full working sample is included in <<<maven-reporting-impl>>> ITs, which are part of
{{{../source-repository.html}the component source tree}}: see <<<src/it/setup-reporting-plugin>>>.
* History
** Inclusion in Maven core
Until Maven 2.0.4, <<<maven-reporting-impl>>> was included in Maven 2 core distribution: version
used was completely driven by Maven version used.
The module was removed from Maven core starting with Maven 2.0.5 and
moved to shared components to improve fexibility: starting with Maven 2.0.5, each plugin can choose its
<<<maven-reporting-impl>>> version independently from Maven.
** Doxia runtime
When used as a direct standalone goal invocation, Doxia implementation used is the version used during plugin compilation.
When used as report during site generation, <<<maven-site-plugin>>> provides Doxia API implementation to the plugin, overriding
normal plugin dependency: see
in <<<{{{/shared/maven-reporting-exec/}maven-reporting-exec}}>>>.
** Doxia dependency
<<<maven-reporting-impl 2.0.x>>> use Doxia 1.0, then is used for reporting plugins wanting Maven 2.0.x compatibility.
From <<<maven-reporting-impl 2.1>>> to <<<maven-reporting-impl 2.3>>>, Doxia version used ranges from 1.1 to 1.4.
When creating a reporting plugin using one of these <<<maven-reporting-impl>>> versions,
take care to use corresponding <<<doxia-sink-api>>>:
* avoid <<<doxia-sink-api>>> version 1.0 that can be imported by <<<{{{../maven-reporting-api/}maven-reporting-api}}>>> 3.0:
this would lead to <<<"java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.SinkEventAttributes">>> when used as
direct standalone goal.
* avoid <<<doxia-sink-api>>> after 1.4 since RenderingContext was moved in Doxia 1.5 from core to Site Renderer (see
<<<maven-reporting-impl 2.4.x>>> use Doxia 1.6.
** Upgrading to <<<maven-reporting-impl 2.3+>>>
When upgrading a reporting plugin from an old version of <<<maven-reporting-impl>>> to version 2.3 or more,
a lot of copy/pasted code can be removed by upgrading the plugin to
{{{/plugin-tools/maven-plugin-tools-annotations/}plugin-tools with Java 5 annotations}}:
see {{{}MSHARED-347}} for more details.